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Posted by Bob on May 9th, 2006 under General

You are a real relic!

Back in 50s and 60s the Soviets would blame the failure of their insane collective fam system on “bad weather,” and antis would explain how yet another poor brown country had “problems,” or it would be just as well off as the West.

This crap became a joke forty years ago, and it it’s kind of pathetic to see you are still back there.

Mexico has just had all that bad luck. Ghana has just had all that bad luck.

Brazil just has awful luck.

Every brown country, like every year of Soviet agriculture, just had bad luck.

You ought to get back on the “It’s all the white man’s fault” line. A lot of people just eat up guilt, and that line still sells in a diminshing number of cases.


Using Latin America as an example is fine, except that it has a shared history, and this confounds the value of the comparison. It is difficult to argue that these countries have not had more than their share of problems in the last 200 years. On the other hand, so have several predominantly white countries at various times in their history. Clearly, there are factors other than interracial breeding that can cause problems, and any attempt to link the problems of Latin America to race must account for these factors as well.[/QUOTE]

  1. #1 by kane on 05/09/2006 - 2:54 pm

    As far as excuse making, the whole world does it. Pol Pot blamed the encroaching Vietnese. Hitler, obviously, blamed the Jews. My point, everybody does it. Democrats blame Republicans, Republicans blame the previous administration of Democrats. Taking responsibility for your actions is not the way of the politician, or calling things down the middle like a referee. Dare I say it, you probably do it too. I don’t know a single politically-aware person who doesn’t see things through his world view.

    Politics is an endless struggle to convince the pawns (most of the population) to follow you instead of the other guy. There are more stupid people than intellectuals, and enough more to outshoot or outvote intellectuals. Therefore, it’s all about the groundgame of hitting individuals with bs propaganda. Heck, I even think most white people are dumb too. I reached this conclusion a few days ago, that of course I’m concerned about the interest of my race, but harsh reality tells me that a two party system couldn’t maintain itself democratically without ruling over a class of idiots. I’m sorry to say it, but excuse making is just playing for victory…something everyone does.

  2. #2 by kane on 05/09/2006 - 3:13 pm

    You may be asking yourself why I would still support the survival of the white race after the expression of such a dismal and dark viewpoint. It’s simple. I believe a higher power commands me to racial integrity. I believe reproductive race mixing is the ultimate blasphamy.

  3. #3 by Bob on 05/09/2006 - 3:14 pm

    Well, if I didn’t mention that everybody blames things on others, it’s all kane’s damned

  4. #4 by Peter on 05/10/2006 - 1:19 am

    How many Latin American countries are there? Does the Gracus dope want us to guess what factors might exist for every one of them? Whatever happened to the greatest common factor and Occam’s Razor? The GCF and Razor for all of them is: ta da, Race.

    People who insist on complicated answers really only want wild goose chases to keep you busy while they laugh.

    Bob didn’t bite.

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