Archive for November, 2009

Outer Space and Cyberspace

As I talked about before, the end of those SST flights at 2.2 times the speed of sound across the ocean marked the first time in aviation history that a faster mode of transportation was abandoned. For emergency communication, the SST is not necessary. We have speed of light communication.

Certainly computer speed will multiply thousands of times in this century. Already successful experiments in wiring computers directly into brains have succeeded on men and monkeys. In fact, there is no good reason why many paraplegics shouldn’t be walking with these direct connections now.

In a few decades, we will be able to transmit not only sound, but taste and feel, at light speed. We will be able to reproduce it. Taste and feel are a combination of a finite number of different sensations. In other words, about everything we LIKE can be reproduced and transmitted in cyberspace straight to our taste centers.

Taste and feeling are broken down into a finite number of parts, like pictures. We have nothing like the computer speed to transmit them now. But will we decide to fulfill our desires by living in space and doing large things, or by satisfying ourselves within the area of our brains?

Both methods would “save the environment” in a way no army of Kyoto-style bureaucrats could do by assigning allowed growth to each country and each industry.

The only real way to save the environment would be to leave it, either for outer space or for cyberspace or a combination. Now we come up against the REAL objectives of the group that yells environmentalism. The day the USSR collapsed, every socialist I knew suddenly became an environmentalist. Mommy Professor and all his kiddies dream of a world ruled by Mommy Professor.

They don’t care whether Mommy Professor rules as Commissar or a Kyoto-style bureaucrat, the idea is as natural as it is absurd. And Mommy Professor does not care a whit more for the deer than he did for the Welfare of the Proletariat. They dream of a world ruled by Marxist Intellectuals or bureaucratic tree-huggers as naturally as an industrialist naturally tends toward price-fixing.

It is just that nobody ever mentions that Mommy Professor, like any other occupation, has a natural bias.

One who balances outer space and cyberspace in real calculations of the future must CARE about the results. Mommy Professor has no interest in any of it. He is against all technology in a fundamental way. He does not want any technological solution to get in the way of a Moscow-based or Kyoto Treaty based dictation by Intellectuals who will provide quotas and philosophical discussions in place of bread and butter.

The one example we have is atomic power, but, like the SST, there will a lot more things happening in this mix. Industrialists always found something wrong with laws against price-fixing, and the Intellectuals will always find reasons why obvious technical solutions are dangerous or immoral.


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For almost two millennia, Western Society made an ideal of someone who whipped himself bloody each night, who starved himself, and who, above all, was totally sterile.

Now we sit around and shake our heads in wonder and ask how white self-hatred has become our highest ideal.

Hey, stupid, IT ALWAYS WAS!

I have pointed to the roots in Buddhism and decaying Zoroastrianism, but will we sit around and make up stories about Conspiracies by Aliens.

My simple explanation that we are the race with the least adaptation to environment and therefore we are the race that took the ideal ground is rather obvious once it is stated. People want whites because they look better. Whites look better because we concentrated on competition among ourselves, including blond hair and blue eyes.

People adapted to frozen places have Oriental epicanthic eye folds. People who adapt to hot or cold do NOT have white skin. But I still hear the old “Challenge of the Frozen North” crap.

In fact, the reason historians tried so hard to put Zoroaster in the sixth century, BC — I just head that on a documentary but even mainline historians dismissed it a long time ago — is because Israel only became monotheistic in the seventh century BC. There could not be a whole Persian Empire that was monotheistic long before.

That’s why the philistines — Persian-oriented philosophers — were denounced. In early days there was constant power struggle in Israel between those who favored the current Egyptian dynasty and those who favored the ruling power in Mesopotamia. Israel/Judah was just a buffer state. Studying that history alone is exactly like studying Belgium with no reference to Germany or France or the Netherlands or Spain.

No wonder the only non-Jew praised by the Old Testament was Cyrus of Persia. And it was almost certainly in the never-bemoaned Persian Captivity that monotheism came to Israel.

So was is this history avoided? It demonstrates the one fact that both anti-whites and Conspiracies want to deny: Our fate is our making. No other race can have that much influence over the only creative race that exists.

The only creative race that exists.

The only creative race that exists.

Other groups did not create our self-destructive disease. There is not one word in the Old Testament or even in the New Testament before Paul about how sterility was an idea. And Paul was a Pharisee. He was a sophisticate of his time, which meant that he was steeped in the knowledge of his time that included heavy doses of degenerate Zoroastrianism.

Everything connects. People roll their eyes when I talk about Z but talk endlessly about Jewish history. They totally misinterpret transmigration of souls as if it were a GOOD thing or a RELIGIOUS thing. It is the Wheel of Life, which ancient Aryan philosophy teaches ESCAPE from.

