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Exercise Your BUGS Skills

Posted by Bob on December 12th, 2013 under Coaching Session

One of the things you always saw in Stormfront, and that you do not see in BUGS, was the phrase “somebody ought to…”

BUGSERS must DO things. We have been trained in getting a few words in here and a concept out there. A BUGSER today would laugh his hind parts off if he saw the endless statements that Lord Nelson and I used to deal with, where some outraged Stormfront commenter would denounce everybody for not marching out openly and bringing the whole System down.

The Stormfronters always did this, of course, under a pseudonym.

But absolutely no one at SF saw the humor of this.

A BUGSER not only knows not to theorize about how something “should be done,” he does it himself. And while SFers would not even talk about anything less than Total Revolution on Der Tag, we report the critical tiny movements of that huge rock that is crushing the life out of our race.

Vanishingly few of the old shouters at Stormfront would even understand the things we report to each other.

You do this kind of thinking so naturally now it would be easy for you to forget what a lesson it is, and why you should recognize it. One example is my unique notice of the end of starvation in this horrible White Man’s World.

It started with my realization that real people do not do real things because they “ought” to be done. In the aftermath of one of the most profitable fund raisers in history — the Ethiopian famine — I realized that, for the first time in history, a photograph of one starving child was worth a hundred million dollars.

No one else thought that way. No one else would have realized the implications. So I already decided what I would find before I Googled “starvation.”

If people did what they “ought” to do, the end of starvation for the first time in human history as a major cause of death would have been prominently announced.

The problem was that nobody had any incentive to announce it. First, people raise money by complaining and saying they can feed the hungry or save the world from pollution. The modern world is still recognized as being the product of whites, so it is a BAD world, with pollution, racism and so forth.

The Google search turned out to be exactly what I had expected. The words “There is no more starvation” simply cannot be found. As I expected, all the entries were about “hunger,” which can be defined any way you want to define it. Every one of the Pharaohs had vitamin deficiencies that would send them for immediate treatment today.

“Starvation,” said one entry, “is a form of hunger.” It then discussed the various programs that you could give money to for fighting hunger.

Oh, by the way, blindness is a form of eye problems.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 12/12/2013 - 11:33 am

    Here goes I’m going to stir the pot, the script written out by Commanders Rockwell and Pierce is dog eared and for the most part useless to whites. I don’t care if the adherents wear suits or try to sound intellectual, it does nothing but raise money for Big Jew Inc.

    But since they are the loudest bunch in that epic fail called WN they must be patronized and somehow made useful, which I think I am accomplishing.

    I triangulate against them by interjecting our lever words against the huge rock that is crushing whites and by doing so I do believe I am creating room for free speech for whites and instilling in them that they are in fact taking the morally superior position.

    • #2 by Jason on 12/13/2013 - 5:35 am

      If you can make use of them, God speed. But I suspect we will have thousands of other Whites reciting the Mantra in public before most of those guys do. WNs strike me as lagging indicators.

  2. #3 by Bob on 12/12/2013 - 11:41 am

    The seminar was successful. This sounds like postgraduate work to me.

  3. #4 by Simmons on 12/12/2013 - 11:57 am

    Ass kiss time. I think my rhetorical abilities were always there, but your insights have actually made me useful in ways I find intoxicating, but that is what power does as they say.

    IMO in human events its a rare human who has an insight that changes the world and you have by my accounts two of them, maybe the rarest of birds.

    One is that the USSR was a prison which saved us from Bill Buckley and his Soviet allies, and secondly the Mantra which is freeing up whites to actually rejoin the human race and to continue with our evolution as we see fit.

  4. #5 by Simmons on 12/12/2013 - 1:33 pm

    Our intellectuals would accept a rock that was crushing whites if it were labeled a “jew rock” with essays written on it and the essay’s authors acknowledged as “smart racists.” Just like Buckley would accept a USSR with church spires and some privatized profits.

    • #6 by Cleric_Preston on 12/12/2013 - 5:14 pm

      Simmons, you ask and you will receive !

      Excellent analysis of ‘the problem’ but wait to see how the article ends
      “Are accusations of hate and racism the verbal equivalents of neurotoxins used by parasites?

      Those are serious scientific questions. The answers may prove extremely uncomfortable for some. They may also prove vital for the West’s survival”

      No answers, nothing for the reader to do there’s only an admission by the author that he just wasted 5 minutes of your life explaining how the problem works but can’t work out the solution, and he’s too proud to link to BUGS or FTWR or Beefcakes bootcamp.

  5. #7 by Jason on 12/12/2013 - 6:48 pm

    As even “hunger” becomes harder to point to, they are now saying the real problem is TOO MANY cheeseburgers that the White Man is imposing on everyone (obesity epidemic, etc.). Whatever the White Man is doing, it is bad. Whatever is bad in the world, the White Man must be doing it.

