Archive for February, 2006


I have attention deficit, big-time, so it ishard for me to keep names straight.

I know PeterGene got cut off of Stormfront. I think somebody ELSE said they got cut off of Stormfront for criticizing the use of swastikes.

PeterGene, where the HELL are you? You were supposed to send me your SF screen name at

I NEED this, because I can ask questions i n defense of my Bloggers and they cease to be just theoretical.

So should the other person who got kicked off.

I need these names, as I said, so I can find out exactly what the policy is from Kelso and

Black when I meet with them, and I will be meeting with them a lot, this weekend.

Just last week, Nick Griffin, the head of the British National Party, quoted my post which was quoted by National Vanguard on the swastika (my stuff DOES get around!):

“The same point is made very effectively by Prof Robert Whitaker, writing in the latest issue of National Vanguard. This is the theoretical magazine of the National Alliance, perhaps one of the most hard line pro-white organisations in America, and one with which we also have very significant ideological and tactical differences, but the extremism of the Alliance only underscores the value of Professor Whitaker’s message. He explains how he regards it as self-evident that race mixing is wrong, then goes on to say that:”

“Liberals and ‘respectable’ conservatives agree that this makes me a ‘Nazi’! It also made
Harry Truman and Douglas MacArthur ‘nazis’ according to today’s respectable conservatives.

“It is time to take on this ‘nazi’ tactic without compromise.

“For many decades I have been yelled at by respectable conservatives and liberals screaming:

‘If you are a heretic on race, you are a NAZI!’ For anyone with any male hormones there is a hurting wish to scream: ‘OK, damn you, I’m a nazi.’ Many of us have yielded to that natural tendency. But the simple fact remains that I am not a ‘nazi’. Truman was not a ‘nazi’.

‘MacArthur was not a ‘nazi’.

“When you let them make you react that way, you are yielding to their Orwellian tactic.

— BNP – A Natural Home for Youngsters

“Professor Whitaker urges genuine nationalists and patriots to work to win those confused youngsters back from “the swastika and the klan.” He concludes: “As long as ‘respectable’ means ‘coward’, a lot of good people will fall for the lefts’ Orwellian ‘nazi’ tactic. Iwant the good people who have fallen for this enemy tactic to come back. I want them to join those of us who fight for freedom and who care about our race.”




In his on target comment, Tim includes the following:

“Interesting to note, folks that grew up around areas like I did (heavily minority areas) are converted already. ”

Tim, this is the story on race. When I was young, Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota was the leader on “civil rights.” At that time Minnesota had next to no blacks. Swedes and other Europeans were frothing at the mouth about civil rights. They were all-white.

It was, in fact, a well-known rule of thumb that the less blacks an area had, the more integrationist it was.

My first multicultural experience was when I was sent to an all-white segregated school. I was raised almost entirely among blacks.

You may notice my enthusiasm for integration was never very great. I’ve hinted that here several times.

When my fiancee came back from South Africa to take her degree at the University of Vienna, no one would listen to her onthe subject of race. They said that, having lived and worked in Sout Africa for several years, she was prejudiced.

This puzzled her a little, but I assured her that I was used to it. Prejudice means to PRE-judge. So if you have actual experience with non-whies, you are PREjudging them. If you never met one until you were in your teens, you are not prejudiced.

Of course, those who have been there are POST-judging, and those who spin theories around the absense of minorities are PRE-judging.

As whites are being chased down in every corner of the world, us POSTjudgers are becoming ever more numerous.


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Tim Hits the Bullseye!

The title is my reply to Tim’s comment on abortion:

I always get asked about abortion. I always say: “It depends on who is getting aborted”. This draws anger and awe. The usual reaction is shock. The oddest thing is that EVERYONE knows what I mean! This has come as a surprise to me. You would think someone would ask for a further explanation. It has almost never been the case. I think Katrina has solidified a few things for us Mr Whitaker. I have seen more folks interested in my remarks. I have also seen and heard WAY more folks who are much more receptive to the title RACIST. I see folks more and more that do not bat an eyelash at this stuff. Now we just have to get more parots like me. Interesting to note, folks that grew up around areas like I did (heavily minority areas) are converted already. The Suburban folks are in general stupid and naive. I see why the politicos have no respect for the masses (I hate to put it like that because it may make me seem unconcerned toward the common man–which is obviously not true –or I would not be here on this blog). The suburban soccer moms are feeling the fire and getting more protective—mother ducks are becoming LESS STUPID and Naive. Thank Gawd. I was wondering how many Haitians living next door to a person in the burbs it would take to get through to them. Lenin had White people pegged when he stated:”Worse is Better”. These stupid immigration policies may be seen as the saving grace for our race.


