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Secret Squirrel

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  • Secret Squirrel

    I think Ole Bob would say, any publicity is good publicity.

    Attack the contradictions of the anti-White system, at all times.

    If they say you are from Stormfront, you can point out that someone who claims to be fighting prejudice, is in fact prejudiced themselves. How does he know you are from Stormfront? He doesn’t.

    In your opinion I am from Stormfront. You are just saying that because I am White. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    Secret Squirrel

    We don’t debate anti-Whites here either.

    Since Lord Nelson has raised the subject, I have only ever noticed you post one link in the Swarm. Do you post the Mantra online, or spread it using any other method?

    Secret Squirrel

    “We really are in serious danger of turning into somekind of cult here folks.”

    And that is what the trolls within WN, will try to paint us as.

    “First let me say that I was sad to see some of us ending up arguing with some of the folks over at SF.”

    Most people that go to Pro White sites, don’t go there with a purpose, they go there to relax and blow off steam. Commenting on the news and arguing with other Pro Whites, is their form of relaxation. So I won’t be posting over there, as those people are a waste of time.

    I do think LN’s advice is the best so far, as simpler is better:

    “It’s obvious it’s not for YOU”

    Secret Squirrel

    “Okay here’s the honest truth. Look at the amount of voices in the first where did you post the Mantra. Now look at the second. Something is not working here. My opinion? Bob is wrong to imply that Bugsters must “give the others hell” when they don’t march TOTALLY in step with the rest. The premise here is try it out and report back if its working or not. Well i am reporting back. Being overly curt to fellow pro Whites (and MOST importantly fellow Bugsters) is NOT working. We need 300. We have 30 (31 including me as i haven’t posted in the new thread yet.) ”

    “I was pointing this out because it seems like we have had a drop in voices of about 62% from the first where did you post the mantra thread to the new one. That to me suggests there is something that happens when people do join the Swarm that turns them off. ”

    We need 300 on message BUGSers to bring down the “Berlin Wall”, not 300 of anything. Stormfront has 200,000 members and the wall is still there. That is the point.

    Bob has said, finding the right people for the core group, will take some time, so I assume such people are rare. Also, I have not seen anyone being overly curt with anyone here, unless I have missed something? The comments on us getting angry with Doubting Thomas, is why I made this thread. So if we create a well thought out system, for dealing with these people, that will improve our public image no end.

    As for your comments on drop off, I think what is happening is, people realize BUGStering is hard work. Speaking for myself, I have always found Youtube particularly grueling and it burns me out quickly, simply because I allow my emotions to get in the way. If I could turn off my emotions like a Zen Master, burnout wouldn’t be a problem.

    Case in point, I noticed one BUGSer posting angry on Youtube and knew she was not going to last long, because no one can sustain that level of intensity for very long. People have to understand that BUGStering is a marathon, it is not a sprint.

    Anyway, I posted this thread with the hope there would be more suggestions, for dealing with argumentative Pro Whites. Anyone got any further ideas? Mine are just suggestions that people can try out and see if they work. If you use any of the above, please report back with your results.

    Secret Squirrel

    Ramzpaul explaining operant conditioning and why the Mantra works:

    My Tram experience – Emma West and Somalia

    in reply to: Are you new to BUGS Swarm? #14933
    Secret Squirrel

    Welcome Pridigar! 🙂

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #14861
    Secret Squirrel

    I would be surprised if the UN did collect such stats, because they are controlled by anti-Whites.

    What you can do is compile the links in a few minutes from reputable publications, or better, tell people to check for themselves.

    White Minority USA
    White Minority Canada
    White Minority UK
    White Minority Germany
    White Minority France
    White Minority Australia
    White Minority New Zealand
    etc for all White countries – they will get tons of hits.

    For White countries that are not yet multicultural (Eastern Europe), Google immigration requests from the UN and multiculturalism.

    Then tell them to Google Black/Asian minority, for Black/Asian countries – they will get no hits.

    If you go down the stats road, you are giving the anti-Whites a chance to debate the validity of the stats. What they cannot argue with is the fact they Demand all White countries turn Brown.

    If they deny that they Demand all White countries turn Brown, ask them, “Which White countries, in your opinion are allowed to remain White?”

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #14860
    Secret Squirrel

    I would be surprised if the UN did have such stats, because they are controlled by anti-Whites. What you can do is compile the links in a few minutes, from reputable publications, or tell interested people to check for themselves.

    White Minority USA
    White Minority Canada
    White Minority UK
    White Minority Germany
    White Minority France
    White Minority Australia
    White Minority New Zealand
    etc for all White countries.
    For White countries that are not yet multicultural, tell them to Google immigration requests from the UN.

    Then tell them to Google Black/Asian minority for their countries.

    If you go down the stats road, you are giving the anti-Whites a chance to debate the validity of the stats. What they cannot argue with is the fact, they Demand all White countries turn Brown. If they deny it, ask them, “Which White countries, are allowed to remain White?”

    in reply to: Share your Antiwhite Conversations #14695
    Secret Squirrel

    4. “When we say “All white countries” we will be picked up on this and asked for evidence. I just about managed to cobble together some links. Does anyone have anything better?”

    With respect you’re falling into a very basic trap here. This is the same ‘control trick’ the Anti-Whites were using in your point number 3. I guess they must learn it from their mommy professors.

    Anyhow. Below is one example of how I would answer that Anti-White:

    ‘You Anti-Whites can provide all the evidence yourselfs by telling us which European countries you believe have a right to stay White? (Good Luck!)’

