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It’s a Giant!

Posted by Bob on December 14th, 2013 under Coaching Session

Far more Ancient Heroes were killed by mosquitoes than by dragons.

But you will never hear a tale about a Hero battling a mosquito.

We all know why. Since we all know why, someone who is not a Mantra Thinker will chuckle at the idea, then proceed on to something more Profound. But Mantra Thinking is obsession with analyzing “what we all know.”

Thinking about “what we all know” almost always leads to some real insight.

For example, no membership organization simply points out that the other side is just plain silly. This is for exactly the same reason that no legend has a Great Hero fighting one of the most dangerous animals man has ever faced, the mosquito.

And this lack of legends of Heroes fighting mosquitoes is also the reason malaria, yellow fever and all those other diseases were never tracked by Classical Medicine. Great Doctors of Medicine still bled patients and talked of Classical Theories of Humor Balance. They would never look down to the mosquitoes and the flies and the fleas that brought Plague.

Even regular people called malaria “bad air,” and closed their shutters to harmful fresh air in the night, “night air.” Fleas that brought the Plague were on rats. The first response to the Plague was to kill all the cats.

In order to convert to modern medicine, we had to recognize how STUPID the old medicine was. There could be no compromise: You could either show respect for Galen and Latin and Greek, or you could declare that Latin was no substitute, AT ALL, for washing your hands.

Respectable conservatism thrives by ignoring the mosquitoes. All our enemies are Geniuses and Dragons.

If your village has malaria or yellow fever, it is from mosquitoes, which means there is stagnant water within half a mile of you. BUGSERS go after the stagnant water.

The big outfits all fight dragons. Conservatives counter the Great Intellectuals of the Left, pro-whites go after Giant Conspiracies.

We develop memes about the stagnant water.

Mantra Thinking is the Genius of Simplicity.

  1. #1 by The Asgardian known as Michael on 12/14/2013 - 8:59 am

    We have to point out how stupid THIS current Anti White system is.

    Ya know coach I am amazed I really i am, I can’t get over how you saw the corner that we turned so early.

    I see it now in reactions from NON BUGSERS and non SF’ers on the video I linked a while ago with the Ko game.

    These people are FURIOUS they now are AWARE that things are being explicitly directed at our race…I mean these were normal people watching the discovery channel last month.

    Now they themselves are pointing out the contradictions and how stupid the system is…what beautiful thing.

  2. #2 by Jason on 12/14/2013 - 9:00 am

    All the big rewards – money, fame, position – seem to go to those who fight Dragons and Geniuses. People who want real power or accomplishments, have to trade a lot of that away.

    Everybody knows Albert Schweitzer, Mother Theresa and all the rock stars at the Live Aid for Africa event years ago, like Bono. They accomplished nothing but are held up as Heroes. Moral heroes!

    Hardly anyone knows the name Norman Borlaug. He was a Norwegian and the father of the Green Revolution in agriculture. He saved 1 billion lives by improving the yield of wheat. I guess people of color are still working on a thank you note.

    I look forward to the day when Bono is laughed at. Like Bob said a while back (paraphrasing), laughter is the only proper response to anti-Whites, race-deniers, communists and all the rest.

    And we need to quit making those who actually improve our condition live as martyrs.

  3. #3 by Mimmy Jarr on 12/14/2013 - 10:59 am

    It’s so cold up here I can walk on stagnant water.

  4. #4 by Daniel Genseric on 12/15/2013 - 9:12 am

    Liberals and Respectable Conservatives can either show respect for Wise and Ignatiev and pray at the altar of Diversity. Or they can realize that worshiping the tenets of Political Correctness is no substitute, at all, for denouncing and taking corrective action against white genocide.

  5. #5 by Simmons on 12/15/2013 - 10:13 am

    I think the American construction of the Panama Canal fits this description. But if you didn’t pay the workers to drain the stagnant water near the construction site so they could buy shiny baubles Panama would still be a head hunter’s paradise.

    Humans live in a spirit world, save for a few white men.

  6. #6 by jo3w on 12/15/2013 - 11:11 am

    Change the wasp in the logo to a mosquito!
    There was a liberian general in one of the million civil wars they had called “General Mosquito”
    Anti-white white supremacists would never acknowledge that the way “people of color” think about racial social dynamics is way ahead of White people.

  7. #7 by Daniel Genseric on 12/15/2013 - 2:45 pm

    White Rabbit, White Rabbit, Pandora is calling. She has a new home waiting for you on Chromecast. White Rabbit Radio now playing on Pandora.

    The Internet is about to give birth to television/radio as it was intended to be. Freedom!!!

  8. #8 by Sentinel on 12/16/2013 - 12:05 pm

    The silliness of Political Correctness is that hurting people’s delicate feelings is a greater offense than the concerted effort to get rid of White people.

    All the complaints of PC are over hurt feelings. Is this Kindergarten?!

    The sham that people take seriously becomes a real monster.

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