Mainstream whites get nervous when we go after jews, because they’re worried about a witchhunt. “What if I have some jewish ancestry?” they ask themselves. They can usually tell by looking in the mirror that they’re caucasian, but they don’t know if someone who was jewish is in their genetic closet. So they end up doing what the media trains them to do: hate ‘nazis’.
I’ve seen a 1/2 jewish kid get cut down on Stormfront, because of orthodoxy. My question is: where does it get us? This kid could have really helped fight anti-white racism. Send him into the ARA and weaken it from within. Send him out with a billboard and confuse the heck out of the media.
— denerebor
It is assumed that only whites can oppose genocide against whiets. It is also assumed that whites will be against genocide agsinst other groups, but not whites. That is the way it was, and the way it ever will be, according to SF.
But it is Iran which is disputing the Holocaust, not Germans. SF lives in the past, as others do.
Race is no longer the ruling whites versus all others. I remember when the Jews were loved by all who hated whites. Now our political right loves them and everybody else hates them.
I find it hard to talk to people who live in a static world.
As Simmons says, “Going after Jews” is stupid. Just tell the truth about their hostility and go on. STOP OBSESSING ON THEM.
It’s a BIG world, and the old blacks and Jews thing is silly.
We have a race to save, not a Revelation to bring to the world about Jewish Conspiracies or any other obsession with others.
I simply cannot explain common sense.
#1 by AFKAN on 01/08/2008 - 6:54 pm
This is a stronger point than many would like to accept, and I think I understand why.
Conspiracies – yes, which DO exist – are, all too often, an excuse for those who follow them to avoid doing even the simplest of things to counter their effects, even in their own lives.
Thus, full-bore “Conspiracy Theorists” end up using the total power of the Conspiracy to avoid doing anything at all, in any sector of their lives.
I am second to nobody – well, maybe Alex Linder! – in my understanding of HOW the Jews have succeeded so well, and WHY it is so important that we do even the simplest of things about it.
Remember – it is OUR OWN POWER that the Parasites are using against us!
All we have to do is reverse the flow of energy, and move it in a positive direction.
That’s why you don’t have to worry about “going after the Jews.”
If you are remotely effective, and even remotely “successful,” they will be coming after YOU, one way, or another…
Dwelling on the Jews to the exclusion of doing ANYTHING for Ourselves – WHERE we are, WHILE we can – serves the RACIAL interests of the Jews perfectly, and the RACIAL interests of our Families are actively negated, and passively undermined.
I use the Jews as Instruction – to see what they are REALLY doing, and learning from their example.
That having been said, the Insurmountable Opportunities before our Race offer us no shortage of challenges.
My nephews went back Home over the Christmas/New Years Holidays, and a LOT happened. At the end of it all, their Mother called, and told me she never wanted to hear from me again, and REALLY did not want the guys coming down to see me.
Their Father “manned-up,” and admitted there was no “there” for them to go back to, in terms of employment and a viable future.
That is how all of the shouting and hollering ended, with one small story I would like to share with you.
Their Mother arranged for the Pastor to take them aside after Church, and he sprung on them a double -edged attack: lots of emotional warmth, and lots of intellectual disapproval, mostly clad in “Why on Earth does your Uncle feel this way? That’s not what Jesus preached…”
They were cool, and had no fear – lots of judo classes make you that way.
They said, “Pastor, I know you mean well, and all of that, but you can call our Uncle TONIGHT, and discuss Christianity, the Bible, and Race with him. We have to get back to him soon as we can, because YOUR GENERATION DROPPED THE BALL, AND WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT. By the way, our Uncle says you see problems as the result of Racism. It’s not. It’s RACE! Why don’t you live next to those people?”
Apparently, they said this in such a manner that the Pastor realized the Game was over; they could not be manipulated by the Form if Institutional Christianity any more…
Meanwhile, “lay-off notices” were given as “Christmas Gifts” by one of the last local employers, along with a FREE Christmas turkey…
They’ve been back here since the early hours of the Fourth, and we have been doing a lot of talking about their Plan For the Future.