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Posted by Bob on April 11th, 2006 under Comment Responses

Derek says,

It took me a while to ingest the first response to my initial comment. The second and third articles helped.

When I read the first one I thought “man…why worry?”. Now I know why I should.

I see your point about the tides. But you have to realize that while the anticipation for a wave is great, the wave is better. I guess I just feel left out.

Comment by Derek


“Left out?”

That has to be the understatement of the decade!

When I kept being right, when I kept explaining the future at the advanced age of 16, I was ridiculed.

What is horrily funny is what everybody agreed was the real future, the true Idealism.

I remember Abie Hoffman was “the spokesman of the new generation.”

Walter Cronkite, the SuperGoy, practically adopted him

You should be recognized for what you are. You should be encouraged, but the nasty young Jews and the spoiled rich kids are given all the attention.

“Left out?”

No, as you are well aware, you haven’t just been “left out.”

Your right to lead our people has been stolen. Your right to be LISTENED TO has been stolen.

It is a horrible thing to be told that you have to acept the fact that the loyalty any other generation would have honored is reduced to an attempt to make a difference.

It is unspeakable.

You and I, the natural leaders of our people, have been reduced to trying to find some way to save them.

That is a good deal beyond tragedy.

  1. #1 by Derek on 04/12/2006 - 1:19 am

    The saddest part is that the very people you (or I) are attemting to lead are the very ones that do not listen. I have more blacks listen to my ideas than whites. Odd, huh?

    Initially I meant that when I feel ‘left out’, it was in the sense that when the tide finally does turn it will probably be long after I am gone. I hope that I can see it, but I think that these things come in waves that last way longer than I. Let’s face it: you have been around 40 years longer than I and you have seen the decline to where it is. What am I to see?

    But now ‘left out’ takes on a whole new meaning to me. I feel left out because I am a white male that thinks fairly rationally. I am a man that realizes he is a great enlisted man but forced into the role of a lieutenant. I don’t want to be where I am. I guess I can thank my forefathers for that one.

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