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Posted by Bob on January 14th, 2008 under Coaching Session, History

I have spent years confused only to finally find the source of my confusion with relief and consternation. (How could I have not figured it out earlier?) But the real reason is that I worked at it and it was always because I was thinking about the problem entirely wrong and my assumptions were entirely wrong. And this is my simple way of thinking about how science and learning progresses.

It is a damnable thing to want clarity for those who care about knowing something. That is why I have sympathy for those researchers who are flogging chaos mathematics (advanced statistics) and killing themselves with chocolate balls and the sustained frustration of it all. But now Google, Microsoft, and HP are throwing together big new data centers with the idea of developing software to deliver super computers on the hive model to the masses.

Let those flogging chaos mathematics be driven to agony and contemplation of suicide with that tool at their disposal. The existence of “new universes” operating under very different physical laws from our own may be given greater plausibly yet.

That is why I always say to anti-whites, “You start with the observation, not the justification.”

The Anti-whites say, “How can the color of the skin make all that difference?” Meaning, “That does not fit into my form of Wordism.”

But knowledge advances, not with what fits comfortably into the established belief system, but with observations that do NOT fit. That takes us back to Galileo. That takes us back to Semmelweis. That takes us back to all those millions of peasants who noticed that, if doctors bled somebody, they got weaker, not stronger. That takes us back to Jenner who noticed that milkmaids didn’t get smallpox,

None of this FITTED. So when you have a theocracy like our Politically Correct Mommy Professors, all progress in social science stops. In the real world it is simply true that black countries are desperately poor and getting worse. Brown countries are in between.

Reality doesn’t give a damn whether you think that SHOULD be true or not.

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