Archive for February, 2010

Lonely Courage

Combat to the bigger risks I took among the addicts were not the real trials for me. There is an exhilaration in taking risks. In a firefight you join with others. For me, that was a relief. All my life I fought alone.

One major thing that happened to the Obedient Generation was that they learned that nothing is RIGHT unless you do it in a mob. As Mencken said military thinking is the worst kind of training for free men. It teaches them not to do anything unless it is Groupthink.

“You learn to give orders,” the cliché goes, “By learning to TAKE orders.” That is fine for a slave overseer, but not for a free man.

Ann Rice was talking about her youth being what they called a Free Spirit in California. She said, somewhat wonderingly, that these Free Sprits would ask each other, “Are WE still boycotting grapes?” I doubt most of her readers got the full impact of that.

Those in the sixties who thought they were rebelling against their Obedient Generation fathers did not have any idea how exactly like their fathers they were. As Rice pointed out, in order to be a Free Sprit, you joined the Free Spirit Movement. You thought just like every other Free Spirit, just like a good soldier.

You even wore a uniform! We all knew “hippies” from their clothes. You could tell someone’s hippie politics from a block away, exactly the way you knew a soldier or a sailor.

When the media refer to the Youth Movement, they mean a group of people of a certain age who they insist think exactly alike. Those who insist they are anti-stereotype always refer to young people as “idealistic,” meaning they think like the old lefty who can’t admit he’s getting old.

In the Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitsyn kept repeating that a free man had to have “a personal point of view.” In his years Soviet concentration camps, he got an idealistic vision of Americans. Actually, he would have been at home among Americans before his generation.

But when he got here, he raised hell. He was shocked to find that the last people who have a personal point of view in America was our self-described “free thinkers.” He said t hey were kind of free thinkers he had seen in the KGB.

One of the greatest compliments I ever got was from Bill Rusher. He said that at the weekly editorial meeting someone had commiserated with Buckley, “You have gotten jumped on this week by both Solzhenitsyn AND Whitaker.”

I couldn’t quite believe that someone, someone hostile, had actually put me in THAT category!

In one way, miles distant, we were alike. Solzhenitsyn had done his fighting ALONE. He had been a dissenter in a totalitarian state. He had been in World War II, and on the Eastern Front, the one that made France look like a picnic. But he saw that as a good time in his life, before he was arrested on the front and sent to the Gulag.

Solzhenitsyn looked at others as the World War II Generation looked at everybody else. The obedient Generation said, “Nobody else could join thousands of others in an attack?”

As a matter of fact, MILLIONS of other did that, and some of them were pre-teens.

But Solzhenitsyn asked something rare, and even rare among SURVIVORS of tyranny: “Could this person be where I was and maintain a PERSONAL point of view in a situation which makes the hardest combat seem like a wonderful dream?”

He quickly came to DESPISE Modern Age Americans. He was right that if Americans put on Soviet costumes they would make good KGB.

I will never quite get over being put together with that man, however briefly. And the guy who did was not aware he was complimenting me.



Mommy Sarge to Mommy Professor

One thing about the Obedient Generation sticks out to me like a sore thumb.

So nobody else notices it.

Fifty percent of that generation took some advantage of the GI Bill for college. They went straight from learning that Sergeant whipping them and being worshiped to Mommy Professor telling them how he and his fellow Idealists and Intellectuals should rule the world. It is hard to imagine a more effective combination to make slaves of Americans.

No wonder they were THEN known as the Silent Generation. They had absolutely no training but how to obey. Stay butt-up to your sergeant and then repeat what Mommy Professors said word for word. They did not become vocal until they were GIVEN PERMISSION to do so from the establishment:

“You are so much better than the guys fighting Progressive Socialism in Vietnam. Yours was the Good War.” The louder they proclaimed this, the more praise they got.

Shari’s right — as usual — the draft was the natural continuation of this process. Look at how we warped our young people: Ideally a young person reaching the age when they used to have to make decisions entered an eight-year Politically Correct incubation period.

Young people who would have been learning a trade or determining their future at age fourteen began high school and did four-years, freshman-sophomore-junior-senior. THEN began ANOTHER four years under Mommy Professor. Then they were supposed to be drafted and go from Mommy Professor to Mommy Sarge.

