[Bob, I’m taking a risk that you won’t mind me posting this during your vacation. I hope this is a nice follow up to “intent.” -BoardAd]
There are a million Truths, and hundreds of new ones daily. Every priest, guru and Marxist has one. There is only one truth, without the capitalization. But every form of Wordism as it own Absolute Truth, so we throw Absolute Truths at each other instead of talking rationally.
In a Wordist world we never say what we mean. Everything becomes an absolute, whereas every OTHER social animal lives in a balance of his wishes and group wishes. Modern Wordism developed when we still thought animals had no borders, fought no wars, and had a classless society, just like Rousseau’s Noble Savages.
Old Wordism developed when we still believe Atlas held up the world and if the Pharaoh or Aztec Emperor didn’t get out there and talk to the sky the sun wouldn’t come up. We, post-modern adults, can’t simply say we don’t WANT intermarriage. We have to make it Objective.
At the same time, everybody is outgrowing this crap. That is where a lot of the fascination with the Sopranos comes from. People LIKE Tony Soprano. “But,” we are told, “Soprano violates the System.” Most of us would rather take our case in front of Tony’s cold-blooded common sense rather than in front of two lawyers and a guy in a dress who treats the “jury” like the slaves they are.
Big successful lawyers talking at law school LAUGH at the idea that law has anything to do with justice. So do TV viewers. In fact, everybody has outgrown it but Professional Journalists and Mommy Professor and the like.
What I offer you is coaching in speak Postmodern English: “Cut the crap.”
So the Mantra is the simple truth, hammered in. There is no substitute for it. There is no substitute for sticking to the point that today “racism” means exactly what “heresy” meant to the Inquisition and what “fascism” meant to the Communists and what “Communist” meant to the fascists.
If you complicate it, you are not just gabling the message. You are WRONG.
Our newest hammer-in point is, “Why do people say things?” S when someone gives you an academic “fact,” like “race doesn’t exist,” the REASON that was said was because anyone who said anything else would lose his job.
There is NOTHING else here. You KNOW that. So if you say anything else, you are “overcomplicating,” you are lying. And telling lies what everybody knows are lies is a BAD strategy. Moderate Republicans used it for a generation and it NEVER worked.
People should not be able to cite Communist economic figures for an obvious reason everybody knows NOW. People should not be able to cite “authorities” whose jobs, as everybody knows, is to toe the party line.
The point is that TODAY everybody KNOWS that academic is subject to Politically Correct terror. Two decades ago you still had to CONVINCE people of that. . But in a war like this, if you are STILL arguing the way you did two decades ago you are in the position of Iraqis who tried to face 1990 weapons with 1980 Soviet stuff.
The world has moved on, but too many of us are still using the same old crap we used in the 60s.
#1 by YearningForFreedom on 01/24/2008 - 11:50 pm
You cannot say “that is the reason they said it” because you cannot prove that if they believed the contrary they wouldn’t say it anyway and get fired.
If “fear of losing his or her job” were the ONLY reason for not saying something than Bob’s statement would be true, but “lack of a belief in the idea” is also a valid reason.
Let’s test BUGS folks on this. What would you say if an academic answered with, “If I really believed that race exists, I would say it anyway, even if it costs me my job”?
Al Parker
#2 by Bob on 01/25/2008 - 10:54 am
#3 by shari on 01/25/2008 - 12:14 pm
Anyone who says that race doesn’t exist is either a deliberate lier, or coward, or so brainwashed they are not paying attention. Academics haven’t cared because they have such a racket going. Others actually hate whites.
#4 by Bob on 01/25/2008 - 1:03 pm
Come in, Planet Earth!
#5 by Dave on 01/25/2008 - 1:53 pm
Political Correctness is nothing new. It was early in the 15th century (the 1400’s) that the Catholic Church elevated the indigenous people of the New World to the status of “human beings”, conferring upon them full human rights in the spiritual sense.
Accordingly, the charge of “white oppression” of nonwhites, fueled by the compassion of priests, has been going on now for some 600 hundred years.
But it was in the 19th and 20th centuries that this compassion took on a distinctly anti-white tone, and when Political Correctness became a vehicle for the motivated propagation of squalor in the name of human rights for nonwhite people.
And the politically motivated propagation of the squalor of dark skinned communities has been the defining political characteristic of America (and many other countries) since the end of WWII. Economically, this propagation of squalor is deeply rooted in the self-interested motivations of public employee unions and their political cronies. Spiritually, it is deeply rooted in an awful form of greed, greed that styles itself with the auspices of white compassion for nonwhite people.
But what is squalor? It is nothing other than the terms under which a woman gets a husband and a child gets a father. And if you don’t understand this, you are long way from having handle of what is really going on.
Those terms have been steadily deteriorating worldwide for a very long time and increasingly, the world has become a world of fatherless sons, and a world of men who fail to support their wives and families.
Soil of fatherless sons grows martial culture, for a military officer is nothing but a substitute father. And it doesn’t matter whether that officer wears the uniform of an Imam, the uniform of a Communist, or the uniform of a Marine.
The power of uniformed officers does not grow in a vacuum. A world of fatherless sons and politically motivated squalor precedes it. You have no idea how well the British Aristocracy understood this arithmetic in the 18th and 19th centuries. They conquered the world with it.
Accordingly, you should also know the real reason America is currently embroiled in foreign Islamic wars. And you should also know the real reason the Pentagon shall soon decline to subordinate itself to the civilian authority of the President and the Congress, a coming watershed event in American history.
The Petri dish culture of Political Correctness propagates squalor, a phenomena that turns upon compassion and betrays it. Its arithmetic moves directly to war, and white compassion moves directly to brutality.
The only way for that not to be true is for nonwhite people to step up to their responsibility to improve the terms under which their daughters obtain husbands and their children obtain fathers. This is an economic task and a task of racial pride. Unfortunately the evidence is against most nonwhite peoples. The tendency of nonwhites is not only to fail, but also to turn to beggary and worse, to miscegenation as a scheme, and it is not by accident that beggary and miscegenation are pillars of Political Correctness.
That is why the worst kind of greed is far from money greed. The worst kind of greed is the greed that makes white people want compassion for their nonwhite brethren.
It is this compassion that is the real reason for the “browning” of America.
Political Correctness is nothing new. God’s Judgment is nothing new, either.
#6 by Pain on 01/25/2008 - 7:04 pm
Bob’s good even when he’s on vacation.
I hope the Bahamas were sunny this winter.