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The Return of the Killer LibAnon

Posted by Bob on April 27th, 2006 under Comment Responses

I could have called this “LibAnonII,” but I thought the title above was catchier.

I was reading another comment said Anonowitz, and I noticed he said more or less what I just said in anwer to his comment below.

He began, as all good people should, by quoting me:

‘What LibAnon is talking about goes much deeper.”
The credit is all yours, Bob. I simply took your Whitakerism, which was a classic, and proceeded to ask the Whitaker question: “Yeah, but did it WORK?”
Based on the evidence, my provisional answer is “yes”. Centuries of priestly celibacy in Europe undoubtedly did lower the average IQ among whites — how could it not have? On the other hand, the Odinism inherent in the white gene pool would not, in my opinion, have culminated in science, technology, and world conquest had white Europe remained a group of pagan tribes. The culture of the “West” as we know it today, a compound of Germanic and Greco-Roman institutions, was largely the creation of the (Carolingian and Ottonian) Holy Roman Empire, presided over by the Church. In other words, the Germanic genetic heritage was necessary, but not sufficient, to create the civilization we’re trying to defend today.

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