    That is pure gold. Thanks Lord Nelson

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #14544
    Secret Squirrel

    Don’t you know by now? White anti-Whites, are lunatics. They look like me, but are not loyal to me.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #14539
    Secret Squirrel

    Just point out the non-White would never date anything that would look like the children they would have. And of course point out they are only thinking of themselves and not the child, which is selfish.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #14538
    Secret Squirrel
    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #14535
    Secret Squirrel

    Bob wrote a couple of articles a while back, one of which was called, Its Ugly.

    I think it was saying, the non-White that prefers Whites, would never date something that looks like the children he would father with a White woman. So the non-White claims to love this woman, but he is ensuring, there will be no more like her. That is very destructive.

    There was a picture of Hedi Klum, Seal and Hedi Klum’s first White husband floating around here somewhere. The first child is a gorgeous little blonde girl. The child from the first marriage to a White man. The next two children she has with Seal, are half-Africans. So no more pretty blonde girls will be created. It is quite shocking to see both types of children together. As Bob says, its ugly.

    Also you can ask them to stop thinking about themselves for a minute and think about what life will be like for a mixed race child, belonging with neither one race, or the other.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #14415
    Secret Squirrel

    If he is mixed race, it is in his ethnic interest, there be a mixed future, in all White countries. He is not loyal to White people, he is loyal to his own kind, which is mixed race people.

    See what mixed race Obama does, regarding immigration in America. He sues any state that tries to stop illegal immigration. Again Obama is mixed race and it is in his ethnic interest, to make America non-White.

    If the anti-White is White, he does not value his own Whiteness, which is fine by me. The problem arises, when he insists Whites that do value their Whiteness, also lose their identity and be forcibly integrated with non-Whites. Creating conditions that will destroy identifiable groups, against their will, is GeNOcide.

    We have a right to a continued existence. The anti-White, no matter what his race, will not accept that. They are all guilty of GeNOcide.

    Direct him to this video and ban him, if he become a nuisance.

    White Genocide – explained

    in reply to: Also calling Anti-Whites 'Genocidists'? #14105
    Secret Squirrel

    “Also I have a question about the mantra. The part that says bringing non Whites into only White countries. What about Tibet? They were swamped by the Chinese to finish them off.”

    Exactly. Tibet is one of the glaring contradictions you can rub their noses in.

    Here’s one you can use:

    “China has tried to force immigration (and integration of groups like Tibetan Nomads) into Tibet. This has routinely been labeled Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide by the UN and “Anti-racist” groups. Yet you will never hear a peep about the clear and consistent Targeting of White Children.

    Forced immigration into all white countries and only white countries (anywhere else is labeled genocide)

    Forced integration in all white countries and only white countries (anywhere else is labeled genocide)

    Then they push interracial relationships in all white countries and only white countries …….hmmmmm….there is a pattern emerging here

    then they promote a Brown future for ALL White Countries…hmmmm

    …….SURE is difficult to see how the word Genocide applies here.”

    in reply to: Also calling Anti-Whites 'Genocidists'? #14075
    Secret Squirrel

    One thing you can do that I am told works by a reliable source, is to make this accusation:

    “You want White Genocide”

    Of course they will Deny it. Stage 8 of genocide is always denial of genocide:

    “So you are a White GeNOcide Denier?”

    But never forget, “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White” is the core concept, we want White people to understand.

    in reply to: Also calling Anti-Whites 'Genocidists'? #14072
    Secret Squirrel

    As dungeoneer says,

    “Anti-white to infinity”

    “Anti-white is the cow with a million tits”

    Secret Squirrel

    I had an anti-White deliberately ignoring my point, that no where in the UN GeNOcide Law, does it say a genocide is not real, if it is not violent.

    He kept asking for statistics of people killed in White countries, over and over again.

    What I did was not answer and keep pointing out the inconsistency of what he was asking of me.

    China race replaces the Tibetans and Forces them to Integrate.

    “Anti-racists” call it GeNOcide.

    Israel race replaces the Palestinians and Demands the remainder Integrate.

    “Anti-racists” call it GeNOcide.

    “Anti-racists” Demand genocide only for white children.

    “Anti-racists” call White GeNOcide “Diversity”.

    Anti-racists are not asking Tibetans or Palestinians for statistics to prove their case of GeNOcide, they only ask this of White people.

    in reply to: New Anti-White Tactic on Youtube? #13630
    Secret Squirrel

    How about this?

    “Which White GeNOcide promoting group, do you belong to anti-White?”

    Asking them that question is only meant to return the insult as it is given. They will never answer a question that assumes their guilt. Would you answer a question phrased like that? I wouldn’t. lol

    in reply to: New Anti-White Tactic on Youtube? #13618
    Secret Squirrel

    HD is right. As soon as Nazi stops intimidating White people, they will start using, Vicious-Nazi-Extremist. You wait and see.

    These labels anti-Whites have been using on White people for the last 50 years, are nothing but Verbal Whips.

    As soon as a White person starts to drift from the heard, the anti-White cracks their whip, tears a little flesh off their victim, and they step back into line.

    Now White people finally have a whip, to use on their oppressors.

    Anti-White! – Crack!

    Anti-White! – Crack!

    So don’t waste it guys. Use it well. 🙂

    Something I tried out the other day, when responding on an article for April Gaede, was asking an anti-White, “Which anti-White group do you belong to?”

    I think it is only fair to ask start asking them which anti-White group they belong to, as the anti-Whites in the media are always talking about “White Supremacist Groups”.

    The Anti-Whites have their own version of these so called “hate groups”. So lets start labeling them as well.

    “White and Normal

    White and Normal

    White and Normal”

    Is that one of Bob’s? It is very good. 🙂

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