Mark says:
1. Good work Richard — I don’t know if Bob caught the significance of your post, but I sure as hell did! It’s actions like these that take our people out of the stereo-typed, knee-jerk reactions we’ve all been conditioned to (thanks to jew t.v.). It bothers me how many of us automatically act like the cardboard characters the media portrays us as. What you’ve done is broke the mold and proved we are more than what jew t.v. portrays us as.
I will very often delay discussing a comment that impresses me deeply. I want so badly for it to stick in your mind, but if you have ever written a letter protesting something you really HATED, you will know how hard it is to get started. The same is true with me of something I am overwhelmed by.
Richard has done what I dream of. He didn’t just talk about what I said, or make the same point the umpteenth time. He USED my thinking in a REAL situation. Thousands of people have heard my points again and again and again. But when a real debate starts, they forget it all and go for what they’re used to. Richard USED it.
I remember when Jared Taylor was on a major talk show. He was trying to show what a Real Gent he was. After Taylor talked about Immigration, the fact came up that JAPAN was not under pressure to take in the third world. Taylor just said “Yes” and went back to his “See What a Cool Dude I Am” bit.
You can imagine how I felt about that.
Richard USED my thinking when something actually came up. Sarge is right. The significance of that is enormous.
This doesn’t fit on this thread, but I wanted to tell you something that happened recently. I was working with the BNP on a local council in England, and they were planning to call for the abolition of the council’s ‘Black and Minority Local Government Workers Association’. The reasoning was that it was wrong for the nonwhite workers to have their own group while the whites don’t.
I was going to support their call, but then I thought, ‘What would Bob do?’ I realized that the answer wasn’t to abolish the nonwhite group, but to establish a white group. So now the BNP councilors are going to call for a White British Local Government Workers Association to be set up alongside the nonwhite one.
The shift from being ‘anti them’ to being ‘pro us’ is a very significant one, and I think it will have a big effect on their level of support. May 3rd is the local council elections date, so keep an eye out.
Comment by richard

#1 by Simmons on 05/01/2007 - 10:10 am
Bob I have recommended to the editors of the comments section at the AR page to interview you but along with my posts that don’t conform to the “If Bob never existed” type they just get canned. If anyone one wants to see the cardboard people’s posts go to AR.
#2 by Dave on 05/01/2007 - 11:20 am
This “pro-us” stance is key. It is “the force in being” BW has talked about. We saw it earlier several months ago in the severe backlash Miller Brewing Co. endured when it was discovered Miller Brewing Co. backed an immigrant rights event.
Miller Brewing Co. was severely chastened and it shows in its new “our posterity” orientation in advertisements and race based product orientation. Miller firmly got the message that multiculturalism is pure crap and it had to divide itself explicitly on a product spectrum based on race.
Miller Brewing Co. agrees with BW: It sees a world divided forever. This view is central to its basic long-term strategy. Even more significant, it has made this view explicit and public.
Accordingly, racism is going corporate, mainstream, and public.
This is the mirror reverse of the message corporate America got from the 1990s Texaco scandal when a whistleblower caught some line executives making racists comments on tape.
Texaco then lost its black customer base and a significant piece of market share.
It was then that all of corporate America jumped on the bandwagon that blacks are just whites with a different color of skin.
This is now over and it means a new world has been born and that world is strictly racial and divided.
Only college kids and Mommy Professor is not aware of this. Our corporate command has moved on.