Like the rest of you, I think about other things than this blog. And I need a place to put my stuff on record. So when you don’t have anything to say, I am free to use this space for that purpose.
Solid State Physics: All Creation theories that we know of assume that earth is the center of the universe, and that what we have is the purpose of everything. Western Civilization was the first to consider that we may be one of the results of a far larger process not entirely aimed at us.
This was a step forward. But it lacks the other step. It is good mechanics, but it leaves out the fact that somehow certain beings have self-awareness. So, just as Shinto disregards evidence that The Goddess Who Invites created mankind, Western theory ignores that which it cannot explain.
Actually the solution to this dilemma we ignore is much the same as step 1, realizing the universe exists, which historical civilizations did not, and that its whole purpose is not us.
We have tried toe explain consciousness by saying it is somehow the result of complex computations, so a computer would be self-aware if smart enough. Then we forget the question.
This ignores the fact that, all the telescopes and computers taken into account, our only observation comes from our own awareness. In short, reality is what WE observe. And what are WE? No, we are not an advanced computer. We are, in the end, nothing but the selves, the consciousness, we have. We see things entirely from WITHIN this consciousness.
Now the normal response to this is to get inside a gypsy trailer and talk about Self and Buddha and so forth. That is not what I am talking about. I am saying, first of all, that the Realist who talks about Reality is actually talking about what our consciousness observes.
String theory is beginning to touch on this. Heisenberg’ Uncertainty principle almost touches on it. Which is why Einstein fought to his dying day against quantum physics: “God does not play dice with the universe.” Contrary to popular belief, Einstein was a believing Jew and a believing Stalinist, though nobody quotes him on that.
We have a problem with quantum physics because in it, things pop in and out of “existence on a random statistical basis. Likewise we have problems with black holes because “Where does it GO when it goes into a black hole?”
Obviously, it goes out of OUR universe. This is not supposed to happen since, objectively, we should have a handle on all energy and all matter. This is why the above “Who are WE” is simply a practical consideration entirely outside a gypsy’s tent or some Other World mutterings. It is a simply fact that we observe from within a pattern within which our consciousness developed.
The universe itself is probably solid, in a sense, in that if all the universes were combined it would be millions of tons per teaspoonful like neutron stars, or even heavier. But we live in the statistical instance in which OUR consciousness developed.
If the white race survives, we may be able to understand this process and look at other universes as well as travel within the one we perceive.
Then we can let the historians tell us how the gypsies really invented all this in the first place.

#1 by Dave on 01/11/2008 - 1:31 pm
One of my favorite quotes is Johann Goethe’s, “In life, nothing less than everything will do”. It is just another way of saying, “Let all of the evidence in”.
Because it is only in considering absolutely everything that we have any hope of getting a handle on what is really going on. That is the scientific mind. The Truth (Wordist Truth) is easy to come by. The truth (what is actually real) takes very hard and sustained work by intelligent people. Lifetimes of toil are spent for just a little bit of it.
Politics and ideology can’t handle this because politics and ideology are about what ideas (scientific, religious, or political) that at the moment, furnish people emotional relief. The general public is like Maynard G. Grebs of the ancient sitcom Dobbie Giles, they cringe at the word “work”.
This is why we have so many groups of people sorting themselves on the basis of commitments to be “practitioners of philosophy” which is just another way of saying, “enforcers of sincerity”. Getting a handle on the “Truth” is so easy by that means. It is requires no real work and struggle nor the emotional pain of doubt.
The Amish are an outstanding example of this. But this is the same reason why I am annoyed at the atmosphere over at Stormfront.
It is all too much about the need for emotional relief. Accordingly, the cause of white nationalism is not well served.
We have another eruption in the servicing of mob emotional needs in the phenomenon Libertarianism and accordingly Libertarianism is a very poor servant of white interests.
There is a genius in Robert Whitaker who says, “What creates the future is little noticed”. That statement happens to be the truth for very compelling reasons, reasons that are rarely, if ever, considered.
This is why I threw up It is full of evidence that is rarely, if ever considered in the mainstream, evidence that could have been lost in the pre-Internet era.
Fortunately, it is not going to get lost in our era.
Only one in a million can understand the importance of this, but I do.
#2 by Pain on 01/11/2008 - 2:48 pm
This is what Christopher Columbus did. He took the knowledge of the Vikings and a few fishermen and brought it to the world. Eurasia and Africa weren’t everything after all. Sundered from them and girded by the high seas was a New World.
