Political Correctness is nothing new. It was early in the 15th century (the 1400’s) that the Catholic Church elevated the indigenous people of the New World to the status of “human beings”, conferring upon them full human rights in the spiritual sense.
Accordingly, the charge of “white oppression” of nonwhites, fueled by the compassion of priests, has been going on now for some 600 hundred years.
But it was in the 19th and 20th centuries that this compassion took on a distinctly anti-white tone, and when Political Correctness became a vehicle for the motivated propagation of squalor in the name of human rights for nonwhite people.
And the politically motivated propagation of the squalor of dark skinned communities has been the defining political characteristic of America (and many other countries) since the end of WWII. Economically, this propagation of squalor is deeply rooted in the self-interested motivations of public employee unions and their political cronies. Spiritually, it is deeply rooted in an awful form of greed, greed that styles itself with the auspices of white compassion for nonwhite people.
But what is squalor? It is nothing other than the terms under which a woman gets a husband and a child gets a father. And if you don’t understand this, you are long way from having handle of what is really going on.
Those terms have been steadily deteriorating worldwide for a very long time and increasingly, the world has become a world of fatherless sons, and a world of men who fail to support their wives and families.
Soil of fatherless sons grows martial culture, for a military officer is nothing but a substitute father. And it doesn’t matter whether that officer wears the uniform of an Imam, the uniform of a Communist, or the uniform of a Marine.
The power of uniformed officers does not grow in a vacuum. A world of fatherless sons and politically motivated squalor precedes it. You have no idea how well the British Aristocracy understood this arithmetic in the 18th and 19th centuries. They conquered the world with it.
Accordingly, you should also know the real reason America is currently embroiled in foreign Islamic wars. And you should also know the real reason the Pentagon shall soon decline to subordinate itself to the civilian authority of the President and the Congress, a coming watershed event in American history.
The Petri dish culture of Political Correctness propagates squalor, a phenomena that turns upon compassion and betrays it. Its arithmetic moves directly to war, and white compassion moves directly to brutality.
The only way for that not to be true is for nonwhite people to step up to their responsibility to improve the terms under which their daughters obtain husbands and their children obtain fathers. This is an economic task and a task of racial pride. Unfortunately the evidence is against most nonwhite peoples. The tendency of nonwhites is not only to fail, but also to turn to beggary and worse, to miscegenation as a scheme, and it is not by accident that beggary and miscegenation are pillars of Political Correctness.
That is why the worst kind of greed is far from money greed. The worst kind of greed is the greed that makes white people want compassion for their nonwhite brethren.
It is this compassion that is the real reason for the “browning” of America.
Political Correctness is nothing new. God’s Judgment is nothing new, either.

#1 by shari on 01/25/2008 - 4:20 pm
So Dave is saying that calling something “compassion” that has NO compassion in it is worse than ordinary greed? I think so!
I was out walking when I saw coming toward me a mestizo mexican and a white girl. Looked like another kid would be coming, that has no chance. Meanwhile, churches, schools etc. are oblivious about encouraging the kind of morals and society that would give young white girls NO good reason to respond to THAT kind of attention.
It burns me up. “Nice” people are going to get hit between the eyes with the fact that they aren’t so nice. And, of course, those actually making the lies can go you know where.
#2 by AFKAN on 01/25/2008 - 4:30 pm
Dave made a stronger point than many might realize with his insightful comments regarding the condition of the professional US military services.
Dave wrote:
in reply:
This is a much more substantial point than most dare realize.
I suspect much of the reason for our unwillingness to move forward in our Expedition to Mesopotamia is the strongly held belief of the professional intelligence AND military communities, that we are, essentially, broke, and are not throwing money we don’t have, after objectives that do not support America, but certainly support Israel, and people are beginning to come around to that.
Notice the number of Jews who are now saying – in public, to the goyim – that THEY are opposed to our Expedition to Mesopotamia, and it is only those nasty old Zionists who supported it.
Essentially, the fiscal cupboard is bare, and the Unspeakable “M” Word has been heard around certain quarters among our forces in Mesopotamia.
The British Army figured out how badly they have suffered as our Janissaries in Mesopotamia; a recent issue of “The Economist” noted that the British Army is broke, and needs to be completely rebuilt. New everything, including new battle doctrines.
I suspect the really smart guys in our military have looked at the future of their organizations, and our nation, and are coming to inescapable conclusions. Incidentally, yes, once again, we have lowered the standards for admission to the military. A few months back, the Army recruited a welfare mother and her son, simultaneously…
Gresham’s Law applies to organizations, as well.
Incidentally, did you note how many of the amputee soldiers in Walter Reed were White?
Think there’s a reason for that?
An amazing article was published in the Winter 1992-93 issue of “Parameters.” It was entitled, “The Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012,” and was written by Charles Dunlap, Jr., a military sociologist.
Read it after you have read the article in “The Economist” – this was the cover article – and ask yourself what must be coming to America, one way or another.
I have also adopted an outlook on Race close to that which Wells adopted to what he called “The Open Conspiracy.”
He said, for the rest of his life, his religion would be “The Open Conspiracy.”
That’s damn near where I am on the subject of the White Race.
#3 by Simmons on 01/26/2008 - 10:10 am
Whites have not even begun to question the “Intent” of the other. For Bob’s entire life the “respectables” played by the left’s rules, wait till that flips. Someone here mentioned that Bob go to the “Chronicles” website and post, and let me tell you they play the submissive role well, as does TAC and even Taki. Mantra thinking changes that.
