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Stormfront Comment on Good Ole Boys

Posted by Bob on April 21st, 2006 under How Things Work


Good ol’ boys are direct.

On the other hand, I find that I can make complex intellectual points with them that they have no trouble with at all.

A real Southern girl tends to be the same way. New York Jews would say they are “dumb blonds.”

With “sophisticated” city types you have to go through all the verbiage to prove you are “with it” just like they are.

With good ole boys you have to make sense.

A Southern girls is a throwback to the women who built our civilization.

She isn’t trying to prove anything. She lets you make a fool of yourself without embarrassing you.

She isn’t in competition with you.

She is a woman. It never occurs to her that she is supposed to be a superMAN.

While the Modern Girl is trying to prove she is “just as good” as a man, the Southern girl is watching you like a hawk. She has her own goals, and she is judging whether you can meet them.

The good ole boy doesn’t give a damn what the latest impressive kind of thinking is. But he can take your car apart and put it back together while the New Yorker is bragging about he gave that mechanic hell.

A lot of people wonder why I talk about being redneck.

It has little to do with rednecks. The only reason I claim the title is because “redneck” today is a just a label for any white man who has cajones.

I call myself a redneck because it the very word every New York Jew distances himself from. And the more distance I can put between them and me the happier Ole Bob will be.

Originally Posted by Art of Balance
Aw, what’s to make fun of? Good ol’ boys are simple, direct, and unassuming. What you see is what you get. I think you’re darling.

And, if country songs have any basis in reality, not only are country boys butt-kickers, but they’re sensitive die-hard romantics, not afraid to work hard with their bare hands, and really know how to party!

How does that profile fit you, Stormtrooper?


  1. #1 by kane on 04/21/2006 - 11:15 pm

    I’ve called myself a redneck for a while. I used to hang out with a bunch of kids who called ourselves “Redneck Posse Malitia” and made racist rap songs about taking pickup trucks into the ghetto and going after black people and things like that.

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