This is also the old debate about where Paradise was: is it on this planet, warded from prying eyes like Shangri-La; was it off on some other planet; or is it another tangible world between heaven and our own?
Maybe the worm-holes lead to an unexplored wilderness of murderous Redmen, or maybe they lead to Paradise…
#3 by shari on 01/11/2008 - 3:34 pm
If the white race survives, surely any historian who tries to say that gypsies invented it all, will be laughed right out of town.
#4 by AFKAN on 01/11/2008 - 7:08 pm
in reply:
I suspect there is a spiritual force that manifests as “White Nationalism” – which I see as an active spiritual force, almost like an Entity, if you will – AND that is why becoming a “White Nationalist” is really like religious conversion.
The Child and the Sage see the same physical Reality, and yet, they see two completely different worlds. At most, the Child sees what IS, and IS right before him, and thinks he knows the World.
The Sage sees the dynamic interaction of Forces that form the World before him, AND he understands the Structures of Consciousness of the People before him, who see the same physical world as the Child, and the Sage.
The price for sagacity is pain; the pain of having your illusions, you illusory (mis)understandings ground to dust beneath your feet, over and over and over.
An important element in the construction of our social reality – “culture,” with a small “c” – is Wordism.
This is why we are going slowly insane, the Mind simply can not handle what the Senses are telling it, and so, they silence the self-preservation of the Mind by using more, and more powerful, tranquilizers. Did you know we are forcibly medicating children in elementary school, as well as the elderly in our nursing homes?
The SHOCK that makes room – “share of Mind” – for the Positive Theory of RACE, extends from valuing Family, and with it, the extended networks that support the Family, out into the Nation…
Most people do not want to face the painful Reality of Who they are, and Where they are.
Soon, they will have no choice in the matter, at all.
I use the example of my nephews, who have been taking up so much of time, as of late.
There is no “Home” to go back TO, for them.
The last manufacturing employer is leaving, and the plant is all but shut down; just as in the First Civil War, we can not compete with slave wages, and the New Serfs are becoming the New Dispossessed.
Their Mother blames the fact that they MIGHT have a future on me, the “Family Nazi.”
Her husband told them, as he dropped them off at the Greyhound station, that they might want to consider moving down with me for good, as there was no future whatsoeverin their hometown.
Let me be honest; until I converted to White Nationalism, I was going through the motions with a lot of my life.
Not anymore.
Every time I start to feel depressed at the prospects for our Racial Future, I look at them, and my sense of depression – anger, turned inward – melts in the fires of rage that I harness in useful, productive activities.
I think that is an implicitly Wordist trap a lot of the White Nationalists fell into; they are trying to return to a world that is gone, and a way of life that is gone with the wind.
It will be up to them to Create a future out of what is in store for America, and, while I am not at all sanguine about the American Prospect – Ozzie and Harriet Are GONE! – I AM quite hopeful about the future of the White Race, as far as I can do anything about it.
If we have to rebuild out of the damn ashes, so be it!
We will rebuild, and build better.
#5 by Pain on 01/11/2008 - 7:56 pm
Thank God somebody is talking about building and rebuilding.
We can’t set up a pro-White government and then go back on living in a dumpster.
#6 by mderpelding on 01/11/2008 - 8:21 pm
Ignaz Semmelweis was right.
I can’t speak for our we or your we or any other we.
Thank you for helping me to find my we we.
And, if on the off chance, we should join forces with our we, I would guess that your our we and my our we are different our we we’s.
#7 by Prometheus on 01/11/2008 - 8:58 pm
The argument that a complex enough computational system would become conscious is quite frankly, in my opinion a cop out. There is no explanation whatsoever, which could suggest how it is possible.
However, one thing we know, that this universe is capable of producing consciousness. Generally, we accept the universe as one that can’t, because we only consider what we can observe and consciousness itself can’t be detected or explained.
I think that during evolution the brain developed a way of somehow tapping into consciousness, which then enabled the brain to work in a less deterministic manner. One thing that has always puzzled me, is evolutionary speaking WHY does the brain need to be conscious? Theoretically, it could function without being conscious, but somewhere along the line consciousness came into it.
Perhaps the reason is that consciousness provides some evolutionary advantage, which would then mean that a conscious brain behaves differently from one that is not aware. The brain could have perhaps utilitised these new realms of physics that we are beginning to understand in order to give it more free will, and in doing so, it made the thoughts aware.
