I keep saying that as a teenager I was prophetic about what would happen.
I was able to be prophetic because nobody else CARED what would happen.
Which explains why my oh-so-prophetic ability never made me RICH.
If you predict the stock market, you are competing with people who CARE how the stock market will come out.
Think about it:
Do you actually think that any anti could care less about the actual fate of mixed-race future generations?
One anti actually told me I was silly to worry about it because it would be a long time.
To me, future generations are as human as we are. Granted that the Pope’s morality begins at conception, but I belive that Jesus was talking to those of us, like the Pope, who were conceived many centuries after he was crucified.
So my prescience was not superhuman. It was simply seeing a reality no one else CARED about.
There’s no money in predictions that do not affect the stock market.
No Pope and no professor is going to praise you for being concerned about human beings who arenot born yet, who are of no benefit to them.
Which is why Popes and Professors have the power.
Their only weak point is that they are wrong.
They advocate evil.
Everybody comes down on a person who says that.
But with the Internet, maybe those who are not psychopaths will take my side.
I have no choice.
I am for truth and against evil.
It’s in my genes.
#1 by Peter on 05/15/2006 - 9:58 pm
“If You’re So Smart, Why Ain’t You RICH?”
Oh but Bob, you’re rich in wisdom! hahaha
#2 by Tim on 05/15/2006 - 10:09 pm
I once heard a professor being asked by a successful business man:”If you so smart why aren’t you rich?”
He quipped:”Well if your so rich why aren’t you smart?”
It was quick, sharp and effectively good reply —especially for a professor. He was an econ professor.
The Antis are funny. I wonder how many of them will say they were undercover racists the whole time when the tide turns?? I hear the stories already —“We were spying on the Antis!!” Not uncommon —look how man so-called Conservatives are against Immigration right this minute. Everyone knows they would not be saying a thing if the Immigrants were Swedes (and nor would I). How many of these so-called Conservatives were making all the AntiImmigration arguments back in 1965? Why Not?? Human Nature.
People are funny. People are sheeple. And we all know what happens to sheep–as soon as they do NOT have the safety of the flock. PANIC.
Like I said before BW. Dogs do NOT bark at Ghosts —they bark at REAL threats.
#3 by Peter on 05/16/2006 - 4:06 pm
I love that line Tim!