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Point Missed!

Posted by Bob on January 13th, 2008 under Bob

When I did the piece on solid state physics, etc., below, I got hte usual stuff about worm holes and so forth. I get the picture in my mind of a our future being running around in a deerstaqlker hat with a magnifying glass sending our bodies out to look at things.

The point of what ***I*** wrote had nothing to do with scifi conventions. Buck Rogers is out. The question is what is the unvierse we are looking into? There may be a vast number of them right up against ours, the ones WE perceive. But again, PLEASE don’t send me a bunch of Hindu stuff about the Self to replace the scifi standards.

I was pointing out that the unviverse we OBSERVE is the OBSERVED universe because WE are observer. This is NOT a mystical concept anymore than it is mystical to realize that the unvierse did not HAVE to produce US.

To the Classical or Levantine civilizations, the idea that there IS a universe, or that a universe could exist which does not look like this one is as absurd as Oriental mysticism is to us. It isimpossible for us to realize that the Hindu/Buddhist concept of reincarnation is NOT religious, it is THEIR physics. They ASSUME reincarnation.

The Nicean Creed talks about “one syubstance,” a concept which has no meaning to our physics. Theya re speaking of “substance” and “accidents,” which made up the PHYSICAL description of thing in Classical society inthe same way we souls speak of molecules, and PLEASE do’t give me the old “they had atoms” stuff!

The point is that we are, star-reaching wise, very primitive. The only way we can MOVE at all is by blasting something backwards to make us move forward. That’s sort of like the Chinese use of black powder. It’s easy to go back and say the Chinese showed us how to go to the mean but they obviously wouldn’t have.

Anyway, this subject is at a dead end.

As I said, I just wrote that to get my concepts on record. Someday they’ll be seen as absurd or obvious.

  1. #1 by Pain on 01/13/2008 - 6:36 pm

    But we are not interested in sending our red corpuscles out. The idea is to send OURSELVES out, our SELVES. Our arms are no more part of our SELVES than the spacesuit it rides in.

    I’ve done that, Bob.

    And without drugs.

    Have you fallen off the wagon?

    The little elves are watching you, rooting for you. Pain says “Hi.” One day I’ll introduce you to my little warrior-friend, he saved my life at least once.

  2. #2 by Pain on 01/13/2008 - 6:38 pm

    You think I’m kidding.

  3. #3 by Dave on 01/13/2008 - 9:43 pm

    I once saw a blind girl walking down the street banging on some sort of gong. It flummoxed me so I took the time to find out the meaning of it.

    Her idea, probably learned through Alan Watts, was that “God is ineffable”, so it is supposedly meaningless to speak of God. Instead, what you do is bang on a gong and listen to the receding vibrations. That is supposed to let you know something about God.

    This is the “misty tinkles” concept so beloved by our blue-collar laborers and why Buddism and the Dali Lama are so popular in Seattle and Boulder.

    Now I see the power of “peace of mind” which Mr. Maxim and Mr. Kalashnikov must have had much of to be able to design such fine rifles. But the Buddists don’t agree with me on that, although they do agree with me on peace of mind.

    But the point is, and the one I think BW is trying to make, is that there is great inequality in knowledge. The importance of various kinds of knowledge is just very unequal just like the races are.

    I have spent years confused only to finally find the source of my confusion with relief and consternation. (How could I have not figured it out earlier?) But the real reason is that I worked at it and it was always because I was thinking about the problem entirely wrong and my assumptions were entirely wrong. And this is my simple way of thinking about how science and learning progresses.

    It is a damnable thing to want clarity for those who care about knowing something. That is why I have sympathy for those researchers who are flogging chaos mathematics (advanced statistics) and killing themselves with chocolate balls and the sustained frustration of it all. But now Google, Microsoft, and HP are throwing together big new data centers with the idea of developing software to deliver super computers on the hive model to the masses.

    Let those flogging chaos mathematics be driven to agony and contemplation of suicide with that tool at their disposal. The existence of “new universes” operating under very different physical laws from our own may be given greater plausibily yet.

  4. #4 by AFKAN on 01/14/2008 - 12:12 am

    Some quick thoughts:

    Bob is right; the great limit of Eastern theology is that is seeks to bind one back to Nothing.

    The Earth – and Earth wisdom – is literally renounced as Maya, the Illusion.

