Archive for February, 2014

Jews are a Social Construct

If you want to go to Germany and take advantage of the years in prison they give out so freely for speaking heresy, I have an easy two-step program by which you can be guaranteed a nice warm cell.

First, pass out pamphlets that refer to “Die Juedische Rasse,” “The Jewish race.” This is the term National Socialists used when THEY were handing out prison terms for heresy.

In our Politically Correct society, A Jew can be whatever he wants to be. The Jewish doctor on “Northern Exposure” told the Indians “I’m not white. I look white but I’m not.” He said that, like them, he had his own tribe.

A tribe is a social construct.

When the Prime Minister of Israel refers to “my nation” he is not talking about Israel. He refers to the “six million people of my nation” that Hitler killed.

I don’t know anybody this side of David Duke who would use the term “Jewish race,” and I haven’t even heard him use it.

So Jews can be a religion or a nation or a non-white minority group they choose in any conversation. They never choose “the Jewish RACE”.

Which brings us to the second step on how to get an automatic Hate Speech sentence in Germany today.

Add this line to your pamphlet: “The Nazis did not commit genocide because Jews are not a race.”



STOP and LISTEN to Jason’s POINT!

Year after weary year, I would do hard mental work to find the CRUX, the HEART of what is wrong with what anti-whites said. Year after year I would use this CRUX, like “genocide,” to bring them to their knees.

And so many thousands of times, the pro-white I was talking to would INVARIABLY tell me what my Statement reminded them of, or how some Name had said something like that, or what he had been waiting to say since before I started talking.

You BUGSERS know this, but you know it because I have no shame in constantly reminding you of it.

Like Rome, we are conquering our enemies because we spend all our practice time on the use of the SHORT sword.

The comments on one recent article were excellent. But one stopped me in my tracks.

It is BUGS Magic: A simple statement of EXACTLY where we are right now.

With that mark of BUGS genius, a PERIOD at the end.

And here it is, from Jason:
“I notice that they have no new attack. It’s just racist, racist, racist (as Benjamin noted on another thread). They seem to be cycling through names like ‘racist’, ‘supremacist’ and ‘nazi’ faster and faster. I guess they are back to ‘racist’ this week.”

What does it mean when your opponent is unable to come up with a new tactic?

I don’t want to underestimate them, but their basic playbook seems the same from decades ago.

I don’t think they know how to adapt to us.

Read that statement of where we are with a fully BUGS appreciation of how on-target it is.

THINK about it.

THINK about it like BUGSERS do, not trying to dress it up or saying what it reminds you of.




2014….. it is already starting out with a BANG!

Our mainstream presence is growing on a daily basis.

As Bob has pointed out, we are beginning to see “… the first flickerings of a grassroots growth of anger, fury and resentment from a White population that has been terrorized into the Stockholm Syndrome for most of a century.”

With our simple memes of obvious truths, we are getting more and more White people using our terminology and pointing out the anti-White contradictions using Our memes. With this We ARE empowering Our people.

The momentum that Our group at BUGS is generating is nothing short of phenomenal. We ARE changing the world. We ARE exercising True Power. And WE are doing this Together as only a few.

I have received an enormous amount of support, encouragement and agreement from so many different channels since the beginning of 2014.

So far this year bugsers have already achieved a multitude on last year. We are building momentum everyday, with every bit of activism on fighting White genocide.

Bob’s seminar is over, it is now time for Practicals and Reporting.

Keep up the Great work. Because We WILL Save Our Race.