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I Don’t CARE and Abortion

Many a young girl has confided to me that what she wants in life is EXACTLY what feminism condemns.

She wants to devote her life to having children and she wants a man to support her.

That is the feminist DEFINITION of the enslavement of women. So when a girl tells me that, she does so in whispers.

In a totalitarian society, all natural preferences are conferred in whispers. All real feelings are banned.

Believe me, I know.

I cannot tell you how many people in politics have told me, in whispers, that they don’t give a damn about abortion.

There is no justification for this that anyone in today’s politcs can express.

Listen to the pro-life argument:

“Oh, God, this little tiny baby, no, someone more helpless than a baby, will be KILLED….”

And so forth.

You are absolutely required to take a position on this.

If you are in politics, you are required to be vitally concerend with EVERY issue, especially “Here is a helpless human being being MURDERED.”

Don’t quibble. Murder is defined as willfully taking a human life.

If, as the Pope says, a fertilized egg is as human as any adult, taking its life IS murder.

But back on Planet Earth, many if not most fertilized eggs are rejected by the body.

The Pope is just plain wrong. Everybody knows he is wrong.

So pro-life politicians WHISPER to me that this is SILLY.

The same Pope who declared that life begins at conception also declared that an unbaptized baby was DAMNED.

Do you have the slightest idea what DAMNED means?

So pro-life congressmen deal with pro-lifers, but they tell me in whispers that this is nonsense.

The psychopaths who have taken over the Religious Right quote the Pope, though they have no idea that that is what they are doing. The shriek and they scream, so nobody is allowed to disagree with them.

I am SICK of the simple truth being WHISPERED.

The idea that a fertilized egg is a child is ridiculous.

But our society cannot face any question of genetics or of who should be born. So instead of discussing these questions, we have to emote to suit them.

PETA is right. If anything that breathes is as important as a human being, then every member of the Animal Kingdom is equal. If a fertilized egg is as important as you are, then so is every squirrel.

PETA and the Pope are right: If you start differenitating between feriltized eggs and squirrels, how can you avoid RACIST conclusions?

You can’t.



I Don’t BELIEVE You!

The kind of thing that really makes me laugh is what happened to my brother many years ago.

He was up in Tennessee moving into a house that had its own furnace. His family moved in in the spring so the furnace would not be used for a long time, but he was showing them the place, so naturaly he showed his children the furnace.

He was e4xplaining the furnace to his daughters, aged two, four and six. He told the girls that the way he heated the furnace was by burning the coal that was sitting there.

The girls looked at what was obviously a pile of black rocks and grinned at him.

“Daddy is being FUNNY again.”

Children knew that you don’t burn rock.

I thought it was hilarious, and so did he. How do you PROVE to the most practical people on earth, little girls, that black rock DOES burn if you are in warm weather and can’t burn it?

Once my doctor brother was interviewing for a job at a home for the retarded. He had enormoua intellectual credentials, and he got the job.

My brother got his MD, then did his internship and full residency in pediatrics and then a full residency in neurology. As a result, he was awarded the one-year residency at Harvard in the field of pediatric neurology.

He was a member of the Harvard faculty.

The ONLY member of the Harvard faculty who wore a “(George) Wallace for President” button to work.

Back to the story, he had not the slightest problem getting that job at the retarded home.

The only problem he faced was when he was at the retarded home for the first time waiting for the interview.

He wanted a drink of water and he couldn’t find a button or a pedal on water fountain.

One of the retarded children walked to him and said, rather pityingly and trying hard not to make my brother feel dumb, “You push THIS right HERE.”

Once again, both my brother and I have had endless fun over this incident.

“Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

You don’t have to argue with children or retardeds. Children will learn. Retardeds, by definition, CANNOT learn.

You should just admire their sense of reality.

But what if you are dealing with people who are physically and clinically adult, but who can never grow up? They have been told, and they BELIEVE, that Mommy Professor and Experts have given them the Final Truth.

They are disgusting freaks. They are warped creatures who were meant to be adults someday. But they are forever crowded into the womb.

Growenups inthe womb!

How repuslive can you GET?

They deserve my pity. But, God help me, all I feel is disgust.

Chidren’s sayings are funny.

Retarded children are charming.

But the products of Mommy Professor are not quite so humorous.


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