Those who were drafted first reverse this process after the high school four years. If you ever wonder how Americans became the mindless slaves they are, THINK ABOUT this process.



We are at the Spark Stage

Every now and then I am delighted to see concentrated discussions of action on the Mantra. But they’ve died out. What I am getting now is musings on the world in general. There are worse things than stimulating thought, most of it highly literate, but it isn’t our WAR.

I can’t tell what you are doing out in the real world of if you don’t report on it. Gator said I should give an assignment each week. Gator, no one takes my “assignments.” I begged BUGSers for months to simply put good BUGS entries on Stormfront, just copy and paste, and the only person who did it was Brain, who already has too much to do.

Gator put the Mantra out and said so. He seems to be almost unique lately. I am sure our old solid group, like Lord Nelson, are out there doing it but they don’t REPORT it.

There is, of course, the problem that I am almost blind here. I had to bitched and complained to Gator that I couldn’t FIND his piece at the link he gave. All I cold see was the title and the statement that there were 14 comments on it, then it listed other topics.

I finally SCROLLED DOWN and found the whole thing and the comments. Gator assumed I would naturally do that in the first place. When someone is as dense as I am in these things, there’s not a hell of a lot Gator or anybody else can do for me.

But Bob is your main instrument here. Don’t feel sorry for yourself. I have to face the fact that Bob is all I have. I used to tell my wife, “If you think putting up with me is bad, try BEING ME for a while.”

I got her sympathy with that one!

As for giving assignments, I can only quote General Lee: “I cannot get my orders carried out.” If General Lee had that problem, you can’t expect this lesser Robert to handle it. Gator got fourteen comments, and SO FAR, he has found a forum where his Mantra has not been wiped out. This gave him a chance to make a FURTHER comment on the replies.

We have not had much chance to talk about comments because the Mantra is usually wiped out almost immediately. This illustrates my point: I am almost dead blind here. I don’t know how many discussions are going on that I don’t hear about. And this is vital to me.

Gator says 11 of the 14 comments probably came from BUGS people. But folks like to PLAY with their screen names. It seems to be considered cute. So one commenter uses several names here, and the comments there were under several names. Where does that leave ME or anybody lese trying to analyze replies?

Please consider my position when you get cute with screen names. In this case they may have been necessary to make two comments instead of one in one name.

But not one commenter SAID he got in there!

I’m BLIND here, gang!

But I was DELIGHTED to see that in those Gator comments our folks grabbed onto the “You are justifying genocide line, which is the second punch in discussing Mantra, and HELD onto it.

If 11 of the comments were from us, that has its encouraging side. They did it RIGHT. When you are forming your first team as we are, getting it RIGHT is critical to your coach.

We are lighting a fire. Modern men have a hard time with lighting a fire without matches because they are used to just flipping a lighter. Doing it from scratch is a LONG process. We have come a long way in igniting a fireplace, but when it comes to lighting the kind of fire we are doing, the old process is still there.

In history books the process of forming an idea and then making it knows looks quick, “Thirty years later, it was common knowledge.” When you are reading a history books, thirty years doesn’t impress you. But every single one of those years was REAL and SLOW to those living it.

I have hit and hit and hit and finally I have a tiny spark. It takes forever to create a tiny spark, and then you have to puff and not blow to keep it going, to keep from killing it. That is when you are trying to start a campfire.

We are changing the WORLD.

In fact it is the difficulties we have that demonstrated that we are trying to do something that big. At this stage, I am more than happy to see a few of us get it RIGHT.




This is a play on “The Generation Gap.”

I don’t have one. When I was in the AA and NA recovery programs I had a line of people mostly young, asking me to sponsor them. That is proof that whatever I was offering was actually WANTED.

In old America, there was no “adolescence.” You were a boy or girl or you were part of the men of the house like anybody else. If you were fool you could get your family KILLED :

“Stupidity has ALWAYS been a capital offense.”

The media has used this adolescence” or Stages of Growth crap to show how YOUNG at heart they are by being leftist. Young people, they say, SHOULD be Idealistic, i.e., Marxist, in their Youth, so a leftist is just a person who has kept that Youthful Outlook.

I wasn’t and I see no more excuse for a young person being an idiot than for an old one to.

So I don’t have a Generation Gap. No respectable is going to say that a young moron is just a moron. I have the same problem with a fifteen-year old anti-white that I do with a sixty year old one:

They aren’t THINKING.

