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Posted by Bob on January 28th, 2008 under Coaching Session, History

The Obama candidacy is creating White awareness which must precede White solidarity. The jewish media is hyping the inclusiveness of his appeal, but the practitioners, the Clintons, are singing a different tune. A respectable conservative condemns the Billary bile, but the practical conservative smiles quietly and lets them do his dirty work. But the danger is that the Clintons are not really conservatives. They hope to be Trojan horses, a la the neocons. They must be rejected while their tactics must be accepted. Their only function should be to be disposable third party tools. (By third party I do not refer to a political organization, but to a useful idiot, one who advances your cause while thinking otherwise or a covert agent.)

Not since St. Paul has anyone taken the road to Damascus. All converts are fifth columnists. Think neocons. By treating them as pariahs, White solidarity will be enhanced by creating a penalty for race treason. Fear enhances solidarity as well as devotion. A draft is implemented when recruitment falls off. But with a good officer corps in place you still get a functioning army however reluctant the troops. Think W.W.II, Most of those guys did not want to go. The country was isolationist. It did not become internationalist until tens of millions were systematically brainwashed in boot camp and a ruthlessly controlled press worked over the civilian population. Open-mindedness and freedom did not get us to our present predicament as much as the phalanx mentality of our opponents. It should be emulated.

  1. #1 by richard on 01/28/2008 - 12:03 pm

    At least white nationalists should be a little more aware than the conservatives who were taken in by people like “marxist-turned-rightwinger David Horowitz”.

    I trust most Stormfronters wouldn’t be as gullible as Jared Taylor and start thinking that jews have suddenly discovered their inner Klansman.

  2. #2 by Dave on 01/28/2008 - 1:26 pm

    Plutocracy and cronyism is not our problem, despite what all the whiners think. It is labor law, civil service regulation, public employee unions, medical tort law, and the Medicaid laws and regulations that hold up the specialty medicine rackets that are our problems.

    When BW says, “all the power has been taken”, that is understatement writ large. These enumerated above have completely and thoroughly overthrown representative government at both the Federal and state levels in our society.

    Here are two little known facts:

    One half of all stocks and bonds are held by government (primarily the public employee union defined benefit pensions and workers compensation rackets).

    On half of all government spending is Medicaid (specialty medicine rackets).

    Here is another little known fact: These rackets are primarily white owned enterprises.

    Here is yet another little known fact: The white owners of these rackets have no intention whatsoever of letting niggers and Mexicans muscle in on them and most what passes for “minority” politics’ is nothing other than an attempt to muscle in on these rackets.

    I do know this: Regardless of what happens in the elections and what happens politically, the privileged work forces of the Federal and state governments and the privileged workforces of jacked in government contractors on both the military and social welfare sides ARE GOING TO GET THEIR DEFINED BENEFIT PENSIONS.

    They will get these pensions at full value even if they have to turn 50 caliber machine guns on the American public. You just wait and see if you think otherwise.

    The niggers and Mexicans are trying to muscle in on this. They will probably get what they have always gotten, nothing more than tokenism, regardless of Obama’s or any other nigger’s or Mexican’s fortunes. We will see.

    So when you think of the Clintons, GET REALISTIC. Their power has been and always was based upon that fact that they are BIG LEAGUE STARS of public employee union labor negotiations and very clever players in this particularly salient and dimly understood sports arena.

    Meanwhile, in every jurisdiction in America, we face growing and blatant attempts by the niggers and Mexicans to muscle in, and to the extent they succeed, is the extent to which American politics divides on the racial axis.

  3. #3 by Pain on 01/28/2008 - 7:35 pm


    I like this: “Billary bile.” I’ll have to use that.

    Also, I like how you put together that boot camp had a direct roll in changing American thinking in the mainstream, for even those who did not go.

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