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Ice Knight

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  • in reply to: Anti-racist Hitler has arrived! #39669
    Ice Knight

    Brilliant video!  So many hours must have gone into making it, but well worth the wait!

    Loved the Barbara Spectre references and the “mein anti-racist kampf” LOL

    Like Jason says, that liberal character is pure genius – definitely worthy of a starring roll if you are planning any future productions.


    Ice Knight

    Thanks for spotting it Horus, now fixed 🙂

    Ice Knight

    Many thanks Horus, always great to get an endorsement from one of the commanders in chief of the White rabbits! 🙂

    My fault for not sending it over to you, we’ve only had it finalised and up on Youtube in the past few hours and Johnny is most likely fast asleep  in his rabbit hole as it’s the middle of the night in Australia!

    Yes we’ll have to see if Tim Wise comes a calling.  It was automatically banned in France within the first hour of being uploaded, so they’re certainly running scared of our message!

    Looking forward to seeing what the Green Goddess brings…hopefully the anti-racist Hitler video…have been looking forward to that one for a long long time!




    in reply to: Neocons switching over to the Mantra #39046
    Ice Knight

    Yes I agree Daniel, he won’t receive his pay check if he does full Mantra.

    Interesting nonetheless that the message is running away from them and they are being forced to catch up.  We really are taking control of the message.

    in reply to: New Mantra Video-Black Men Discuss White Genocide #38937
    Ice Knight

    Great video!  Have posted to Stormfront as it usually helps to boost the view count.

    in reply to: MINI MANTRAS PRO #38892
    Ice Knight

    Welcome British 74 – we don’t do News and Jews here as we don’t believe it works with our audience – that is why we focus purely on White GENOCIDE.

    I strongly suggest you read up on the link below to help you understand why the Mantra is such a powerful tool.

    We’re usually a friendly bunch here – unless people go off message, then the gates of hell will be opened upon you 😉

    in reply to: New mantra video, check it out #38143
    Ice Knight

    Great video Nordoxen!

    Nice clean presentation – clear, simple and to the point!

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #37972
    Ice Knight

    Mandela, I’d be very cautious about the term race mixing, it’s taking us off message and into the territory of the co called “White Supremacist”.

    A  White person choosing to have children with a non-White immigrant might be morally dubious but it is not a criminal offence under the current system.

    However supporting policies of mass immigration and FORCED ASSIMILATION in all White countries and ONLY White countries is a VERY SERIOUS CRIMINAL OFFENCE – GENOCIDE.

    I normally stick with FORCED assimilation.





    in reply to: Experiment: Operation Hornets #37796
    Ice Knight

    Good idea but just a note on the anti-White target you have picked.  He banned me and deleted my posts a while back, so censorship appears to be their general response to a message they are unable to answer.

    in reply to: Non-Whites/Anti-Whites spreading the Mantra #37587
    Ice Knight

    @Cleric Preston – Interesting discussion she was having with Zombiekiller, I think she gets what it is about a lot better than most White people.  Quite amazing really!

    Good sign that random people are picking this up and running with it, she hasn’t just seen it once but multiple time which can only be good.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #37548
    Ice Knight

    @jmcaul, yes I’d agree there is a definite group of  White anti-Whites in complete denial about what they are actually supporting.  They’ve been naively sucked in by the system and firmly believe they occupy the moral high ground – to be suddenly hit with the Mantra and accused of supporting GENOCIDE is devastating to their whole world view.  As Horus says these are the people that have been conned, reveal the con to them and they are the most likely to get angry.  I’m pretty sure I’ve made a few converts along the way.

    As for offering a solution, as BUGSters we can’t really go there.  We’re just trying to empower the people with knowledge in the hope they will use this knowledge to collapse the system.  Ultimately there is no easy solution, so just like the Samizdat and the Soviet Union, I think we are still reliant upon economic collapse as the catalyst before people will accept the type of radical solution required.



    in reply to: Help needed, URGENT #37543
    Ice Knight

    Good luck James, as Jason says no point in playing the martyr in a private hearing.

    Get a lawyer, say very little, conform, lie and try and limit the damage they can do to you…then keep up the great work and continue spreading the Mantra as far and wide as you possibly can! 🙂



    in reply to: January 2013 Posting Performance #37335
    Ice Knight

    Simon, there was some debate about posting links and a few months ago we had a total blackout as the anti-Whites were following us around and flagging our posts.

    My guess is that we only see about 5-10% of what is actually being posted out there as actual links on BUGS.  It’s certainly true of myself as I’m pretty bad for reporting.  I think we also have BUGSters out there posting that are not even registered with BUGS.

    Considering the target was always 300 BUGSters, but we hover around 50-100 on BUGS, we seem to be achieving massive coverage.  Almost any race related item I click on these days is already plastered with the Mantra!





    Ice Knight

    Well done Adelheim you certainly pushed the anti-White onto the defensive and had them tied in intellectual knots.  They were making some quite obvious contradictions and must realise how weak their position has become.

    I would however agree with Patrickwhiterabbit, you were just to damn nice and polite to the anti-White.  I’ve worked with a lot of Scandinavians and I know direct confrontation is not really part of your culture – however push them far enough and a wonderful Viking rage still lurks beneath the surface!  This is what we should be using.

    The Mantra is best delivered by being just plain nasty to anti-Whites.  We shouldn’t entertain their arguments.  We have the moral high ground and those that try and justify our geNOcide should fear us.

    in reply to: Plan to grow White Nationalism #36958
    Ice Knight

    @ Justawhitemom  – yes a case can certainly be argued that the Genocide convention parts a) b) d) and e) are also being violated, but the issue is much more clouded and often involves individual cases, hence it gives the anti-Whites much more room to attack. For example “Part a) Killing members of the group” is really News and Jews territory.

    “Part c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part” is a perfect fit for the Mantra message of mass immigration and FORCED assimilation in ALL White countries and ONLY White countries.

    My feelings are that whilst we are establishing the consistent message we need to keep it as simple and obvious as possible, hence I only tend to use Part c).  Only one act needs to be violated for it to be classified as Genocide, so I choose the easiest one.

    Once the Mantra is fully established maybe we could introduce discussion of parts a) b) d) and e) but that said I’d be happy enough to just leave it to the lawyers to chew over at the tribunals 😉

    Ice Knight

    LOL Brilliant exchange!  Completely shows them up as the anti-Whites that they really  are allowing petitions for non-White groups but then censoring the message of White GENOCIDE.  You completely destroyed that Ben Sneddon in your exchange and even he must know it!  LOL

    in reply to: Lessons of Babylon #36179
    Ice Knight

    Video has gone but is available elsewhere.

    in reply to: New Mantra Video White Genocide-Intermarriage #36178
    Ice Knight

    Great video.  Someone else has uploaded if BUGSters want to spread it around.


    in reply to: ladyBUGS #35939
    Ice Knight

    Great stuff Minervia!  Don’t forget “ALL White countries and ONLY White countries”, the ONLY bit is important to include as it shows the racial targeting required for GENOCIDE.

    in reply to: Stormfront Questions the Mantra (ATTN: Bob Whitaker) #35897
    Ice Knight

    @Daniel “The resistance in this SF thread bears a striking resemblance to the anti-white resistance I experience on a day-to-day basis. ”

    I’m 90% certain those attacking it over there are actual anti-Whites.

    The Mantra gets them so frustrated as it is pretty much impossible to subvert.  They are taking one of the very few opportunities available to them to try and create division and divert us from our work.  It is desperation on their part and they are LOSING!  LOL




Viewing 20 posts - 141 through 160 (of 215 total)