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Reality Versus the Only True Faith

Posted by Bob on November 6th, 2009 under Coaching Session

I have pointed out that there is fundamental conflict between freedom of speech and country based on a Truth. A country based on loyalty to one’s own kind can accept any truth. But a society which is only based on some Principles, on some words, cannot allow too much contradiction of those words.

One must either enforce Truth or some particular Truth. Respectable conservatives agree with liberals that America represents a Truth, in their case Family Values or some version of Judeo-Christianity, versus the Truth of Political Correctness. They also insist that America is founded on the “self-evident” truths of the Declaration of Independence rather than on the “WE the People” of the Constitution.

The Founding Fathers had watched Europe battle over the Only True Faith. They had watched the Thirty Years War, the Inquisition, the wiping out of the Palatinate by Louis XIV to make it Catholic, the whole panorama of wars for Truth.

In fact, those wars were the way a major part of our population ended up here. And they had had enough of it. So the Declaration of Independence was a propaganda document for Europeans written in wartime. It was largely an appeal to French liberals, and the all men are created equal crap was an excellent expression of what the FRENCH Revolution, and its resulting Terror and its military dictatorship, were based on.

The Constitution was for US, to be adopted by OUR states. Its only reference to the European Truth Plague was to ban the Federal imposition of ANY religion.

The Constitution assumed that the white movement to America, which was just an extension of the white waves across Europe so many times before, was the basis of America. They assumed local and racial loyalties would provide a society, and they wrote a contract which allowed for these different interests and LOYALTIES to bargain.

The Founding Fathers would have laughed out loud at Lincoln’s declaration that the Union existed before the states. Washington referred to Virginia as “my country” right up until his election as president. National Review WORSHIPS Lincoln and it has had cover articles declaring that the Declaration, not the Constitution, is the basis of America.

Until you get this perversion clearly in your mind you will have no historical context. As long as you feel you cannot have a racial loyalty unless it is based on IQ tests, you are just one more of the Political Correctness — National Review — Inquisition — Judeo-Christian mix.

Our problem is not the way the left-right argument is going,, it is the left-right argument itself.

  1. #1 by Dave on 11/06/2009 - 1:46 pm

    And BELIEF in the ONLY TRUE FAITH is a form of dereliction, something all parties in conflict fail to see.

    The anti-war protester cannot imagine that he himself is the inciter of war.

    The extractor of taxes for integrated education cannot imagine he himself is the destroyer of education for colored people.

    Rush Limbaugh cannot imagine that he is needed by big government.

    Ron Paul cannot imagine that he provides cover for the very looters he is attempting to expose.

    It goes on and on and on.

    The stuff that is lacking in all these followers of the ONLY TRUE FAITH will never be reflected back at them until they see the reflection of their rotten selves in the courageous acts of good men and women, mirroring everything that they aren’t.

    Which brings us right back to the Mantra.

  2. #2 by backbaygrouch4 on 11/07/2009 - 12:46 pm

    Don’t forget in the litany of repression in Europe the slaughter of Irish Catholics by Bloody Cromwell, the clearances in the Highlands over two centuries, the brutality of the Calvinist regime in Geneva, etc. You have to keep working on that reflective history from your circuit riding granddad.

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