    To those who choose to see the World as Illusion, I calmly ask them to stand in front of a freight train, and see What is Real.

    The point remains that, to Eastern theology, reincarnation is the functional equivalent of physics for the Soul, except that that body of “physics” is already known. We are just putting in Time on the Wheels.

    Identity is thus solely a derivative of your place in the social order; beggars, given enough time, work their way up to be emperors, and just have to put enough “time in grade” to “earn” the power, and responsibility, of being Emperor.

    Sort of like the Self-Proclaimed “Greatest Generation,” if you think about it.

    In short, the thinking has already been done, and Creative Thought is definitely discouraged; just “Walk the Path,” and wait…

    The Western Soul fosters the unique Ego of each and every one of us, and that requires Free Choice, and Free Will.

    Yet, the Western Soul has formed the rights of the Individual against the State, which so many in the East claim to favor, even as the Chinese finally take over Tibet, with televisions, and railroads to import Mongolians.

    For the Red Flag to fly over Lhasa is one thing; for the telescreens to displace, and replace, the Lamaist Orders with a New Confucianism will make the conquest over the pure theologians of Lhasa’s Lamaists complete.

    Lhasa has remain unchanged for centuries.

    In contrast, the most advanced mathematics of an earlier time – the Calculus, “discovered” by Leibnitz (and/or Newton), is taught routinely in our high schools.

    With this one mathematical tool, we have transformed physics, and with THAT, engineering; from the most abstract concept only reached by the greatest Minds of the Seventeenth Century to an economy with a standard of living the rest of the world can only hope to attain, the Western Soul takes the most sublime abstract concepts, and builds tools with them; with the tools, a better world follows.

    As the Eastern Soul seeks to return to the Nothing from which it came, the Western Soul seeks to walk among the Stars.

    The one requires the total negation of the (illusory!) Ego; the other, the disciplined transformation of the Ego as a tool for the spiritual, and temporal development, of the Race.

    Jack London, a White Nationalist writer who died all too young, wrote a story about a man in prison, whose Mind walked among the Stars.

    A carrier of the Western Soul, a White Man…

    Of course.

  5. #5 by Simmons on 01/14/2008 - 10:50 am

    Back on planet Earth its whites that conceived SciFi and continue to support it. I cannot remember Jews being anything more than paid shlock actors (I could be wrong on this account), while the other races are an embarrasment (listen to the guy who played Sulu on Star Trek he seems offended by it all), and the other coloreds want to drive the Mule Train. Asian SciFi if you want to call it that is about having sex with blue eyed girls, blacks agree. But our liberals pretend otherwise while the unspeakable respectables go on worshipping dead jewish economists and scoff at the future beyond their sex toys.

  6. #6 by Pain on 01/14/2008 - 4:54 pm

    Now Bob may be back on earth.

    Bob, if you think a point was missed, it was because you made no point.

    If you think a comment is obvious, it is because the post was obvious.

    You will never have a successor, because you want a clone. And since you have said everything you can say, there would be nothing for the clone to say.

    Now if you found someone who could say what you have not, you would hate him because he would be showing you up; you would spend your time tearing him down. That’s the problem with intellectuals.

    Now go back to rambling incoherently about disembodied spirits with no arms exploring nowhere through the black holes you believe are on the internet.

    When you find something to say again, maybe somebody will contact Truck Roy to call attention to an inactive blog where you have already said everything.

    For now, we need to work on getting the archives of your old posts in a better format than here or Dave’s site. Dave has altered your categorization. This changes the meaning of what you wrote. To make the writings more readable, they must be put into sub-categories. The whole corpus also needs to be cut up into indexed pdfs using Adobe Acrobat.

    Your work nicely compliments and fills in gaps left by Clyde Wilson. But since he is emotionally stable and riddled with no jealousies of colleagues, he will be remembered as the leading genius of our time, and you as the crazy guy that no one paid attention to.

    We can fix that with the organization I propose here. This will take the work of several SELFLESS volunteers.

    If you don’t cooperate, as you usually don’t, then after you are gone the task will be left to others like me who like your work and have the skill and the resources to see that it is done right. Dave has already shown that it can be published on websites electronically. And if we have the revolution we are overdue for, people like me will make sure that your work becomes a classic for history to come.

    Frankly, I hope you can escape your bubble world long enough to understand what it is I am talking about. If not, at least know that I am here prophesying a legacy for you.

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