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Posted by Bob on April 27th, 2007 under Coaching Session

As national salvation keeps pointing out, what I have to offer you is a lifetime of paid-for political strategy that WORKS.

A guy who calls himself “The Lie” brought up the old “America was stolen from the Indians” line. One of ours answered with the usual line abut if you don’t like America leave it.

True, but ineffective. Nobody outside this blog, and you are still learning, can grasp the importance of using the argument, the whole argument, and nothing but the argument that WORKS.

He will not understand the full import of the argument I gave him, but I only need a few like you who do. It would DESTROY the “American is stolen” crowd:

Like other antis, Lie doesn’t know his history. Every people historically took their land from somebody else, including the successive waves of Indians.

But there is a MORAL point here. Lie says this isn’t our country because we took it.

So Lie is sitting on stolen property. What does an honest person do when he lives on a piece of stolen property? Does he just sit there and bitch at everybody else who lives on it?

The FIRST thing you do when you receive PART of stolen property is to give YOUR part back. Other people keeping their part is no excuse. If Lie means what he says, he should get out of here, NOW.

Put up or shut up. That is true of EVERYBODY who uses that stolen property crap, and you should call them on THAT, SPECIFICALLY.


From this we go to Tim’s Comment below. The crucial strategic line is:

“I read this comment from the General online. We are becoming ONE BIG Global White Tribe.”

This is absolutely critical, but the point I want to make here is completely contrary to what we drift along saying.

Strategy consists of seeing the battlefield NEW all the time. All of our strategy in the past has been based on the old world where the white man ruled. Colored had not learned our technology and our methods.
Our strategic error was that we never made it clear that those were OUR products, and white people, therefore, had a right to discriminate to claim the wealth and power they produced for ourselves. Ex Oriente Lux, “A small step for man, a giant leap for mankind” represented our saying that MANKIND had produced it all and they had as much right to it as we did.

Can you imagine a Rockefeller or a Kennedy or any other heir just giving all his inherited wealth to everybody? They’ll preach it, but they’re not stupid enough to DO it. Whites were stupid enough to DO it.

But all our scholars, on both sides, BELIEVED in Ex Oriente Lux. So when the white race lost its power, they could not blame THAT. So they came up with theories that the Jews or the Illuminati or somebody had STOLEN the world we had given up.

It was partly a matter of classism. Conservatives had serious problems believing that a working class white person had real claims on what our WHOLE race had done. You will find that discussed in “Societal Property Rights” in my book, The New Right Papers.

We lost the world because we were stupid, not because someone took it from us.

NOTE THIS: I do NOT deny that others took it from us. But if you are STUPID and have something precious, someone is GOING to take it from you. If you leave your money in a public place, it doesn’t do any good to damn the thief who grabbed it.

So the serious strategist has two options. He can sit with you on the street and help you cry over the theft you asked for. Sitting and telling people it’s not their fault is a good way to make a living. If I had done that in Washington I probably would have made the Cabinet.

But I wouldn’t have made any DIFFERENCE.

The other way for an intelligent strategist to react is to say, “OK, you lost that. Let’s not be stupid any more.” Let me assure you this is NOT the way to popularity.

We LOST the world. We can sit and cry about the Demonic Jews or we can find a strategy that fits into our post-defeat world. Jews want to destroy any identity except their own. Jews took advantage of our weaknesses; Christians asked for it by calling Jews The People of the Book. Jews are our enemies.


After Hitler lost the heroic effort at the Battle of the Bulge, he still had titanic resources at his disposal. Those resources COULD have been used to plant seeds in the post-War world. But Hitler sat in his bunker and moaned about how “the Jews and Slavs will inherit the world.” As is to be expected of a mere human being, Hitler was so lost in his own defeat he did nothing for what happened AFTER it.

We no longer own the world. We gave that away. Shall we now sit and scream at our enemies, or will we DO something?

Look at what Tim said: The White Tribe.

I get so TIRED of the Practical Clowns saying, “Time is running out.” If you are still following the same strategy, time ran out a long time ago.

