CS Lewis said he would give everything he had if the doctrine of Hell were taken out of Christianity. But, as he admitted, the Doctrine of Hell is there. Jesus himself said, in the Parable of the Wedding Guest, that most people would go to Hell, and not for any serious sin.
Most people end up in Hell, according to that Parable, because they were invited to Heaven, in the Parable a wedding, and they have worn the wrong clothes, which could only mean the wrong doctrine.
Lewis HATED that.
But the very term “Salvation” means Hell. You seek salvation FROM, not TO.
So why love God?
St. Augustine and Calvinists who believe in Predestination are wildly thankful to God for choosing THEM for Salvation from the Eternal Fire. Their point is that while God is viciously unforgiving to most, he chooses not to damn EVERYBODY.
This makes a lot of sense to a lot of people.
In fact, when a terrorist who holds people captive shows the tiniest bit of mercy, the captive tends to fall in love with him. Like God, he has no reason whatsoever not to torture you anymore, so your gratitude is for his showing any mercy at all when his whole reason for being there is to do all the harm he can.
This reaction to terrorists and torturers was discovered a generation ago.
CS Lewis recognized it and HATED it.
It is called The Stockholm Syndrome.
Outside of theology, that is.
#1 by Sentinel on 12/16/2013 - 11:59 am
I would relate this to pro-Whites’ reaction to any media anti-White who occasionally says something which could be construed as pro-White. They have bashed us and bashed us, and have a lot more money and moral back-patting to gain by continuing to do so, but we tend to be so hopeful at the faintest glimmer of Salvation from anti-Whitism that a lot of us elevate said media figure in our minds.
If we wait for anti-Whites to change, we’ll still be waiting in our graves. That’s why I love BUGS – we don’t rent from our enemies; we are creating our own foundation upon which to build our future. And it begins with words.
#2 by Bob on 12/17/2013 - 9:01 am
That first sentence relates even more to respectable conservatives” worship of any leftist who deigns to notice them.
#3 by Sentinel on 12/18/2013 - 12:00 pm
I can’t imagine a grown man living in fear of being SNUBBED by his supposed opposition. That would be funny if it weren’t so common. I guess that’s why they’re allowed to Represent us.
#4 by -Dave- on 12/17/2013 - 8:46 pm
When you take any fork in the road you are summoning providence.
And that is why people are easily threatened. Their preference is to stay put.
But BUGS took that fork in the road and our enemies ARE FORCED to react.
It is that simple.