Archive for January, 2008
General Comments Redux
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 01/29/2008
I was writing in reply to one of Bob’s Blog posts, but turned into something better suited to the general comments category.
Whites are going to want people to speak up for THEM. So far their voices are quiet, because PC suppresses them and jails opposition and locks up 14 year old British schoolgirls for speaking their mind as to who they would prefer to sit with.
Every White Nationalist agrees that Political Correctness suppresses speech and at the same time they argue that no one is racially aware anyway and no one speaks up. Yet few see the contradiction in this belief. Systems are oppresive precisely because of their opposition. They know, as soon as they let their guard down, they’re history. Every liberal knows, though they never admit it directly, that as soon as they relieve their stranglehold, their ideology will be discarded faster than putrified yoghurt.
So while kids, who seem to be more racially aware than we take for granted are suppressed and punished by the old PC fogies, we miss a perfect opportunity to create another group of revolutionaries, a new counter culture.
I’ve put forward pro-white statements in a public debate, only to have the young teenagers make supporting statement AGAINST the ageing liberal hippy who I was attacking. There was NO support for PC here, because they felt it was SAFE to speak their mind.
This was not an isolated incident either.
Way to Go, Lord Nelson!
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 01/29/2008
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 01/28/2008
At least white nationalists should be a little more aware than the conservatives who were taken in by people like “marxist-turned-rightwinger David Horowitz”.
I trust most Stormfronters wouldn’t be as gullible as Jared Taylor and start thinking that jews have suddenly discovered their inner Klansman.
— richard
When Dr. Duke stood up at the AR convention and attacked the Jewish presentation, he said, “You are accepting the neo agenda!” Afterwards when I saw him he was very upset with himself for upsetting Jared Taylor and the AR group.
But, as I told David, if HE didn’t bring his point up, who the hell would? What is the POINT of being David Duke if you get bashful?
After my continued warnings about neo-racists, you would assume that Jared Taylor would be my bete noire. No. Jared is out there presenting our point of view as close to the mainstream as it can be. Jared’s close circle is solid.
Jared Taylor has an inner group which advises him, good people all, like Sam Francis before and Sam Dickson the whole time. Jared is trying to bring us into the mainstream. David Duke does not want to be out here with me, totally unacceptable.
I get the impression that Jared is even more of a loner than I am! He is trying to do something that no one understands but himself. Hence the Jew.
To be perfectly frank, the people in this movement do not DESERVE both Jared and David Duke. But powerful minds like that are taking their positions. As I said, we need a Jared Taylor to go mainstream and we need a David Duke to call his actions into questions.
Can anyone actually imagine two minds like that of Dr. Duke and Jared Taylor in any other movement? Jared and David got in here when we were tiny. What we do NOT need is to cling worshipfully to some big-name outsider who converts to us.
THAT is what killed conservatives. Big-name neos took over.
And we need to watch Jared. The difference between going mainstream and going neo is a hair’s breadth. THIS is the sort of thing we need expertise on.
Which is why I said we don’t deserve Jared and Dr. Duke. They are trying to deal in Realpolitik, but our only reaction to Obama’s win was to bitch and moan and pine for Ron Paul. This is amateurishness in a time when professionalism will win.
Thank God for Jared and stay on his tail. If this sounds contradictory, you are an amateur.
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, History on 01/28/2008
The Obama candidacy is creating White awareness which must precede White solidarity. The jewish media is hyping the inclusiveness of his appeal, but the practitioners, the Clintons, are singing a different tune. A respectable conservative condemns the Billary bile, but the practical conservative smiles quietly and lets them do his dirty work. But the danger is that the Clintons are not really conservatives. They hope to be Trojan horses, a la the neocons. They must be rejected while their tactics must be accepted. Their only function should be to be disposable third party tools. (By third party I do not refer to a political organization, but to a useful idiot, one who advances your cause while thinking otherwise or a covert agent.)
Not since St. Paul has anyone taken the road to Damascus. All converts are fifth columnists. Think neocons. By treating them as pariahs, White solidarity will be enhanced by creating a penalty for race treason. Fear enhances solidarity as well as devotion. A draft is implemented when recruitment falls off. But with a good officer corps in place you still get a functioning army however reluctant the troops. Think W.W.II, Most of those guys did not want to go. The country was isolationist. It did not become internationalist until tens of millions were systematically brainwashed in boot camp and a ruthlessly controlled press worked over the civilian population. Open-mindedness and freedom did not get us to our present predicament as much as the phalanx mentality of our opponents. It should be emulated.
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