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Secret Squirrel

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  • in reply to: White Genocide Video Project #13464
    Secret Squirrel

    Anti-white Racism has Reached Critical Mass in America

    Lots of good clips in this one. Noel Ignatiev digging himself in deep, plus many others.

    in reply to: White Genocide Video Project #13426
    Secret Squirrel

    New Tram video, with a Black guy saying he wants to kill White people. This one will get no media attention at all, which is a good thing to point out in your video.

    My Tram Experience in France

    I haven’t seen the video maker before and he is pointing out the anti-White contradictions, like a Mantra pro:

    “How come millions of Africans aren’t moving to Japan to get welfare and affirmative action; then people telling the Japanese “it’s OK, we’re all from Africa”?

    How come blacks always talk about slavery when “we’re all Africans anyway”?

    Why do people say “we’re all the same, we all bleed red” then claim only white people are racist and that we need to correct for selective interpretations of history by punishing white people? How does any of this ‘solve’ racism?

    j1mmyZeta 2 hours ago

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #13355
    Secret Squirrel

    I think you understand young people well, when it comes to reading text on PCs. On forums, if someone yammers on too long and too long can be more than a quarter page, some people respond with tl;dr, and many are thinking it, if they don’t type it.

    tl;dr means Too long; didn’t read

    If you want someone to watch a documentary, you have to make it visually attractive and we have people that can do that.

    White Genocide Video Project

    These guys made the start of their documentary look like the opening credits of modern zombie horror movie, a genre that is very popular with young people right now.

    in reply to: White Genocide Video Project #13334
    Secret Squirrel

    Check these turkeys out. They are an anti-White comedy act in Australia, with the full support of the Federal Govt funded TV station called the ABC.

    They call themselves “Fear of a Brown Planet”, can you believe that? lol

    I commented on their Youtube channel, but of course they are filtering.

    Fear of a Brown Planet – White People

    Sorry I was unable to watch more than 30 seconds. My blood boils when I watch White lefties, let alone their Brown replacements.

    Secret Squirrel

    “Okay, so you want non-Whites out of White countries. WHAT IS YOUR SOLUTION?”

    How do you have the gall to ask us about policy, when you are Denying White GeNOcide is occurring and then Justifying it and worse, you are screaming at anyone that wants to talk about White GeNOcide, a naziwhowantstokilllsixmillionjews?

    When you acknowledge that White GeNOcide is occurring and allow us to discuss this issue openly and rationally, then you have the right to ask us about policy.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #12475
    Secret Squirrel

    Give people the right to discuss this issue rationally and real freedom of choice, and integration would be doomed. The anti-Whites know this and that is why they shout racist.

    If they want to vote to Brown THEMSELVES out, they can do so. But they cannot force other people to go with them, even if they can out vote dissenters. As dungeoneer says, you can’t vote for the genocide of a race, even if you are of that race.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #12220
    Secret Squirrel

    Coniglio Bianco
    See this article. Pt 3 applies to what you just did there. You may as well be giving the anti-Whites a helping hand.


    “3) Now they use the old race does not exist stuff. And immediately you start tailgating them again, trying to get your racial theory, the one we’ve spent decades being defeated using, to COUNTER their argument.

    COUNTER, dumbos, means going on the defensive.”

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #12213
    Secret Squirrel


    There is so much wrong with what you said there I don’t even know where to start. But I will say this.

    What you are doing is called dehumanization. Basically you are saying that because White children don’t exist, you are allowed to do whatever you want to them. What you are doing is a common trait in genocidal opinions. You are pushing the genocide of white children.

    I’ll tell you what, if you show me examples of you going to pro-black sites and saying “blacks don’t exist so we should be able to do whatever we want to them” then I’ll conclude that you aren’t just anti-white, you’re anti-human-being.

    Until then you are only promoting the genocide of white children. You say you are “anti-racist.” What you are is anti-White. “Anti-racism” is a codeword for anti-White.”

    You nailed him with that one Roderick. I will use it next time these anti-White creeps, try that “white people” in quotes, nonsense.

    in reply to: Thanks Bob. #12168
    Secret Squirrel

    Lastly, ALL anti-Whites take great pains to DENY White people exist, then they talk about “White Privilege” and all the “evil” things White people did, for which we as a RACE, are forever guilty.

    As you Deny our existence, do you also Deny the existence of White Privilege and all the “evil” things we did, hundreds of years ago? lol

    Anti-White, do you see that what you write is contradictory nonsense? Do you have enough intelligence to understand you are an anti-White buffoon?

    in reply to: Thanks Bob. #12165
    Secret Squirrel

    The UN Genocide law states that genocide, is the elimination of an identifiable national group. It does not specify how a genocide should be carried out, as to whether it counts as a “real” genocide or not.

    As you are saying race is not real, you are also saying genocide is IMPOSSIBLE.

    “, the mantra is directed to generate fear about what might happen if thousands of “non-whites” “take over” white countries.”

    The Mantra points out so called “anti-racists” like yourself, Demand, ONLY White countries must have massive immigration and forced integration from the third world. That means ONLY White people will disappear. That is GeNOcide.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    And are you really saying, GeNOcide is not to be feared, anti-White? lol What a foolish thing to say.

    No one is Demanding any non-White nation should be blended out of existence, for whatever reason and it shouldn’t be feared. Would you care to prove me wrong and name a non-White nation to do that to right now? I will only accept compelling reasons, as to why they should be blended out of existence and not fear it – GeNOcide.

