Archive for May 7th, 2016
Hissy Fits and Fund Raising
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, How Things Work on 05/07/2016
Fund Raising is a Science. I was fascinated by how direct mail fundraisers operated. Richard Viguerie wrote the manual on direct mail techniques.
The professionals have statistically verified how long sentences should be, how long paragraphs should be and what words make a difference in how many and how much funds are raised.
This is excellent work, but it has one fatal problem. It selects what is best for fund raising, but not what WORKS in the field. As one AFP Board member said repeatedly, “White Genocide is a hard sell.”
People who give money, have money. People who give money like the same old tunes. Almost every fundraising letter is a set of old platitudes that have worked.
For campaigns, we will have to find a fundraising appeal that EXPLAINS this problem, finds donors who want to stimulate the electorate, even if it breaks out of the old platitudes.
Otherwise we will have National Review and hissy fits forever.

No, Tom, Don’t Trust Them!
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 05/07/2016
My vice presidential candidate at the time, Tom Bowie, agreed that we would BOTH withdraw from the American Freedom Party ticket because that Party had decided to back down off of White Genocide.
Now the AFP has persuaded Tom to run, and they convinced Tom he could run on White Genocide.
Tom then asked us to put an ad here for BUGSERS to advise him on his campaign.
First, Tom you are violating the solemn pledge you made before witnesses.
Second, we are raising some pitiful bits of money for our campaign, but the AFP has fund raising machinery that will put us out of the game.
Despite the AFP, White Genocide is viral. So stop playing their game.

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