  6. #8 by Henry Davenport on 12/12/2013 - 8:59 pm

    Since I spend way too much time at SF, I see a lot of what Bob describes, and I took Bob’s phrase “dream warriors” months ago and wrote this:

    But the Stalwarts (without whom I don’t believe I could have continued putting the petitions up…none of you who’ve never tried to get a petition up have any idea how extremely hard it is without an organized group to help) show that it is possible to organize pro-whites who won’t become bugsters, and many of whom don’t understand Mantra, to nevertheless help in an organized fashion to spread the Mantra.

    I can think of 2 or 3 or 4 other groups that we may possibly be able to form chiefly from SF’ers to help spread Mantra…here’s my thoughts and intentions about it:

    Organizing for action at Stormfront

    • #9 by Jason on 12/12/2013 - 10:54 pm

      We need a place to hit besides SF. You deserve better than that!


      • #10 by Henry Davenport on 12/13/2013 - 5:40 am

        Most of the 146 Stalwarts we have now were recruited by mass PM’d invitations at SF. SF’s membership is huge, and a PM invitation can be sent to 10 members at a time. A very small fraction of those PM’d respond, but considerably more than I’ve been able to recruit from my comments there. My comments mostly just allow the recipients of my invitations to know who I am.

        I don’t know of any other sites that will be that responsive. Any attempt to educate pro-Whites to what we’re doing is apparently received as just more “sounds of futility” in the ocean of futility they splash about in.

        But a very few will respond to personal messages that invite their involvement in something that is easy and regular and has a group spirit to it. That’s my take on the Stalwarts anyway. The group is fun for me, and I think I’ve made it fun for them!

        Stay tuned!

        • #11 by Jason on 12/13/2013 - 6:14 pm

          Well congratulations on the patience you’ve shown over on SF.

          • #12 by Henry Davenport on 12/14/2013 - 12:07 am

            Ha, that would make Jack Boot laugh, or snort! Actually I’ve mostly been impatient, but for a long time. But thanks!

  7. #13 by The Asgardian known as Michael on 12/12/2013 - 11:16 pm

    Coach, two articles ago you mentioned that we turned a corner.

    It took me that look to use my bugs skills to see what you saw, take a look for yourself.

    97 percent of the people on the site were not bugsers

    Look at the comment sections

  8. #14 by AnotherOne on 12/13/2013 - 12:56 am

    “Exercise Your BUGS Skills”

    Well Bob, since you asked I’ll show you this. I began working on this on Dec. 5, 2013. It’s a project that I’m working on that is Mantra Thinking but NOT for what we’re focussed on. I started work on this to test myself. To see if I, on my own can craft a consistent message that changes the world.

    I will make it clear that this is NOT the message’s final form. It’s STILL being worked on. But since you posted this blog entry I’ll show it to you. This is my attempt to keep Mantra Thinking alive outside of “The Mantra”.

    Bob, I would appreciate your opinion on my effort. I’ll say again that this is NOT anything for Bugsers to use.

    Bob, whether you like it or not, my gift to you, Merry Christmas:

    LGBT advocates say that the freedom to express your sexual orientation and gender identity is a human right.

    LGBT advocates say that to oppose somebody this freedom and right to express their sexual orientation and gender identity is discrimination.

    LGBT advocates say that the only way to achieve the freedom and right to express your sexual orientation and to stop discrimination is too forcibly institute sexual orientation and gender identity equality in marriage, education, the job market, and under the law.

    What if pedophilia was to be instituted into marriage, education, the job market, and legal under the law because not to is “discrimination” and violates their “freedom” and “human right” to express their sexual orientation and gender identity?

    Would people not realise this was forcing your sexual orientation and gender identity on others?

    Would they not realise that it was sexual abuse?

    LGBT advocates say they want “equality” but what they really want is to force themselves onto others.

    LGBT “equality” just means sexual abuse.

    • #15 by Steadiness on 12/13/2013 - 11:55 pm

      if you want to argue with the queers, the first step is to stop using their language, i.e. call them queers, not ‘lgbt’.

      and take it somewhere else. this blog is about ending white genocide.

      • #16 by AnotherOne on 12/14/2013 - 6:24 pm

        I know this blog is about White Genocide. I said TWICE in that comment that this is NOT for Bugsers to use.

        I’m happy with your response to my comment though. It shows me the type of resistance to Mantra Thinking that Bob and Lord Nelson received from the SF crowd. The reason that I used LGBT and not “queers” is the exact same reason that we don’t go into News and Jews. I also use LGBT for the same reason that we use Anti-racist. I’m destroying their terminology.