#4 by Pain on 01/26/2008 - 1:30 pm
Afkan improved on Dave’s entry by being more specific. I wish Bob could organize some pointers on how to boil things down. When I read a worthy comment like this, I sometimes think: “I guess that was good, but what did he say?”
If a writing is too cryptic to make sense, then the writer should spell out more.
If a writing is so long the point is watered down and lost, then the writer should cut it down.
Then if he finds himself shuttling between too cryptic and too long, he has made progress.
We all struggle with this, and I think it is helpful to remind ourselves of basics. Just when we think we have it down pat is when we stumble.
#5 by Prometheus on 01/26/2008 - 7:55 pm
Political Correctness is just a modern day term for an old phenomenon.
#6 by shari on 01/26/2008 - 8:46 pm
Pain often says what I think, but can’t say.
#7 by Tim on 01/26/2008 - 9:36 pm
Good thing this election is NOT about RACE….LOL.
I just heard MSNBC (of all places) say that democratic candidates must get more WHITE male votes to win a general election!! I never knew we counted so much. I was always told that we must get minority votes to win…..lol Maybe this was a slip of the tongue. Maybe they should have read BUGS a couple of years ago when Bob called this election and all others after it…..they will all be about RACE.
Chris Mathews and Joe Scarborough don’t like that it is all about race……..I say —FINALLY—it is about time that it comes down to RACE and in such a way that it is out in the open. Now all we got to do is stop the NEOCON SHWM’s from talking for us. And that is why we are here.
But what is funny —-is not that Bob got it. But how obvious it is that every group has a spokesman as a group but Whites and soon WHITES will get one as well. That is our day and it is coming. In spite of what all the doomsdayers say…..it is coming and the neocons cannot survive in an ethncentric society were everything is RACE.
#8 by Tim on 01/26/2008 - 9:55 pm
I have a question for you or anyone else. An aquaintance of mine showed me a book by some new age writer. It held my attention because he talked about our race.
He basically wrote that whites in deprivation tanks for long periods of time do not have a circadian rhythm that correspond to earth. Our circadian rhythm has a frequency of 24 hours and 40 minutes —which does not correspond to earths rotational period—but mars!!! (He did not say all whites but some or many)
The name for the giza plateau were the pyramid was built —was and is- el-kahira —el-kahir—arabic name for mars.
Interesting info and good too—even if it is false. But I remembered Bob saying that we were probably in the wrong solar system. David Duke says “our destiny is in the stars” (and he says it all the damn time). Putin now announces that Russia is going to Mars and this author my buddy is reading says that Aryans originally colonized Mars.
LOL…Is someone holding out on me? Fess up?!??!
(By the way, before you get on my case for this post. Understand that –if this is fantasy b.s.—this is the type of fantasy b.s.—that is “race based fantasy” and it is the best type for young whites IMO. It blasts through and answers the only Aryan question that counts for us….IS LIFE WORTH LIVING ….and it gives it a resounding YES. Race based fantasy has always helped me. Look at the reaction of young whites to Lord of the Rings.)
#9 by shari on 01/27/2008 - 9:07 am
I like fantasy. Lord of the rings, C.S. Lewis’s stuff and George MacDonald. It does lift your heart up.
#10 by danerebor on 01/27/2008 - 7:13 pm
I do like that fantasy stuff too. It seems more believable than this bizarre PC society we live in today. It’s funny how appealing the medieval mindset can be.
#11 by Bob on 01/27/2008 - 9:07 pm
Shari, can I call you Painness?
#12 by AFKAN on 01/28/2008 - 2:14 am
in reply to Tim:
you wrote:
in reply:
I think the Giza pyramids actually represent Sirius.
you wrote:
in reply:
Only we – the White Race – have something encoded in the source of our genes that makes us look to the stars, and think, “Damn! I wonder what it must be like up there! I’d really like to go there.”
Even Jack London – as solid a White Racialist writer as you will find – wrote a story of a mind in prison, whose Mind left his body and walked among the stars.
In “A Distant Thunder,” Harold Covington ends with a communique from our university on Mars.
And, Kevin Alfred Strom did an American Dissident Voices entitled “Toward The Stars.”
Hell, Pierce even formed a Church of Cosmotheism – no halfway measures for HIM!
Only we look toward the stars, and THEN develop the technics to forward the process of Civilization, almost as if we are consciously building the building blocks to take our Race back Home – or, more to the point, to a much better Home than the one we now occupy.
you wrote:
in reply:
From “Lord of the Rings” – where the Opposition are clearly defined as our Racial Enemies (“My Preciousss! Damn, why not just come out and SAY it!” – to “Dune” with its hundred generation plan to develop a Superman with genetic engineering, the list goes on where we make the world a better place, by doing what needs to be done, to achieve a much greater Purpose than the members of any one generation could imagine.
I suspect Pournelle might well have been saying more with his Moties and their native Culture than he could in any other way, if you know what I mean, and I think that you do.
#13 by Bob on 01/28/2008 - 9:58 am
AFKAN, as you know, Jerry Pirnelle is a Louisiana boy in his eighties who was a friend of Analog editor William Campbell, who wrote about race differences a LOT.
Pournelle even quoted ME once in his online Chaos Manor back in my WOL days.
#14 by shari on 01/28/2008 - 6:20 pm
Bob, I thought about Painess. In a way it would be a compliment, but it just sounds a little weird to me. Thanks anyway.
#15 by Bob on 01/29/2008 - 11:59 am
shari, something that Bob said sounds weird?
Now there’s a real surprise!