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Posted by Bob on May 26th, 2006 under Comment Responses

Budarick points out:


Dear Bob.

I don’t aggree with you when you say the race problem is primary to the Jewish problem.

I know the Jews are scared of any racially conscious society, but that is not my point.

So long as the Jews control how most of us feel and think, the Jewish problem is the only one we have and MUST RESOLVE. And also in many different domains such as economics, philosphy, the arts and how they propose to wage premptive nuclear war, which no sane Aryan would ever contempleate without a prefound awareness of the possible consequences.

If we did not have the Jewish problem then in my view our natural racial discriminatory instincts would lead us to healthy normal responses, and furthermore in my opinion, those healthy normal responses would certainly NOT lead us to commit genocide on blacks or other races [as the Jews are doing to us and to the Palestinians].

That leads me to the other point i wish to make, being that discrimination does NOT lead to the abuse of those descriminated, but rather could be seen proactively, in that it empowers the descriminator to effectively help those of other races [because we see clearly in what ways they are different and how their needs are different to ours].

How could we help another race or culture without discrimination?

And isn’t that what White Aryans have always done?

But the Jews seek to prevent that Christian approach we have always had in the past, because they want maximum conflict between races. And if we sudy it, it is quite clever what they are doing.

If it was not for the Jews [who i claim now rule the world – am i wrong or deluded?] we would not have the race problem!

We would still have many problems, as is the nature of life, but it would be as America and Australia was before the Jews took us over.

But we can’t return to the past.

Jewish world dominion is now the base reality of 2006.

We need to be able to discuss it sensibly.

Comment by PeterGene Budarick


You made me realize how I may be misunderstood when I keep criticizing too much emphasis on the Jewish Problem, by which I mean THE PROBLEM JEWISH LEADERSHIP HAVE MADE OF THEMSELVES.

Every point you make is the kind of comment that makes the Blog worth while.

But the question, what can WE do about it?

By WE I do not mean white gentiles in general,

By WE I do not mean all white preservationists.

By WE I mean the tiny and precious group of Bob’s Bloggers and the tiny shred of Stormfront that doesnot just say, “Bob, you’re right” or Bob, you’re wrong” but those who take what I write the way I do, as advice from a professional wholey dedicated tot he preservation of our race and finding arguments and means to accomplish it.

By WE I mean the few who don’t just read what I say and worry about whether I was nice enough to somebody, but those who THINK about what I SAID as a tool for fighting their fight.

That is why I am so upset when a potential member of WE gets sidetracked on W’s stinky feet or on Iraq or on Jews in general.

On Bush or Iraq, they just get lost in the choruse of millions. On the Jewish Question, we already have giants like David Duke and Kevin MacDonald. We have the whole Islamic world.

For this WE to spend its resources on the Jewish Question is exactly like a German soldier on the Western Front lying awake all night worrying about the invasion of Russia.

You would not find a single German general in either World War who would say, “Forget Russia, it doesn’t matter.”

But EVERY German general would have said, “If you lay awake worrying about Russia, you’ll be groggy and get your head blown off in the battle you need to concentrate on.”

At this moment, our resources ar dedicated almost entirely to the front you are talking about. We desperately need more people repeating Bob’s Mantra.

It will be a long cold day in You Know Where before the number of people who join me in the the work I am doing actually cuts into the hordes who are fighting on the Jewish Front.

When that day comes, I will change my tune.

  1. #1 by LibAnon on 05/26/2006 - 6:51 pm

    “We desperately need more people repeating Bob’s Mantra.”
    I don’t really understand why you think Duke and MacDonald are fighting on a different front. The only difference between their message and Bob’s Mantra is that their message is more specific and consequently, in my opinion, more effective.
    Like Bob’s Mantra, Duke and MacDonald point out the “ongoing program of genocide against our race, the white race”. But they also go further and specify explicitly WHO is running this program. I believe this additional precision not only helps us understand the problem, but also helps us understand what can be done about it.
    On the other hand, the closest Bob’s Mantra comes to saying WHO is committing the crime of genocide against us is “liberals and respectable conservatives.” But in my opinion, that’s not only too abstract but actually misleading. The so-called “liberals and respectable conservatives” have nothing to do with liberalism and conservatism, as you have often said yourself. What the phrase CONCRETELY means, for all practical, political purposes, is Jews, those who are in the pay of Jews, and those who are under the influence of Jews. This is an ethnic war, not an ideological one.
    I realize, of course, that your work in GENERAL goes much deeper than this. What you’re really exploring is the entire question of what it means to be conscious and creative as opposed to being simply another part of organic nature. This makes your analysis of the problem much richer, more profound, and ultimately more effective than either Duke’s or MacDonald’s. But in terms of the simpler, practical, political, “agitprop” task for which Bob’s Mantra is intended, I wonder whether Duke and MacDonald’s approach isn’t better; i.e., simply to grasp the nettle and name not only the crime, but the criminal.

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