But, like Hitler after the Battle of the Bulge, our resources are enormous as you listen to what Tim Said. As “Yassuh, boss” whites we have given it all away.

But — CAN ANYBODY LISTEN TO WHAT I AM SAYING!? — as representatives of whites in a world of different races, our power is ENORMOUS.

Everything that shocked people that I said in my 1976 book makes people yawn now. It is now standard politics.

In the near future there will simply be no room for anti-white whites. I worked in prisons. I saw it first hand. The first thing a black man looks for when he is transferred to a new facility is other blacks. The first thing a white man in that position looks for is other whites. When things get serious, all the Mommy Professor crap goes out the window.

Are you READY for that world?

I am.

I am thinking about how to treat white traitors who suddenly find that the blacks they thought loved them switch to their own. I am thinking about how WE become spokesmen for whites when everybody suddenly discovers what a valuable position that is.

Every second spent moaning abut Jews makes us less prepared for the real future.

It’s getting serious, gang. As race-minded people our only advantage is that we should KNOW that.

So stop driveling and let’s get serious.

  1. #1 by AFKAN on 04/28/2007 - 3:29 pm

    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies to Bob:
    you wrote, in part,:
    We LOST the world. We can sit and cry about the Demonic Jews or we can find a strategy that fits into our post-defeat world. Jews want to destroy any identity except their own. Jews took advantage of our weaknesses; Christians asked for it by calling Jews The People of the Book. Jews are our enemies.

    *end snip*

    in reply:
    Yes, WE lost the world, but we did it with the wholehearted guidance, steering, and support of the demonic JEWS, and until we can accept that their tremendous control of the Social Reality caused our Brethren to accept the pictures they sent, and the words they use, as more valid than our Physical Reality, we shall ALWAYS be playing THEIR Game, with THEIR Rules, and THEY get to be Referees.

    As long as we refuse to be aware of the true source of the power of the demonic goddamn JEW – a TOTAL focus on RACE as the SOLE organizing principle of their society – we shall always be Helen Keller in the ring with Mike Tyson, and a blind man playing baseball against sighted men.

    “It is not by accident” that less than THREE PERCENT of the population that comprise the demons-in-shoe-leather known as JEWS control the financial system, the public education/indoctrination system, the mainstream mediacorps, and all but both political parties.

    THAT a track record that our RACE would do well to emulate.

    And The Key is very simple:

    ALL questions are to be addressed in the context of RACE, as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.

    WE are the Creative RACE that make life even possible for the parasites known as JEWS.

    And, to quote Dr. Oliver’s Question, “What do we owe our parasites?”

    Incidentally, you made a telling comment that deserves greater elaboration:

    It was partly a matter of classism. Conservatives had serious problems believing that a working class white person had real claims on what our WHOLE race had done. You will find that discussed in “Societal Property Rights” in my book, The New Right Papers.
    *end snip*

    in reply:
    I think this is what will lead to the downfall of the Republican Party, in perhaps two more election cycles. By declaring the economic equivalent of war on their blue-collar RACIAL Brethren, they have alienated a people who are looking for anyplace to go other than the Democratic Party.

    This, in microcosm, is the door that Sam Francis could never walk through.


    One day, we shall return the favor.

    Again, I mention Covington’s Idea of a Northwest Republic, a country exclsively for our RACE, our NATION, to occupy, in part because it allows us to start with a new, clean piece of paper on how things SHOULD be, if only our RACE was the only matter, that mattered.

    And, ALL of it starts with clear thinking about RACE, first, foremost, forever.

  2. #2 by Al Parker on 04/28/2007 - 4:22 pm

    New America.

    An Idea Whose Time Is Here!

  3. #3 by Dave on 04/28/2007 - 5:48 pm


    You are missing a point and making an error. Please bear with me in a digression as I try to explain it.

