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Let the Old Buffalo Roam!

Posted by Bob on April 27th, 2006 under Bob

Joe Rorke said that he had finally given up on me after he had been isinterepreted 27 times in these pages.

I just got embarrassed on Stormfront because I read only one entry by somebody and then gave them advice as young man.

It turned out that Christian Identity was not only a young woman, but she was pretty young woman who had put her picture inthe Pic Thread I was writing in.

I explained to her that the old man got confused:

“At my age, young lady, the brain is the second thing to go.”

She’s a sweet girl, so she did my humiliate me by making me specify what the FIRST things is.

But the POINT of this piece is that I cannot and will not improve, however hard I try.

When you are young, you slowly get to understand that people, even the people who pretend to be perfect, make mistakes.

As you get really mature you learn that people make the SAME mistakes over and over and over and over.

So I am going to misinterpret you, over and over and over.

1) I am not going to read what you said carefully enough.

2) I am going to be reminded of a lifetime of mistakes people have made, and use your writing as an example of that mistake. This is BAD.

There re two ways to deal with this.

One is to refuse to put up with it any more.

The other is to recognize that, despite my honst and truly desperate efforts to avoid it — and please note that I said that — this comes with the territory called Bob.

When I read what you say, my mind starts working. It often starts weorkingo n things you did NOT say.

Taken in context, this is NOT an insult.

It is inconsiderate, but it is NOT an insult.

And I can’t help it.

My mind moves very, very fast, and often precisely what you said gets lost in what you made me think of.

So the result of what I say will often be unfair to you. It may be completely off of what you said.

A toughold turkey like Joe Rorke decided he wouldn’t put up with it. Then he decided, “Oh, to hell with it, I will.”

Shari must find this really hard to put up with.

Help me out, gang. I get you wrong, but EVERYBODY gets you wrong.

I can spend all my thought on getting you exactly right or I can just blather away and make points you will not find elsewhere.

You have the comments section to straighten me out. But if I had somebody like me to read, I wouldn’t give a flying rip if he happened to get me wrong a lot.

I know it’s asking a lot, but let the old buffallo roam, even if he does leave his chips in inconvenient places.

Bob is a screwup.

But he is very unique screwup. An irreplacable screwup.

And he asks your tolerance and your help.

  1. #1 by joe rorke on 04/28/2006 - 7:40 pm

    Outstanding! I don’t think I’ve ever heard a better explanation. And I believe it. Yes, I do. It explains everything. I expect to be read precisely. By everyone. It never occurred to me that you read so fast, Bob. I read very slow and carefully. When I’m done I know what I read. But I don’t have your job. I don’t have to read a whole lot of comments. Besides, there’s only three more miles left on my eyes, I think. After that explanation I feel like I’ve beaten up on a disabled person. I didn’t really go away. Who the hell am I going to go to? Some respectable conservative? Well, all those respectable conservatives haven’t done us any good at all.

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