So our self-hatred is HELPED by enemies, but, like everything else, it comes from US.

As I said before, every piece of Oriental Wisdom turns out to be an old Aryan fad that got frozen into the Oriental motionlessness. Kung Fu was a religion in itself. The Way of its day. That’s why the Orientals still have religion we have long since forgotten, along with Communism, which will ALWAYS be in China, just as will Buddhism, which scarcely exists in India.

Each thing above presents a new world view from that we now have. And we have a different diagnosis of our disease.




I have pointed out that no one EVER asks ANYBODY to define a racist when they use it as an attack. But asking for definitions is very common on the other side.

I said that I believed there is “life” on Venus. But of course that life will be, in a masterpiece of understatement, “different” from life here. The reason there is likely to be life on Venus is precisely our definition of “life” has expanded, due to the finding of extremophiles under miles of ocean in temperatures that would make boiling water, which is used for sterilization, or killing all life here, seem cool.

And THAT earthly extremophile life descended from us, or vice-versa. When I say “life” therefore, I am talking about a form that is related to us only by some common spore that was in space or which developed entirely separately. Because of this broadened definition the term “life” has a different ring today than it would have fifty years ago.

A lot of our philosophy has a similar problem with definition. Arguing over the Trinitarian Father and Son is made further complex by the fact that the very definitions which were so carefully laid out in Nicene Creed were critical to people at their time, with their definitions of things. We repeat words like “of the same substance” but we really have no idea what THEY were arguing about.

To a fourth-century Greek, “substance” was as technical a term as “quark” or “electron” is to us today. We think it sounds religious, but a Greek atheist then, and they did exist, would use the term the same way a Christian did. Scientifically, in their day, a thing was made up of form and substance, in exactly the same way that things are scientifically made up today of atoms and electrons.

A Nicene Creed composed today would be as weird to the fourth century as theirs is to ours. The difference is, they would KNOW it was odd. No one today, atheist or religious, has any idea how meaningless the creed in its old form is today. Let me hasten to add that this is the fault of theologians. We could mean the same thing without all those monomaniacal references to the same substance and so forth.

In the last fifty years we have irreversibly changed our definition of class and conflict. When I was coming up it was absolutely believed that animals held no territory, that animals were at peace with their own kind, that animals had no class system, and so forth.

So the CRITICAL basis of all our beliefs was that war, property, class and national boundaries were all purely the result of human social arrangements. However different their solutions, just about everybody agreed on that, from the eugenicists who sought to breed man into a higher form to the few socialists who were not eugenicists at the time who said that if money were abolished, all those problems would end.

Today, Marxism and PC repeat the same mantra, exactly as Christians repeat the Nicene Creed in a form that is meaningless to them. No one asks them for definitions, for a discussion of basics in the light of reality today, any more than anyone asks them the definition of racism.

We constantly hear that mankind is one. The lion shall lie down with the lamb. But what we now know about nature is that an animal will tolerate another species in its territory, but it will kill another of its own kind that trespasses.

If a liberal cites the strict gun laws in countries with low violence, no one mentions Switzerland, where they have open carry and are heavily armed, but the usual low European rate of violence. If someone talks about how peaceful the world will be when “the races,” meaning all white countries and only white countries, are mixed, peace will reign.

No conservative EVER mentions the countries where that glorious mixing HAS occurred, as in Brazil. And no one who makes his living being a conservative will ever bring any of those things up.

Why not? Because to ask liberals these things would make them look SILLY. The job of a person who wants to be in “the opposition” to what is now a set of completely laughable ideas is to avoid making them look silly.

Only amateurs can deliver the message today.



Exposing Absurdity Means Not BEING Absurd

It is very important for us to search for life on other planets because we certainly won’t find it here.

I was watching a documentary which said “Nothing could live on Venus.”

Why? Because of the heat and pressure. The pressure on Venus is less than that on the vents where life abounds. The heat down there is well above that used for sterilizing water. It is cooler than Venus’ surface, but jumping from life thriving at 400 to life thriving at 900 is not is not much of a leap.

The atmosphere of Venus is very very thick Carbon Dioxide. We are a carbon-based life form. So while the hydrothermal vents have given hope of finding life on a moon of Jupiter, under the ice cover, Venus is will considered impossible.

Well, thermal vent life on earth considers it impossible to live up here, so Venusian life would have the same reaction to our cold earth with its near-vacuum atmosphere.

I think there is life on Venus.

Back when I was a boy and snakes had legs, there was a recitation of what conditions were necessary for life. Even when I first heard this recitation in sixth grade, I thought, “It means life like US.” The conditions certainly excluded life in the five-mile-deep thermal vents we didn’t know about yet.

Others besides myself noticed that the conditions for life were very narrow, but the DEFINITION of life given routinely in our classrooms described fire. This was back when every textbook and even comic books declared that “Modern anthropologists have proven that all races are equal in inherited abilities.”

