Archive for April, 2007

Exchange on Stormfront Britain

I accepted a correction on the wording of my piece on Stormfront Britain:


I removed the word “fanatical.”

It shows my biases and distracts attention from my point.

You speak good American for a foreigner.

The reply was:

I’m English, you are the foreigner (no offence meant or taken) – Cliveyboy

So I answered:


As you know, but others may not, this was a twist on ENGLISH humor. You LOVE to make fun of yourselves, as people with a solid ego tend to.

I remember the English joke about an English lady who said:

“I am convinced that, if it is spoken loudly and clearly enough, EVERYONE can understand English.”

This makes an important point about white people in general. People on our side often make the mistake of trying to get white people upset about nasty jokes or denegrating statements about white people made by non-whites. It doesn’t WORK.

It doesn’t work because, like Englishmen, whites have no doubt about their own superiority, even if they are the most outspoken antiwhites. Nonwhites go to pieces when we denegrate THEM, because they take those comments seriously.

So it seems odd that we enjoy making fun of OURSELVES. It is simply a left-handed expression of confidence in ourselves.




It seems that the anti mantra of non-whites “doing the jobs Americans{white people] won’t do is beginning to falter. I also have noticed and commented to people about how you no longer hear talk about “how hard a workers the Mexicans are” anymore. Just a few years ago everyone was saying that, but I haven’t heard anyone say it for quite some time. Notice that they [Mexicans] are getting fancier ll the time, too. It used to be that you saw them driving beat up junkers, now I see them driving new four wheel drives and Mustang GT’s and such, and buying cartloads of DVD players and TV’s and stereos, etc. It is just a matter of time till they will be demanding more and more money and less and less work. Then we will see how much these businessmen and contractors who are now working them at slave wages love them. Same goes for the “high tech” workers of Bill Gates. I suspect that he will soon be seeking “diversity” somewhere where it will not cost as much.

Comment by Robbie


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Hugh Gaitskell did NOT win that election. I saw him walk in and that stuck to my mind. I WAS rght about his being an early Tony Blair in that, as Labor Party leader, he fought to get rid of the nationalization of industry parts of the Labor platform.

But Churchill DID give me HALF of that V for Victory sign.

Would I lie to you? I was in politics!



Tell Me Again There’s no Rebellion!

This may be helpful:

Comment by Papillo


It’s called “Handbook for Cyber Dissidents”


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Web Censorship “Bypass” Unveiled!
