The one thing I will give you credit for Bob Whitaker is that you will allow a person to contribute to your blog. A person like myself, for instance. I openly give you a lot of credit for that. You could deny a person such as myself the opportunity to put words into your blog because you disagree with what I have to say. But you don’t do that. Therefore, I have no choice but to admit that you are a man among men as the lion is among beasts. You will not suppress my content. That takes courage and the willingness to permit freedom of speech. That makes you a better man than many a man. There is a great deal of suppression of freedom of speech in our country today and I am hereby announcing that Robert W. Whitaker is not among those who is suppressing freedom of speech in America. That in itself is a big deal to me.
Congratulations to you, Whitaker. You are a bonafide American.
Joseph K.
Just a couple of days ago, I was thinking how nice it would be if someone trashing me would say just this.
This is also a lesson in BASIC thinking from Joseph K. My whole point about basic thinking is not to act like a retard and concentrate ONLY on what the other side is debating. Joseph is interested in criticisms of me, but he does not go moronically on to think of nothing ELSE. In the middle of the battle, he steps back and thinks, “There is the subject, but there is also a DEBATE going on here.” So he has the presence of mind to comment on the debate itself. That is not just rare, it’s damn near nonexistent.
I think I am the only person on Stormfront who keeps reminding people in the antis section that there IS an antis section. As always, when I get a good point, I keep REPEATING it. I did the same thing on the big article where they interviewed me. They pointed out that the antis section was the second biggest on Stormfront, so I reminded them that, unlike the media, Stormfront HAS an Opposing Views section.
Yes, Joseph, freedom of speech IS a big deal. And your insight is big deal to ME.

#1 by Twin Ruler on 04/09/2007 - 12:22 pm
The “Neo Conservatives” are heartbroken, since the Liberals have decided to take the side of the Palestinians rather than the Israelis. WHat is the Liberals malfunction, the Neo Conservatives wonder. Of course, other than the Palestinian issue, these Neo Conservatives are really Liberals. Also, I have heard that many of them have started their political careers as Trotskyite Communists. They have decided to change tactics, and allow the Christian Fundamentalists to express a belief in God. They now believe that people need their “Noble Lies.”
#2 by LFarracon on 04/10/2007 - 6:41 pm
This is heartbreaking. How can we tell Ole Bob that Joseph K. and MrWebb are blood relatives?
#3 by Sys Op on 04/10/2007 - 8:13 pm
Tell me, LFarracon, did you write Peter in the Name section before you wrote your comment? If not, we’re on a more serious hunt, and explain what you see on your screen as you prepare a comment. This has never happened to several of us who have tested before and after the upgrade and never could replicate it with many browsers, many ways, login, logout, caches dumped, anything.