    “Will inter-marriage, or sharing of our land (which was stolen by the way) destroy that? No”

    All nations are nations of immigrants.
    All nations are created by immigration.
    All nations are destroyed by immigration.

    STOLEN? Funny how when White people take lands by conquest, hundreds of years ago, it is STOLEN and it is an EVIL thing, yet when anti-racists Demand Non-Whites be allowed to TAKE all White lands on the planet AND blend White people out of existence (White GeNOcide), it is a GOOD thing.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    In your post, you started by DENYING White GeNOcide and you finished by JUSTIFYING it.

    All anti-Whites do this.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    We don’t have an opposing views section here anti-White, as this is a site that organizes pro White dissidents to oppose White GeNOcide. So if you wish to campaign for White GeNOcide, you can do so in public, where you have the freedom to be anti-White and we are prevented from being Pro White. So don’t expect to be allowed to post here in the future, as we are busy doing important things like stopping the GeNOcide of White people. And besides, people that Demand White GeNOcide, are just not welcome here.

    As for talking to Bob, you must be dreaming. A child educated in the basic use of the Mantra, could deal with an anti-White like you. Bob has more important things to do.

    in reply to: Crazy Ideas For Spreading The Mantra #11999
    Secret Squirrel

    “The guy has SERIOUS mental issues.”

    Don’t they all? lol

    Okay, if this anti-White wants to promote BUGS, that’s fine by me.

    in reply to: Crazy Ideas For Spreading The Mantra #11995
    Secret Squirrel

    There’s an anti-White (or Pro White?) on this article, encouraging anti-Whites to spam their garbage on BUGS.

    Horus has been talking about ‘attracting’ people recently, so what about using reverse psychology? Sure we’d get anti-Whites, but we’d also get interested White and Normal visitors.

    Here is his post:

    2:10 AM EDT
    This topic has been targeted for spam by the so-called “race realists.” They are being sent over by this topic on their guru’s forum: whitakeronline(dot)org/blog/to­pic/where-did-you-post-the-man­tra-today/page/105/

    Go over and tell them what you think. They spammed first. Spam them back. Turnabout is fairplay.

    in reply to: White genocide Print and Media Warehouse #11855
    Secret Squirrel

    If you can make your own site that’s great. The more places doing the Mantra the better.

    “I’ll just pick through and find the best info that is summed up in the shortest format”

    Look through the last few years here and you’ll find some real gems. Apart from the archives at BUGs, there are some posts stored over here:

    in reply to: White genocide Print and Media Warehouse #11849
    Secret Squirrel

    “Does anyone have a mantra card design we can see?”

    No Mantra on his one, but it looks good and advertises White Rabbit Radio. It would be perfect with just:

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    on the back.

    White Rabbit Radio – Offline Activism

    Secret Squirrel

    “getting into the mind of the enemy is a powerful tool.”

    Sure, but doing what works is more powerful. From your post, your approach was clearly not working. So you should have worded it like, What am I doing wrong? And people would have bent over backward to help.

    “shall we ALL agree BUGS is ONLY for Mantra posts? I’ll be honest. I think thats an awful idea. As i said we need to learn ALL sides. We need to get into our enemies minds. ”

    Bob spent 10 years slogging it out alone at Stormfront, trying to get them to use the Mantra. Do you think he wants people to get off topic on his blog? How is going off topic showing respect for his efforts?

    As I pointed out this is the big leagues. Many people on this blog take it very seriously and are giving up a lot. So if you want to go off topic, there are other places for that. Stormfront, White News Now and so on, are good places to talk about almost anything pro white.

    BUGS is different to all the rest. We are effective, because we found a consistent message that works, and we stay on it night and day. We are the anti-white’s nightmare.

    As some other posters suggested, have a rest and come back when you feel better. Your Mantra work is appreciated.

    Secret Squirrel

    Don’t take it personally, they are keeping you on track as BUGS is only about the Mantra and the Mantra works. So if you are told to maintain Mantra discipline, take it on the chin and try and do better. Around here you have to swallow your pride and be prepared to learn.

    Having said that, if you learn something that works by all means report back. But just be aware that we want to see humiliated and crushed anti-whites in your wake. We are playing in the big leagues, so we will accept nothing less.

    Secret Squirrel

    Ole Bob showed us how do it, when he came back from the conference:

    If race doesn’t exist, genocide is IMPOSSIBLE.


    If race doesn’t matter, genocide DOESN’T MATTER.

    in reply to: YouTube says the mantra is "hate speech" #10125
    Secret Squirrel

    TSOT, Genseric:
    You guys made me think of radio shows, where they ring up a random caller and troll them. Imagine putting the best anti-white up on Youtube? Shame they would call it harassment in many places.

    I think what is happening they have been marking everything you do as hate speech and then it is going into some auto-ban system. If you query it, they will have to get a human look at it. The only problem is I don’t know how to query it. Try asking at Stormfront in the multi-media section. There should be some redress, if you are deliberately targeted by politically motivated people. Point that out to Youtube, if you get the chance.

    in reply to: A call to Arms! #10042
    Secret Squirrel

    Lord Nelson,
    See Poe’s law.

    in reply to: A call to Arms! #10031
    Secret Squirrel

    All right now you guys have got me doubting this and an anti-white last night, was calling her a poe. I had to look up what it was. lol

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