    Well-run businesses have performance management systems. They engage in benchmarking (keeping data that enables them to compare of aspects of internal and public performance with competitors) and they achieve best practices (industry-wide generally recognized best practices, be it administrative best practices, manufacturing best practices, retailing best practices, etc.).

    This is something that is standard today throughout the developed world, especially in the big-dog corporate arena.

    These performance management systems measure the relative success or failure in achieving stated objectives, goals, and outcomes. But most often they fail to measure (1) the negative outcomes of engaging in a particular defined activity in the first place (regardless of whether the activity’s objectives and goals are achieved) and (2) they fail to measure what it is that is worthy that is prevented from occurring by engaging in a particular defined activity at all.

    If you think about, these two failure points are definitive of wordist institutions.

    Basic and underlying assumptions are never evaluated.

    Accordingly, in wordist performance evaluation, there are always two parts of the thought process missing.

    BW has alluded to this in referring to Paul Harvey: One must always pay attention to THE REST OF THE STORY.

    For example, the Jews performance management system goes something like this: Because we believe ourselves to be superior and special and because we hate all non-Jews our goal is to dominate, abuse, and exploit all non-Jews.

    The Jews then come up with particular defined activities to meet their dominating, abusing, and exploiting goals. Also, they engage in benchmarking and best practices in meeting their dominating, abusing, and exploiting goals. They then measure their relative success or failure in meeting these goals. You have said it yourself: The Jews always ask first before anything else, “Is it good for the Jews?”

    But they never ask themselves (1) what negative outcomes are engendered by engaging in their dominating, abusing, and exploiting activities to begin with, and (2) what is it that is worthy that is prevented from occurring by their engaging in their dominating, abusing, and exploiting activities.

    In other words, the Jews never evaluate THE REST OF THE STORY. The never question basics and underlying assumptions.

    As a consequence, they are destroying themselves. Accordingly, I am not impressed with the intelligence of the Jews and you should not be also. Quite the contrary, I believe them to be singularly unintelligent and you should come to this conclusion also.

    Let us not make wordist mistakes in our thinking, and the Jewish mantra, “Is it good for the Jews?” IS a wordist mistake.

    It prevents them from surfacing and acting on THE REST OF THE STORY.

    It is not in our interest to focus on the Jews.

    Instead, we must take responsibility FOR EVERYTHING ourselves.

    Our principle should be the same as Johann Goethe ‘s: “In life nothing less than everything will do”.

    Consequently, in contrast to the Jews, we should examine the ENTIRE implications of our thinking, viewpoints, activities, and goals. We need to ask ALL THE QUESTIONS THAT NEED TO BE ASKED.

    To me, this attitude is particularly “white” and something that is unique to our race. Accordingly, our power is manifold over the Jews.

    That is the truth.

  4. #4 by Tim on 04/28/2007 - 6:40 pm

    Not Spam Not Spam


    You left that out Afkan. Jews do well in individualistic societies. They have done extremely well in European societies and America for this reason. They did not do well in Muslim countries for that same reason. When Mohammed showed up on the scene he genocided them…..completely.

    They walked into a situation and operated as usual. They did what was good for the Jews. But they did not see one little change that happened. They could NOT do what was good for the Jews—it was conditional…..their activities were SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ARAB TRIBE. The Quarashi Jews got a treatment more brutal than anything Hitler ever dealt them and to this day there IS NO SUCH JEWISH TRIBE.

    Now lets fast forward this scenario to 1999 in Russia. Jews were being Jews and doing what was good for the Jews. They did NOT realize there was a change. One of the biggest changes Western Tribes had seen in a long time. Mr Putin told the oligarchs that they could do anything they wanted SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SLAVIC TRIBE. They did NOT hear him. So now they are in Jail or out of the country (or dead) and Mr Putin has the highest approval ratings of any elected leader anywhere on earth. Simply because he understands the rules in a tribal society……SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE TRIBE. And if you read what I wrote before about our BIG WHITE TRIBE………then you understand why I won’t bother bitching about Jews. In a tribal society, THE NAIL THAT STICKS OUT GETS HAMMERED.

