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Reality Comes to TV

Posted by Bob on January 19th, 2010 under Coaching Session

Reality Television has had an interesting by-product.

In my day Outside Reality came to us in the form of CNS, NBC, ABC and, for the fully brainwashed, PBS. Movies showed us that an American in a crisis was a panicking hunk of jelly until the guys in costumes and the College educated sophisticate came along.

On TV and in the movies, we were the aliens. No plot ever blamed Moscow. The movie always showed, and shows. The idea that Communists do something wrong as a cover for right wing evil, perpetrated by white Americans.

I have to switch away from Twilight Zone replays when they show something Southern, because it always shows that all blacks accused of crime are not only innocent but saints.

Reality TV is dangerous because it shows reality. The average American seldom goes to pieces in an emergency. Homeland Security can’t stop a terrorist but his fellow passengers could. But the media, including FOX, didn’t want to dwell on the implications of that. If the regular media worship regular bureaucrats, conservatives worship the ones in costume, and neither wants average Americans to get uppity.

Leftism and respectable conservatism is a team effort.

On Twilight Zone TV blacks are all saints. Watching Reality TV you are surprised, EVEN IN ALASKA, if the repeat criminal they catch is white.

As I have said, people got a bit tired of watching grown men scream and panic in regular TV whenever the villain shows up and The Authorities aren’t there. The official line of the media, including the good old respectable, was you should give the criminal everything he wanted. If he was raping your daughter, if was OK to scream, but better to keep smiling at him.

It is like the first reaction to that latest terrorist his fellow passengers took down. It was not to treat Americans less like a prison population, but to forbid them going to the bathroom within an hour of landing.

FINALLY, at LONG last, the reaction was an unbelieving laugh and some RESENTMENT for a change.

On very rare occasions he regular media might have to report a foiled robbery, but they ALWAYS said the resister “risked his life and that of others.” BAD boy!

Raised in that uniforms-are-everything Obedience Generation environment, it is hard for me to believe that I am seeing “American Fight Back” stuff. It is real breakthrough, but only I am going to point it out to you.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 01/19/2010 - 11:52 am

    Yes there is a trend in pop culture that is anti-white and anti white man specifically, but I think we magnify it out of its proportion. I watched two movies yesterday, “Generation Kill” and the “Hurt Locker” and they portrayed white men as spectacular if somewhat flawed. Now “GK”
    is particularly noteworthy because the author of that reality based epic had a Mexican-American spewing race theory that was in no way PC, he was more pro-white than some on SF, believe it or not.

    And face it anti-authority sells to adolescent America, you think blacks are taught to worship white mommy prof, you think anyone at college is taught to worship any authority outside of their own little cult, no to either. If not for the shrieking numbnuts of the Right this country would have long ago resorted to machetes, they are the glue that holds mommy prof’s insane asylum together, “Vote Scott Brown.” And the right is held in check by taboos that by the day are less effective and profitable, thanks to our insurgent campaign.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 01/19/2010 - 1:18 pm

  3. #3 by backbaygrouch4 on 01/19/2010 - 6:47 pm

    There was an anticommunist program back in the 50s. It was “I Led Three Lives”, based on a best selling memoir of Herbert Philbrick who infiltrated the American Communist Party for the FBI. He narrated it. The episodes were standard cop melodrama. It has been over a half century so the cobwebs are kind of dense. I recall the the good nuns recommending it, enjoying it, but there is one thing that does not register, that is, there is no memory of any of the villains being Jewish. That is odd because the American Communist Party and the traitors within it were overwhelming Jewish. Guess some things just cannot be mentioned even in reality TV back then.

  4. #4 by Simmons on 01/20/2010 - 12:26 pm

    I spoke too soon about “Generation Kill”, the lead character is played by a very nordic looking Alexander Skaarsgard, and he is a gentile who was adopted by a jewish family. What are the odds of that that a jew in this day and age would have the lead in a story about the Marine Corp as an enlisted man? But he is not very jewish, so far he has only mentioned it once and then in a seemingly sarcastic tone. Plus the fact that he has a half square yard of tatooes on his back makes it seem his years of indoctrination have done little but turn him away from judaism. I’ll have to read the book now that this has piqued my interest.

    Another thing of interest from GK, the Marines come into a city near Bagdad and enter a school looking for weapons and they find that the kids have been celebrating Valentine’s Day, for a month and a half it seems. Well lo and behold every picture these little brown kids have drawn has a blonde girl in it. The Mexican in this story is right Whites are awesome and desirable to be around.

    The white lib kiddies are scared of this, their lives must be hell on Earth. I don’t feel sorry for them.

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