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Who had it first?

Posted by polydoros on May 18th, 2016 under Coaching Session, How Things Work

The following may sound a bit childish but it should be taken seriously.

“Who had it first?”

“Who started it?”

As a child, you might have heard such questions a few times a day.

They are questions asked by adults, so that they can adjudicate the unseen conflicts that occur between children.

If the fight is over something positive: “Who had it first?”

If the fight is over something negative: “Who started it?”

So, on average, if children hear such questions a few times every day, that means that in a year the children have heard them a thousand times. So by the time they’ve reached adulthood, they’ve heard them over TEN THOUSAND TIMES!  photo kennewickman.jpg

And just so you understand, as adults they’re not going to forget these ethics either.

So when we go Swarming and we hear responses to the Mantra such as “you stole this land”, etc.,… then no matter how ridiculous it is, it’s worth tapping into this energy flow of passed-down ethics, to steer it where we want to go.

That’s why the talking points about the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution are so important: “For ourselves and our posterity”…

We could also go back to the prehistoric White tribes of the Americas and the Pacific, the Solutreans, to get back to the first KNOWN “Who had it first?”… but there’s a balance with tailgating.

In my experience, the talking points we have on the U.S. Constitution are effective and important.

But going further back, especially into prehistory, the evidence is scarce and not widely known, so the potential for tailgating increases dramatically.

But what Kennewick Man and every OTHER anti-white archaeological scandal tells us is this:

1. Anti-whites are liars.

2. They are justifying an ONGOING genocide.

  1. #1 by Jason on 05/18/2016 - 7:54 pm

    Yes, when they say “you stole it” they are justifying genocide TODAY.

  2. #2 by Steadiness on 05/19/2016 - 3:20 pm

    anti-white: Whites stole the US from the Natives
    White: does that mean that it’s okay for England to stay English?
    anti-white: the idea that there are rape gangs in England and pakis imported to vote Labor to bring in more pakis is a crazy neo-nazi conspiracy theory

    anti-white: Whites stole the US from the Natives
    White: does that mean it’s okay for England to stay English?
    anti-white: England is a more enlightened civilization that has made the decision to live in harmony with other races

    anti-white: Whites stole the US from the Natives
    White: does that mean it’s okay for Poland to refuse the EU order to take on migrants?

  3. #3 by Jason on 05/20/2016 - 8:40 am

    To add to this article and Bob’s on Freeloaders picking up Hitchhikers …

    Imagine the arrogance of presuming it is your right to give away a group’s country.

    Even if your ancestors went back 400 years in a country, who would think they could give citizenship away to millions of aliens without even consulting anyone?

    If you inherited a million acre ranch in Texas, and shared it with 100 relatives, what would think if one of them invited thousands of squatters without even talking to you or asking what they have to offer? What would you DO to such a relative?

  4. #4 by jo3w on 05/22/2016 - 8:17 am

    If it’s stolen, when do YOU plan on getting off THEIR stolen land?

  5. #5 by jo3w on 05/22/2016 - 8:31 am

    The genocide of Native Americans was tragic, but only a sick-o would think the restitution should be White genocide.

  6. #6 by Electric on 05/25/2016 - 1:01 am

    How exactly is White genocide helping the American Indians? Or is that just another one of your justification for White genocide?

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