    (By the way this happened again in Venezuela on a smaller scale. It is a trend in place…..a TRIBAL trend and we are moving right along).

  5. #5 by AFKAN on 04/28/2007 - 7:39 pm


    in reply to Dave:
    I could not agree with you more in your idea that we must focus on what is best for US, on a RACIAL level.

    Respectfully, my problem is not that the damn Jews get nailed in the end; we all “know” that is going to happen, sooner or later, one way or another.

    My problem is that they take an awful lot of us down along the way – what IS the death count for World War I, Russian Revolution/Ukraine Slaughter, World War II, the list goes on?

    My problem is that we LET this happen to us, and we seem to be letting it happen, again, even as we speak, with the FOUR “hate speech” laws working their way through Congress.

    My anger at the CONservatives is their offer of – impotence, and fear. While describing all of these “forces” that were opposed to America – all, by the way, mere facades of JEWISH controlled organizations – they offered us…NOTHING.

    The self-proclaimed “Patriots” are little better, offering to return us to a pre-Fourteenth Amendment America, in some sort of pseudo-Libertarian fantasy of a life – a social order – based on gold, guns and ammo.

    In the meantime, the demonic Jews are doing a tremendous job of winning, and we seem to be oblivious as to HOW this small minority took over so many of the commanding heights of the controlling institutions of our country.

    THAT is my focus; it’s OUR POWER that the parasites took from us, and until we realize it is our RACIAL power, we shall give it away, interest payment by interest payment, “hate speech” laws one on another, until we have nothing, and nothing to lose.

    My FOCUS is not on the demonic JEWS; it’s on OURSELVES, and what is BEST for us, and WHY.

    I DISCUSS the demonic JEWS simply because WHAT they have done has worked, spectacularly, and largely because their EVERY thought was based on RACE – first, foremost, forever. Every deed, no matter how small, is judged in one light, “Is it good for JEWS?”

    I am doing this RACIALLY with my immediate family, to the extent that I can, and I am using Covington’s excellent Ideal of a Northwest Republic – a country that would be a homeland for our NATION – as the analytical focus on how I can solve the present problems our RACE faces if we could start over with a Clean Sheet of Paper, which is based on explicitly RACIAL thinking – RACE, as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.

    You made an excellent point that I would like to elaborate on.

    You wrote:

    But they never ask themselves (1) what negative outcomes are engendered by engaging in their dominating, abusing, and exploiting activities to begin with, and (2) what is it that is worthy that is prevented from occurring by their engaging in their dominating, abusing, and exploiting activities.

    In other words, the Jews never evaluate THE REST OF THE STORY. They never question basics and underlying assumptions.

    As a consequence, they are destroying themselves. Accordingly, I am not impressed with the intelligence of the Jews and you should not be also. Quite the contrary, I believe them to be singularly unintelligent and you should come to this conclusion also.
    *end snip*

    In reply, I agree that they are destroying themselves, yet, like a cancer, they seem remarkably unconcerned with the health of the host. Eventually, if only because all else has failed, the host simplifies its understanding of the situation, and reorders things to a positive, RACIAL based relationship.

    I agree that most of what he have called “Jewish intelligence” is based on their willingness to see ALL of the board before them, with an eye fixed SOLELY on RACIAL DOMINATION. It is not so much superior “intelligence” – I know many Jewish guys I worked with who were not all that bright – as an ability to NETWORK and work within the Asiatic Hive Consciousness that produces results that seem consistent with greater “intelligence.”

    THIS is their true RACIAL skill – an ability to suborn the One to the Racial Many, at the ultimate expense of any other RACE that might have something that the Asiatic Hive Consciousness wants.

    I can work with, say, a Jewish guy at the bank, and see him as competition for a promotion.

    He sees me as his competition for his RACIAL DOMINATION.

    THAT is the difference, and he has his many RACIAL compatriots working WITH him, and AGAINST me.