        I have looked at their terminology and I am attacking it. I have created a message that is relatively short and can be repeated very easily over and over again.

        Bob said to “Exercise Your BUGS Skills” and that’s what I’m doing. There is a difference between understanding the Mantra and understanding Mantra Thinking. I understand both and I have Bob To thank for that. Thank you, Bob.

        • #17 by Denounce Genocidists on 12/14/2013 - 6:35 pm

          The problem I see with your strategy is this bizzaro queer stuff will likely get taken down with the collapse of anti-whitism, and even if it survives it will be so fringe and unfunded not to be a threat anymore.

          • #18 by AnotherOne on 12/14/2013 - 6:59 pm

            Well that’s a pretty good problem to have now isn’t it. 🙂

            I see what you mean. I only posted it as an example of Mantra Thinking like what Bob did in this blog entry about Starvation.

            The Elites are a fringe though. Look at what they’re doing to us with White Genocide and Anti-Whitism. This is a decent example of what Bob said in this post that we need to DO things and not go into “somebody ought to”.

            I only posted it as an example of Mantra Thinking. Nothing else.

  9. #19 by Sentinel on 12/13/2013 - 1:59 am

    Death is a form of illness.

    Supernova is a form of twinkling.

    Oh, and genocide is a deserved form of bullying if Whites are the target. Otherwise, it’s plain ol’ genocide.


  10. #20 by -Dave- on 12/13/2013 - 2:38 am

    There are two worlds, a tame world and a wild world.

    The tame world is crowded because people want a familiar life with no surprises.

    BUGS, however, is a wild world seminar. Where else has anybody observed that the tame world’s “important people” don’t matter whatsoever to the real future?

    It takes a pair of wild ears to hear that.

  11. #21 by Jason on 12/13/2013 - 3:46 am

    There is a hullabaloo about Fox New’s Megyn Kelly saying that Santa Claus is White and that Jesus was White. The Left went nuts. What I find interesting is that Whites, despite lip service to Diversity, aren’t ready to kneel before a non-White God or make Santa a Black man.

    Yet this is where Multiculturalism (i.e. White Genocide) would take us. I hope this gets pushed in the face of Whites as much as possible to make them realize RACE touches the most intimate areas of their lives.

    Megyn Kelly has criticized things that are pro-White in the past, while at the same time assuming a kind of eternal White Supremacy In her own world view. It is striking how behind the times Respectable Conservatives are.

  12. #22 by Bob on 12/13/2013 - 8:58 am

    146 Stalwarts! That is GREAT news!

    • #23 by Henry Davenport on 12/14/2013 - 12:02 am

      It’s an incredible change from what was before!

      Only a very desperate man would have tried to build an “activist” group from Stormfronters…lol!

      The Stalwarts in general seem a fine bunch of folk, and I see the problem at SF now as much less a problem of the individuals there than of the culture that’s developed there.

      SF’ers are no whackier than the people I knew in the left in the 60s, but anyone coming to the left then found a culture of activism and took that culture for granted.

      Anyone coming to pro-White websites today finds, with few exceptions, a culture of inertia and endless discussion, and mostly takes it for granted, I think.

      Stormfronters who are doing something on their own have no concept that it’s not sufficient to say to others, “get out there and be heard,” but that there have to be some structures developed as part of their culture that direct people specifically to what to do, and ensure them some company as they’re doing it.

      That’s the two pennies that are jingling in my own pocket at the moment, for whatever they turn out to be worth in the months ahead.

    • #24 by Daniel Genseric on 12/14/2013 - 6:11 am

      Great news. Now to use them for the NEXT project.

      • #25 by Henry Davenport on 12/14/2013 - 7:32 am

        If you mean Bugs Skills, yes, but if you mean Stalwarts, then of course I’d hope some of them would join the next project also, but it would be a mistake to try to use them as the Stalwart group per se for anything at all except adding initials to the STOP WHITE GENOCIDE “petitions” on the FIRST.

        I had that confirmed when I violated that rule and invited them to add initials to an additional petition in mid-month for two months, and the response was very low.

        It’s a matter of respecting the purpose for which they were recruited, and not trying to squeeze an extra tour of duty out of them.

        They aren’t bugsters, and I exist at THEIR pleasure, not vice versa!

        You’ve given me an idea though…maybe I’ll contact the 30 or 40 of you who are also bugsters and invite the bugster Stalwarts to join the new projects (since each project is going to be like the Stalwarts, just a few minutes of very simple and very easy work) in addition to talking up the projects here.

        • #26 by AnotherOne on 12/14/2013 - 6:34 pm


          If you need a hand, ask me. I’m happy to help. 🙂

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