In a way our battle is against pure childishness. The huge gap between my analysis of the “power-and-money prejudices” of the education-welfare establishment and Ventura’s exposure of the Green Fraud is a matter of maturity. It is good when a child gets a concept, but it’s always “a jillion, billion tootillion of them.”
Ventura has, or can only sell, a concept of Big Bad People dealing in billion, no in this century it’s trillions, of dollars. He is a Minnesota liberal, so it always has to be BIG bad people. On the other hand, to be fair, Jesse has been ELECTED and I haven’t. And he couldn’t have sold his show if it was about political analysis instead of CONSPIRACIES.
When we look at people like Jessie today, all of us have the same problem: How much does he REALLY know? It is hard to imagine that otherwise intelligent people who often know much that we don’t would be unable to see that all the assimilation talk is entirely for WHITE countries, so absolutely that you can draw a line at he Mexican and Japanese border for promoting “assimilation,” that Africa and Asia are exempted by the color of their skins from what we are required to teach about the color of the skin INSIDE white countries.
If they never thought of THAT, how can we credit them with ANY sort of routine intelligence?
So don’t tell me I am “being unfair” to ANYBODY. If they can look straight at a charging Grizzly and talk about the tree behind it, how in the HELL am I to know they make sense on ANY given subject?
Children of threats and talk about DRAMATIC threats. That is the essence of childhood. That is what kills so many children. If the bus made a huge noise small children would never run out in front of it. To them it looks like a smiley face with the headlights for eyes, the grill for a nose, and the bumper for a mouth.
A danger makes NOISE and wears a hard face. For Conspiracy types, all danger is a huge bully with a nasty face and power to run over you. That kind of thinking is exactly as mature, and as protective, as the idea that the bus coming at you is smiling.
Ventura presents Superman and Batman villains. Those movies were surprisingly popular partly because the heroes and villains are exactly like those the college-educated are trained to look for. All Evil Ones are Rich , Male, and White. They are out for Money and Power in vast amounts, which they already have.
And they are as realistic as The Joker.
Not surprisingly, and in fact BECAUSE of these stereotypes, real evil is exactly the opposite. Fort thousands of years, evil has presented itself as good, the mantra of real Hate has been love since long before the Inquisition. The ideology that killed at least a hundred million people in the last century did so in the name of Peace, Love, Brotherhood, and Equality.
No one EVER suppresses the simple truth except in the name of Truth.
A stampede is not a Conspiracy. There is no Sinister Mind behind most evil any more than there is a Sinister Genius behind every cattle stampede.
But in the real world, the most hating call themselves anti-Hate, the most Merciless use the word Mercy all the time, those who seek genocide do so in the name of Anti-Racism, universities have a stifling Thought Control policy in the name of Academic Freedom.
The shamans have always suppressed thought in the name of Wisdom. A hundred thousand years of that and we STILL haven’t BEGUN to catch onto this.
An Englishman who backed the Confederacy during the Civil War said, “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
And absolute trust is absolute power. If a person can tell you what is a prejudice and what is preference because he has a doctor’s degree or a title or a robe, he has absolute power over you. Let ANYBODY give their human biases complete and free reign, and they will end up killing you in the streets.
Call it Political Correctness, the Word of the Lord, Environmentalism, or Equality.
Call a spade a spade or be a slave.
#1 by Dave on 01/16/2010 - 1:07 pm
Whenever you concern yourself with Truth with a capital “T”, that is concerned with larger and ultimate “truths”, there is no presence of mind.
This is the Estabishment. This is so many people with their idelogical and religous obsessions and evasions.
When Steve Wozniak was playing with his dad’s integrated circuts, trying to get them to do something useful, he was summoning a presence of mind. Nowhere in any of his activities was he concerned with larger or ultimate truths, but his playing around with integrated circuts did more for cause of freedom than any political protest or religious of spiritual movement ever did.
Presence of mind is always like that. It is always concerned with “truths” in small cap, in what really makes sense to do right now, this minute, in the here and now, not something larger and ultimate.
The trouble with politicians is not that they intend evil. They do not. It is that they are not really people with a presence of mind. They take seriously things that do not deserve to be taken seriously. Most often, they are the wrong kind of personalities to be permitted to take a leading role in social life.
The tragedy is that the public is blind to this, obsessed as is with “larger truths”.
A presence of mind is a precious thing. Sometimes you do run into it in the nonwhite world.
But the nonwhite world can never use what presence of mind there is to move the whole thing forward like white people can.
This is what makes the nonwhite world one giant indian reservation, dependent on white people for anything that has to do with real development.
Nonwhites don’t have to come to grips with the reality of race. That is the task of the white race.
That’s our problem as whites. We must pull down the edifice of Political Correctness and its larger “truths” in favor of the acquistion of a presence of mind.
A presence mind can never be defeated by civil rights laws, immigration tsunamis, integrated schooling, corrupt judges, treasonous lawmakers, thieving taxation, public employee unions, or any of it.
That the world is a swamp is a given. A presence of mind has always been the issue.
#2 by DeepfriedElvis on 01/16/2010 - 8:18 pm
I’ve noticed nearly every white except the far looney left notices and doesn’t like the racial double standard. They all seem to say the exact same thing “I’m not racist but how come blacks get to have a black this and how come hispanics get to have an hispanic that but whites have to blah, blah, blah.” but then they usually follow with some thing like “I think everyone should follow Martin Luther Kings dream of not judging by race.” It’s like they are less concerned about drinking poison than the fact that the minorities don’t have to drink it down with them.