    I only see the personal competition; he sees the RACIAL competition, and he has the unquestioned support of his RACIAL brethren in this.

    How often have you seen White guys turn against the White guy in an interracial conflict?

    You will NEVER see that behavior with “Other” RACES; ANY “Other” RACE.

    THAT is what the demonic JEWS have worked so hard to have us internalize, the Moment of Impotence in the face of a RACE-based Challenge. That Moment of Doubt is all that is needed for the “Other” RACE to get in that first good punch, or for them to quickly unite along RACIAL lines against our isolated RACIAL brethren.

    THAT is the organic Key to our success – organizing along RACIAL lines, and seeing RACE as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.

    The Northwest Republic is, at the very least, an analytical framework that takes us off of defense, and onto offense.

    And THAT is how we WIN.

    For a change!

    Thanks for the constructive criticism. I’ll take it to heart!

  6. #6 by Al Parker on 04/28/2007 - 7:46 pm

    By the way, does the talk of an emerging white leadership mean that in the near future one could conceivably earn a comfortable living as a race-hustling supremacy pimp?

  7. #7 by AFKAN on 04/28/2007 - 7:50 pm

    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies to Tim:

    Thanks for your excellent comments and analysis.

    I think this is the Key we have all needed – an analytical framework of POSITIVE RACISM, and the place to start is Family, and from there to “Tribe” (NATION). From there to Country, all linked by a positive RACIAL Culture as the Living Bridge between Family and RACE.

    I suspect the collapse of the Nation/State, AS WE HAVE KNOWN IT, will lead to a New Tribalization, and RACE will be at the foundation of the most successful efforts in this area.

    I give you the example of the Mormons under Brigham Young.

    In 1846 they went to the middle of Nowhere – the Great Salt Lake – and consciously formed a community that was desperately lacking in material prosperity – the first winter they survived by eating thistletops – and yet, with the certainty that they were a Chosen People – a special RACE – with a special religious/spiritual Purpose – a TRANSCENDENT Purpose – they survived, and prospered mightily.

    It is that Mindset that we need to recapture among ourselves.

    Recapture for ourselves, and cultivate, for our Posterity.

    While we can…

  8. #8 by Sys Op on 04/28/2007 - 7:54 pm

    AFKAN, et. al.

    You will see this very aspect discussed here early and at length in 2004-05.

    It is the only key. It is the only unit in creation with reproduction power. All other units or key elements descend from it.

    You will never prevail without it.

    I think this is the Key we have all needed – an analytical framework of POSITIVE RACISM, and the place to start is Family, and from there to “Tribe” (NATION). From there to Country, all linked by a positive RACIAL Culture as the Living Bridge between Family and RACE.

    I suspect the collapse of the Nation/State, AS WE HAVE KNOWN IT, will lead to a New Tribalization, and RACE will be at the foundation of the most successful efforts in this area. –AFKAN

  9. #9 by AFKAN on 04/28/2007 - 7:55 pm

    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies to Al Parker:

    you wrote:
    By the way, does the talk of an emerging white leadership mean that in the near future one could conceivably earn a comfortable living as a race-hustling supremacy pimp?

    in reply:
    Having read Kevin Phillips on “The Emerging Republican Majority” these many years ago, I would have to say that the ability to “earn a comfortable living as a race-hustling supremacy pimp” is limited to certain of the Faithful Colored Companions.

    That “emerging white leadership” will begin in the Family, and develop organically from there.

  10. #10 by AFKAN on 04/28/2007 - 8:02 pm

    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody comments:

    One great meme for us on being called “RACIST”:

    Alex Linder noted that being called a RACIST today is like being accused of Witchcraft in earlier time; the only proof of your guilt or innocence ended up in your untimely demise, as you were damned if you were, and damned if you weren’t.

    I like to use the example of being accused of being “sufficiently devoted to Socialism” under the Communist systems – all you could do was plead “GUILTY,” and ask for the pity, mercy, and support of The Party in your “Rehabilitation.”

    Another arrow in our intellectual quivers!

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