“So while kids, who seem to be more racially aware than we take for granted are suppressed and punished by the old PC fogies, we miss a perfect opportunity to create another group of revolutionaries, a new counter culture.”
We have a common sense of oppression based on race within our race. White people punishing white kids/folks for being white. And the minorities just reinforce it in every way….every day. It has NO precedent…..so the outcome will be unprecedented.
This has went so far for so long it will be like a mini explosion. I do not think the SHWM’s have ANY idea just how radicalized the young whites are. Prometheus is one of the first to really comment on it. The people on this board are as bright as they come. But I do not think most people (esp. liberals) really fully comprehend just radical you make a young white kid when every minute of every day all day long as they are held captive in a situation that is 100% racial. It is not really comprehendable to anyone that has NOT spent a few years on bus as a minority in a constant violent situation.
I have always thought Hitler secretly wrote this script. This is precisely what it takes to radicalize whites racially. Something extreme like this. There are some liberals now that are very crafty and very afraid of what they have created. The internet has let the genie out of the bottle and they feel change is in the air. BIG CHANGE.
#1 by Simmons on 01/31/2008 - 11:06 am
Why do “respectables” fail with every succeeding generation I’ll tell you why. Every respectable lives to finish the sentence of every dim bulb emotive childish liberal, and then they turn to the young and lecture them like they fell off Mt. Olympus and its their duty to tell the young what to do. Example; The left shrieks racism, the respectables swarm to the memory of MLK and every negroe has the face of the savior (MLK), and the respectables proceed to tell the next generation to behave themselves, and the next generation does behave, like MLK.
Simmons example; What I tell the next generation with my wedge forming way. Yes MLK at times showed virtue that we can respect, but he was degenerate in private life, a commie dupe and a racketeer of riots, things you never hear of. “And do you know why this is, can you tell me?” Then I proceed down a whole list of questions meant to stimulate the youth’s intellect not to sound like a pathetic old reactionary defending what the child feels to be nonsense. Because the child has met the wild African and it ain’t a PC fairytale (In our upscale school district they imported some wild Africans and they spend their lunch hour walking around in the cafeteria threatening people)
#2 by Pain on 02/02/2008 - 10:23 pm
Excellent perception, Tim! They are also more likely to be a bit radical.