Archive for August, 2009

The Selective Melting Pot

In the America of respectable conservatives, the term “undocumented worker” is perfectly accurate. In a paper country, why should one person be allowed to work on one side of the border and another not? To respectable conservatives, there is nothing racial or inherited or even cultural about Americans. To conservatives, being an America is entirely a matter of paperwork.

Why should one Julio get five times the wages of another Julio because he has papers?

When the Immigration and Naturalization Acts were passed in 1921 and 1923, it was decided that America was made up of a certain people, and immigration would keep that identity. Calling something illegal immigration made sense, since those laws followed a racial and cultural policy.

But for a melting pot, where the choice of citizens is openly random, no one can really take the word “illegal” seriously. In terms of American policy today, nothing about you matters except the papers.

The documents.

The term “undocumented worker” should be “undocumented citizen.” A bumper sticker ought to say, “I’m not a citizen, I’m just documented.”

Our borders are collapsing because we have declared they no longer make any sense.

A melting pot cannot be selective.



Wordism IS The Melting Pot

A commenter pointed out some time ago that wordist institutions are vampires. Like other vampires the only life an institution has is what it can take from people. Loyalties that nature intended to be used for the perpetuation of a people are used for the institution. The loyalty and dedication of a monk is a distortion of the natural dives that were intended for the survival of his kind, but they are used to cause him to dedicate himself perpetuating something that has no life.

In Latin countries the declared ideal is racial assimilation. Portugal and France declared their colonies to be part of their European countries. All that one needs to be French is to speak French.

Yet Stormfronters keep insisting the Jews invented this!

The ideal of EVERY wordist institution is interracial marriage. The ideal is that a family have nothing in common except the institution. If a family is started by two people married by the Church who have absolutely nothing in common racially or culturally, its identity is nothing but Catholic. The identity that nature intended to perpetuate the race is dedicated entirely to loyalty to the Wordist Church.

The Melting Pot has always been the ideal of every kind of Wordism. This is OLD. Alexander the Great sought to unite his empire by intermarrying easterners and westerners. Lately the Reverend Moon conducted massive interracial marriages.



Jewish Establishment Agrees With Hitler

If you accept that the Inquisition never did physical damage to Jews, you can accept that the priesthood of the temple did nothing to Jesus. But the converse is true. If you overlook the responsibility of the Inquisition that crucified Jesus you must hold the Inquisition guiltless.

One could say that both the Inquisition and the Crucifixion were terrible mistakes in the millennia-long history of Jews and of the Church of Rome. They cannot be blamed on MODERN Catholics or Jews.

But there is a huge difference here. The Catholic Church has admitted it did wrong. The Pope has gone to Israel and groveled at the Jews’ feet for the Inquisition. He has rolled and puked and peed in his robes over the Evil the Church did to Jews.

In other words, the Church admits it was wrong and separates modern Catholics from the errors of their predecessors. The only problem is that, like other white gentiles, the Church keeps on groveling to a sickening extent.

Jewish reaction to Mel Gibson’s perfectly accurate portrayal of the Crucifixion was the exact opposite. The Jews said that if the Temple Priesthood back then did an evil thing, then that evil is still part of Judaism. This is odd, but that IS the logic..

If you insist that admitting a 2000 year old error by Jews is anti-Semitic, you are agreeing with the anti-Semites.

By the same token, Jews who insist that any attempt to save the white race is Nazi are agreeing with Hitler. They are saying that Jews and Aryans cannot survive in the same world.



Political Correctness Versus Reality

When I was coming up, “modern” meant industrial. One writer said, “It is as modern as Marx, as up-to-date as the Webbs.” Fifty years later, I have to explain that the latter were the upper class founders of the old British Labor Party.

Back then, the whole world was going to live in the middle of big cities because that was where the jobs would be. People would live where they work.

In fact, millions of blacks and PRs went downtown as workers moved to the suburbs to get welfare. In the next New Age, people moved to where they could NOT WORK most profitably. When the suburban and inner city trends became “inevitable,” of course, THAT pattern broke down.

As a religion, Political Correctness has to have its own Inevitable Future, its good god called “Change” or “Progress” and its Hell and Devils residing in “reaction” or racism. Political Correctness is derived from our other religions, so this follows naturally. The problem is that other religions were able to make promises in the afterlife. You believe, you pay for the church, you obey rules set, and you avoid Hell. But Hell is always put off into the unprovable period after you are dead, where no one can PROVE it one way or another.

The Western conflict between science and religion was absolutely unique in history. No other society had produced a science separate from its established religion. Even then, had the church stuck to its doctrine of punishment or reward after death. there would have been no conflict. But the church claimed Genesis as scientific truth. One thing the church had to be taught, over and over, was not to stick its doctrines in areas where they are subject to proof or disproof or they would be chopped off with a lot of pain to the church.

Evangelical Christianity was growing by leaps and bounds when it, unlike the Modern churches, kept its serious religion for the afterlife. Now that it is pushing anti-evolution and a fertilized egg should be allowed to vote, its growth has stopped in the first world.

Marxism and its product Political Correctness put EVERYTHING into this world. It is based on the Inevitables of History, and every inevitable Marx and his followers came up with has turned out, over and over and over and over, to be sillier than the Church versus Galileo.

You can’t see this if you look for complications. Like Genesis, the failures of Marxism are with where you START not where you finish. Stalin used Lysenko to declare that, since Marxism will remake the world entirely by planning the world, the laws of genetics did not apply. The result for Soviet agriculture were what those who did not share the Communist religion would have expected. You can’t make summer wheat into winter wheat by freezing it.

As with the Mantra, Political Correctness deals with SIMPLY insanity for a while by complicating it: “You are just being simplistic by labeling Comrade Lysenko’s doctrines that way,” and then, like the Catholic Church with Galileo, just never mentioning it again.

The process is the same as any other church. First you bring forward your Authorities. A lot of people go to huge pain and face oppression to overthrow the Doctrine. Then it denies that Political Correctness said such a thing. Anyone who brings up Lysenko or Galileo is being “simplistic” and “insulting.”

Established religion is allowed to make the same mistake over and over because no one reminds them of the earlier ones. Respectable conservatives have made an industry of forgetting that Marxism is just SILLY. Making a tame opposition part of the establishment. It was a coalition of Sadducees and Philistines and so forth who crucified Jesus.

Our job is not a new one. It is the old one that those who valued truth over the establishment has always had. It now and ever shall be as long as Authority is used against reality.



Professorial Bullies

I was in the University of South Carolina Student Senate, the student council, in 1962 when Saint John the Kennedy sent the Army in to enforce integration at the University of Mississippi. I wanted to introduce a resolution giving our backing to Mississippi, but for once I couldn’t decide, aka, I didn’t have the guts.

So we are not all as brave as the commenters seem to think we are. Some of us wouldn’t find it easy to be ALONE in class against the professor and her thugs.

It takes infinitely more moral courage to fight it out with a professor for our cause than it does for a hundred thousand men to hit the beach at Normandy WITH EACH OTHER.

Contrary to every Wordist dogma, we are a hardwired social animal. You can’t just make us over by writing a book.

As a former prof, let me assure you that there is nothing easier than being a bully from the front of the class. No student EVER wins a debate with a prof. A few of you have put the Mantra in newsgroups and you see how easy it is to cut it or change the subject or just declare the subject is closed.

It takes guts to face a roomful of people. It takes super guts to face a ROOMFUL of hostile people.