Whenever the Genome Project brings up something that can be used to push the old line on race it hits the literature. Most peopled don’t even remember each line after it has been abandoned.

In a recent interview we were talking about Obama’s Nobel Prize. I pointed out that anybody who does Political Correctness a favor gets a mantel full of Prizes. Sometimes the Awards come in so quickly they are embarrassing. The black reporter for the New York Times who was exposed for making up his stories was up to his neck in Awards. A black woman who made up a huge story about a child dope addict and her interviews with him had a Pulitzer Prize they had to take back.

An Emory Professor who wrote a book about how early Americans had no guns was exposed for making up his sources. Once again, the Awards he had already gotten were legion and had to be taken away, along with his job.

For every one of these cases, there are a hundred that are not exposed. There are no scandals in the press, so the two cited here represent hundreds not exposed. In fact, the Washington Post, which demanded full accountability from every other profession, had been debating for months whether to keep the false reporter on.

A tenured professor, much les a tenured LEFTIST professor, is next to impossible to fire, so this one case at Emory gives you some idea how reliable academic stuff that backs Political Correctness is. The professor’s awards and the reporters’ awards would never have been questioned if they been just a little more careful in making up their stuff.

If you can get anything that backs the Politically Correct line it will be published. No one ever notices if it is dropped later.

It was the same with the old line “Modern anthropologists have proven that all races are equal in inherited abilities.” As a matter of fact, every professor who ended breaking up this nonsense, like Jensen, started out by believing this orthodoxy implicitly. They were each just looking for a confirmation as a side note, and couldn’t find it.

One of the brief headlines of the Genome Project was that all men were from one “African woman.” It turned out that the “woman” referred to was two million years ago. Even that was probably not true.

But who is going to look into it? It took a generation before the old “Modern anthropologists have proven all races are equal in inherited ability” crap got knocked out and the price paid by those who did it was great. It will be along cold day in Hell before THEY get any awards for it.

This is why I keep emphasizing that information is a PRODUCT. You always have to ask why is a piece of crap and/or information produced. In other words, what information WILL be produced with the incentives in place?

Instead of this very obvious and practical approach, people put together tomes on giant conspiracies. They never seem to talk about things like, “Who is going to QUESTION PC orthodoxy? What will happen to them if they do?

We all know that the one place where there is titanic power and money and NO SCANDALS is in the media. But when I mention this, people react by saying “Of course not.”

They then chuckle and go back to their Vast Conspiracy stuff. If you are dealing with someone who rejects all that conspiracy stuff, your average Joe, he laughs too. He knows very well that a reporter can get caught lying and be OK, both black reporters cited above are doing just fine, thank you, and you may be assured the Emory professor has found plenty of employment that pays better than his old job.

But from the internal memos on the subject we also know that no reporter on the New York Times DARED tell the story of his openly lying colored comrade. None of this would surprise anybody. But if there are lots of people who can be quoted as turning these obvious realities into a Giant Conspiracy, this simple truth can be covered up and ignored.

BUGS is dedicated to using common sense, what everybody knows, to explain reality.

It works. Conspiracies don’t.


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BUGS Team Action

BUGS and the white rabbit is a study in tactics. I cannot be identified with any Only Truth, and the White Rabbit includes a mystical movement with which I cannot identify. On the other hand, it is one of ours and he has concentrated on the Mantra.

This would normally have been a serious problem before, but I have a secret weapon.

I am sure Horus felt slighted by my not dealing directly with him, but personal feelings is not what we are about. In fact, one of the essential elements of team work is that we slight each other or give each other too much credit. My tiny Populist Forum consisted of me, my wife, and a Bob Hoy, who had been a newspaper photographer.

Bob Hoy had once made a commitment he could not fulfill. So I called the person he was in deep with and said Bob could not make that commitment because “He is just our publicity man, I’m responsible for decisions and commitments.”

I would “have to clear things with Bob” or with my wife.

Not only did this get us off a lot of hooks, but it also gave the impression of a large, rigidly organized operation with resources, of which we had none. The Communist Daily World denounced us as one of the Big Money Groups, like the Heritage Foundation, on the right.

We didn’t have a bank account. We didn’t have any written hierarchy or rules. We just did things.

I was talking to some of our folk on Skype and more than once someone said, “People ought to be told about…”

My reply was, “so TELL them!”

Someone high in the BNP told me I was “the most quoted person in the BNP.”

I said, “You mean the most quoted AMERICAN in the BNP?” He said, no, the most quoted PERSON. I am sure that is not true, but the point is that one major man in the Party thinks it is, so I must be doing something right.

Horus simply went ahead, got over any natural worries, and did the job.

Well done, Comrades.
