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All in the Family

Posted by Bob on June 7th, 2007 under Bob

Ben Franklin said, “A man only has three true friends, an old wife, an old dog, and ready money.”

When you get to their house, the old wife will say something like, “That lazy old codger is sitting on his backside as usual. He’s so shiftless it’s a wonder his heart’s beating.” But if YOU say anything like that about her old man, she’ll bite your arm off up to the shoulder.

This blog is inside the family. When I comment on Kelso the Robot or Jared Taylor and Sam Dickson with their coats and ties, it is an inside-the-family thing. I am happy to see Jared. He can reach audiences I cannot. Same with Sam.

Kelso is absolutely indispensable.

If some anti attacks them, I’ll be all over him.

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