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Physics versus Levantine-Oriental Mumbo-Jumbo

Posted by Bob on January 12th, 2008 under History

I don’t know how my mind works, and frankly I’m not sure I want to. But it turns out that what I said in the second one down, your responses, and the last one all come to perfect fit.

Mantra Thinking leads right on.

My little exploration into solid state physics and the nature of the self elicited a group of responses relating to that theory IN ITSELF and the mumbo-jumbo being generated to cover the fact that high-speed physics needs some new directions Orientals can’t develop, because observations are not backing it up.

It needs Nordics not wrapped up in Political Correctness, not more gypsies.

But I also wrote an article right after that about how this kind of thinking, Faustian thinking always ends up being PRACTICAL. Nothing looks more impractical than the list of basic research projects financed by the NSF. A list if the titles is sent to Capitol Hill each week and Senator Proxmire made hay by repeating these silly-sounding titles as wastes of taxpayer money that could be spent on welfare, etc.

Proxmire was a liberal, but the mush-minded respectable conservatives WORSHIPPED him. Many a science article pointed out, with examples, that Proxmire had a talent for attacking the most valuable research done. Some of which led to discoveries that saved his constituents’ lives. But you can’t expect the Buckleys to understand THAT.

If we are to reach the stars, which only whites can do, we will need to change the Buck Rogers vision. We will have to get out of light-speed-limited Einsteinian physics. We have already discovered that advances in communications and automation have made the Buck Rogers bit dated. We can send our eyes and ears where our bodies are a burden.

But we are not interested in sending our red corpuscles out. The idea is to send OURSELVES out, our SELVES. Our arms are no more part of our SELVES than the spacesuit it rides in.

Other Great Civilizations degenerate into mumbo-jumbo, so it’s easy to think that anything we can’t immediately understand is not worth understanding. That’s the Proxmire-Buckley approach. But we are NOT just another Great Civilization. We are WHITE.

Blacks degenerate, Orientals stagnate, whites INNOVATE. Only we can go to the stars.

  1. #1 by Dave on 01/12/2008 - 1:47 pm

    Personal will is not collective will. That is why the law cannot trump culture and Political Correctness cannot force integration, and official budgets and accounting cost objects cannot prevent basic research.

    But it is the issue of collective will that keeps everyone in perpetual confusion. So politicians are forever engaged in the sterile task of building coalitions, searching for some way to cobble together an expression of the collective will or some means to lay claim to it in a world in that is irrevocably Balkanized.

    Never was there any generation more foggy about this than the “Greatest Generation’.

    They absolutely believed “collective will” existed. That was their military training. Yet they could never articulate it. The reason for that, of course, is that it is impossible.

    They lived their lives with a barrier before them and a barrier behind them and with their eyes bound. Yet they absolutely had faith that somehow some sort of nationhood, e.g., “collective will” existed. Accordingly, Political Correctness was born to illustrate the contradiction.

    Hence, the “Mule Train March” on NASA.

    The only recourse has been for things that supposedly should be public to recede into invisibility.

    There is still one hell of a lot of basic research going on. However, it is not called that. It is called, for example, “the Hanford cleanup”. Or it proceeds under the guise of one or another of the war effort, weapons, computing, or intelligence programs. Or under the guises of government paid consultancies where energies are expended in complete contradiction to the accounting cost objects under which the funding is provided.

    There are no Federal or state governments. There are only a multitude of “governments” operating under one or another official authority or charter and under a dizzying array of funding arrangements. The financial and accounting visibility is really very low.

    “Representative government” doesn’t have a chance in this reality. That is why it is an open joke (to the knowledgeable) that Congress or any state legislature controls spending. They don’t control anything.

    And as regards to basic research, the visibility isn’t there simply on account of the personal will of those committed to basic research.

    They carry it out anyway and count on their bosses to look the other way. Sort of like what happened in the old Soviet Union.

  2. #2 by Pain on 01/12/2008 - 8:47 pm

    There used to be a thing going around the internet called the Incanabula. Some new graduate from Princeton claimed there were physicists who actually made it out of this world to another by creating a rift and then travelling through worm-holes to other parallel worlds.

    The writer of the Incanabula was quite elaborate and came up with realistic, detailed diagrams of the egg-shaped pods that the explorers traveled in. Then he gave realistic descriptions of one world they came to.

    His explanation why no one ever heard of this was that the physicists who travelled there liked their freedom, preferred to stay there, and neither wanted the wrong type to join them nor the loss of freedom if the US Government tried to insert control.

    He put the story together so cleverly, that it was almost convincing.

    The rift entry was somewhere in an isolated section of the New Jersey pine barrens the writer called “Ong’s Hat.” It was kind of a cool story, but he wrecked it by making the physicists into moral degenerates.

  3. #3 by AFKAN on 01/13/2008 - 1:27 pm

    in reply:
    When I was a much younger man, a friend gave me a remarkable novel called “DUNE.”

    It heralded the transformation of “science fiction” from bug-eyed monsters into a realm where Humanity was on display in all of its Aspects, ORGANIZED along the functional equivalent of – let’s not mince words – Racial lines. (I didn’t see the issue in Racial terms at that time. I plead the ignorance of youth.)

    Written by a polymath who had no illusions whatsoever about the goodness of “human nature,” DUNE defined a future where Mankind had become several different Races, each based around theories of the nature of Consciousness, and from THAT, theories of “human nature.”

    There are times, when I read threads like this, and the postings on the National Salvation site, that I am almost uncontrollably swept forward into thinking about the Racial implications of the thread, and the posts before me.

    This is one of those threads.

    THEY look at the stars, and see lights in the sky.

    WE look at the stars, and “see” where our Descendants will one day walk…

    Two totally different worlds, and all the more reason for us to consciously choose to develop the world we want to live in.


    I’ll have more to say about this.

    Only we can Consciously do this, and our eternal, implacable, Racial Enemies will do ALL they can to stop us.

    We must return the favor.

    By. Any. Means. Necessary.

  4. #4 by Pain on 01/13/2008 - 2:46 pm

    Herbert wrote Dune before the explosion of computers. Now we can point a personal telescope up anywhere in the skies and software will tell us exactly what we see. There is no need for mind-altering spice, and space navigation will be easy. All we have to do is send probes out ahead.

    They say that what holds us back is the warp drive. And I think what holds us back from getting that is that most physicists think Einstein was a real scientist — The Scientist — and he said the universe had a speed limit. However, physicists have already slung motes around faster than the speed of light, and have even sped up and slowed down light itself, but these men are the renegades (and also Nordics of course).

    Worm-holes pose an additional, possibly necessary step.

    Here’s a brain-tickler: The Norse described them a thousand years ago.

    They even had a name for them.

    Now it could be the Norse were sipping a magic potion and so the worm-holes they saw were illusions of the mind, but it would be an amazing coincidence that modern physics predicts the same things. So if they were describing real, physical worm-holes a thousand years ago, then why could we not find or induce worm-holes we could use for space-travel to other universes?

    Dr. Faustus found his soul and lives on.

  5. #5 by Pain on 01/13/2008 - 6:47 pm

    Other Great Civilizations degenerate into mumbo-jumbo…

    But not you, Bob.

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