Theoretically, a computer could be conscious, and define itself based upon its construction, just as the way that our own biological construction defines what we are.
I think that philosophical mutterings on what we are and who we are are becoming, or are already obsolete. Experimentation will reveal what we are.
#8 by AFKAN on 01/11/2008 - 10:46 pm
in reply to Pain:
you wrote:
in reply:
I spend such spare time as I have addressing ALL Race Issues in the context of Covington’s Northwest Republic, simply because it is a tangible model – a touchstone – for how we can organize at all levels of society.
The problem is defined, and solved, in the context of White Nationalism as a spiritual force.
Just as people “convert” to Christianity, and no one has the answer to the question, “What do I do now?”, so, too, have we failed to define White Nationalism in terms of “What do I do now?”
Thus, we are left – at BEST! – with incompetent alcoholics as the public faces of our “Not-Quite-A-Movement-But-Working-On-It-The-South-Will-Rise-Again-Hand Me-That-PBR,-Brother” type organization.
In short, we MUST be able to answer the question, “What NOW?”
I ran my nephews through a series of tests to discover where they might have skills they could use to make a living with. In time, they could use these skills in the formation of a new Nation, in a White Homeland, in the Northwest Republic.
I will be encouraging them to learn economic analysis, and basic accounting, so they can properly analyze development projects, whether they are on a farm in Montana, or developing a new hydroelectric power site in Idaho.
They must learn to see the world through new eyes, with an eye on the Pole Star of Race, writ large, as the macrocosm of Family AND as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.
The good news is this: they have no “BACK” to go back to, and their two day ride on the Greyhound showed them one American future.
THAT is a strong motivator for them to learn how to build another, better, future in another, better, America.
I can work with that…
#9 by backbaygrouch4 on 01/12/2008 - 7:16 am
All religions have a Mumbo-Jumbo area in which faith is the guiding light, as opposed to logic or experience. It is a fun place to kill a bottle or two of wine with a lucid companion. But it really is not about life. Theoretical physics has always struck me as the best Mumbo-Jumbo area of science. It inevitably leads to religion and more Mumbo-Jumbo, another glass and pleasant evening, both relaxing and stimulating. Actually I’m drinking rum alone, but it was a fun read.
#10 by Simmons on 01/12/2008 - 11:14 am
Well the unexplainable is happening, and the best we can do sounds at times like mumbo jumbo, even the best jews cannot define racial consciousness with their best abstract thinking. The liberal’s racial conscious is forming and then they spend indordinate amount of energy to deny the obvious (if you want to join a nearly all white org. join an animal rights oufit lots of hot white chicks), the respectables now that is a hilarious joke as their jewish cult minders frantically tamp white racial conscious down like wack a mole. (see the Free Republic site)
Anyway to keep this short Pat Buchanan has written yet another book and it all but states the Mantra and I presume it is selling. Others have written wordist tomes on the West’s decline, but they go out of their way to never mention race and they do not sell, they are ignored.
Let me conclude, the key to our health is to ask questions, it is what we do while the rest of the world copies their torah word for word and spews it in rote evermore, we ask questions. Example, If a liberal ever asked another liberal, “Who is it exactly that must celebrate diversity, and who actually does?” Then how long would their mental anguish last or would it require yet more meds? Ask questions destroy Wordism.
#11 by shari on 01/12/2008 - 11:24 am
I have the idea that, it could get to where the mumbo-jumbo about the universe and the possibility of other universes clears up, more than ever before. But science and white men have to get rid of the political correctness. As for religion, it doesn’t have to be what ties us down, but the discovery of truth that makes free. What we want, won’t, “in my opinion” come about entirely of our own efforts. Or I should say, the efforts of smarter than average white men. I don’t think that is a mumbo-jumbo attitude. I think that is just reasonable.
#12 by Bob on 01/12/2008 - 12:18 pm
Back Bay Grouch, theoretical physics make predictions which are tested out in THIS life, where you can SEE it.
If it can’t be tested, it is classified as a theory, not a doctrine. Galileo and racial realists and hundreds of other examples show that if it CAN be tested, religion calls it a HERESY.
If you don’t see that in our established religion, Political Correctness, I can’t explain it to you.
#13 by Pain on 01/13/2008 - 6:52 pm
When I met anti-Bob in the anti-universe, I would best describe him as a little bit metallic. And burnt.
“He” had no arms.