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Correction or Basic Destructionism?

Posted by Bob on April 21st, 2006 under How Things Work

Laziness is one of the reasons I don’t get my fundamental points across.

So let me begin at the beginning.

Two thousand years ago the Roman Empire was losing faith in its own gods and its own ideas of causality. Back then they cut animals open and examined he entrails to find out the future. Back then the Oracle at Delphi was oly one of the of how to tell the future. The Oracle always provided a riddle.

One city came to the Oracle to ask whether their mode of attack wold work. The Oracle replied that if they used hat approach a great empire wold be destroyed. They had planned this approach witht eh idea that it woud be successful in destroying he enemy’s empire.

It turned out the strategy was an awful mistake,a ndthe empire that was destroyed was their own.

The Oracle enhanced it reputaton for accurate prediction. This example was also used to show the genius of the Oracle, since it took the subtlest of minds to inerpret it correctly.

Rome was based on pure superstitious Authority to an extent we find it hard to believe today. Ina life-and-death situation, an army woud not go into the field when it was needed because the auspices were unfavorable. Ships would not go ot on certain days of the week because it was the wrong day. They would miss hte favorable wind that day and they would miss the crucial wind and the cargoes woud rot.

You can argue with each example I give nad appear intellecual. That is the standard way of apearing intellectual and missing hte point. I wold request taht each time someone wants to show how much detail tehy know that they also talk abut the general point illustrate and whether it goes where I think it goes.

You see, a person who nitpicks for the sake of nitpicking is enormously destructive. More often than not, there is a POINT being made. Are you differing to show how smart you are or are you making a real poiint?

The point, the truth, the facts are ALWAYS important to bring out. But if you just use yours as way to trip up the general theme, whether you mean to or not, you are being a destructionist.

If you correct, it is good. But you are also taking othe responsibility to explain exactly how your correction ffects the point I am trying to make.

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