You know me well enough to realize I didn’t go for popularity in the program. A sponsor has a life and death business on his hands. If my people didn’t do BETTER in recovery, meaning in SURVIVAL, I would have stopped doing it.

A higher percentage of the young people who are serious addicts die than of the COMBAT MERCENARIES I knew. And THOSE were the young addicts who made it to recovery! In both combat and recovery, stupidity in officers or sponsors has always been capital offense for the people they are responsible for.

The fact is that in the old days you couldn’t afford adolescence. You did not go out hunting with a 14 year old who might shoot you in the back by stupidity.

I don’t have a Generation Gap. The Generation Gap was invented. Like all information, for a PURPOSE, and that purpose was to make anti-whites seem idealistic and youthful rather than what they are, which is stupid traitors.

What I face is a Thinking Gap, and I face that with EVERYBODY. It is true that young people are more ankle-deep in Mommy Professors than other people. But that is no worse than older people who think they are “adult” and therefore far less correctable. The one thing worse than ignorance is MILITANT ignorance.



Young Folks

It is a curious phenomenon that older people ask any young person, “How does your generation think?”

They would be most offended if someone asked THEM “How does your generation think?” That’s different. They are all over the place, of course. I have given this a lot of thought and have found several sources of this illusion.

First of all, there is the modern media’s use of The Youth Culture. They think that all “youth” thinks like them so they are The Wave of the Future. They have been looking for proofs of this and reporting it all my life.

I remember seeing opinion surveys in the mid-60s which showed that eighty percent of the so-called Hippie Generation, eighty percent, thought that longhair on males was effeminate! Such information did not make it to CBS Nightly News.

Another source of this “What Young People Think” is that older people do not realize that gestation ends at a very early age. We talk about the third month of pregnancy, the sixth month of pregnancy. Then we talk about the crisis when a kid learns to say “No!” at age two, the Terrible Twos.

To older people, children are at A Stage of Development. It seems that the older you get, the longer anyone younger than you is at a Stage of Development.

I was never an idiot, so I was never a socialist, but socialism is always looked upon as a Stage of Development, the Youthful Idealist. Old or young, you have to be feeble minded to think a bunch of bureaucrats, with Mommy Professor guiding them, can run the economy well.

True, a larger number of people who have just left their real mommies and are first exposed to Mommy Professor do take his pretenses seriously. But people who do that generally have parents who haven’t brownout it themselves.

Don’t wonder where the new generation is coming to before you think about where it is coming FROM.

Stage of gestation and the Youth Culture Thinking are two factors. There is another that is more general.

If someone asks you about your own city where you have lived for decades, it will very complex to your mind. You will know the figures personally, the history intimately You will know many occurrences, now solidified into Inevitable History, that could easily have gone either way.

But to you ANOTHER city’s characteristics are much simpler. That is one reason Jews are such Great Philosophers. Ask them about Jewish thought and they will give you a solid hour of detail and complexity. Ask them about the outside world and they will find it very simple.

Ask a Frenchman about Germans and he will tell you they are simply Bad or Uncultured. Ask a Jew about ANYBODY else and they will tell you they are Bad. SIMPLY bad. At best, they are trying to be better, but all gentiles are basically bad people who maybe trying to withhold their irrational hatred of Good Jews.

This is not a big secret or a Conspiracy. It is the theme of sermons every Saturday allover the world.

But the most relevant point here is that Jews think of Gentiles as good or bad SIMPLY by their attitude toward Jews or, in the absence of specifically anti-Semitic behavior, in terms of how they treat minorities Jews identify with, the other who are Suffering, the them that seems to be the only justification today for being a Jew.

Real Jews will often say that the Holocaust killed Judaism or Israel killed Judaism. What they mean is that all of the traditions and so forth are scarcely mentioned in public by Jews. You are Jewish or non-Jewish by your new faith of loving Israel or identifying with other who have Suffered.

When anyone says “I am Jewish and…” they are NEVER going to say anything about Jewish Tradition or anything of the sort. They are ALWAYS going to tell you about how they identify with other Suffering Minorities.

They will never SAY that consider all white gentiles to be basically evil, but there is no other way to interpret it. And anti-Semites’ view of Jews is equally simple.

So the older you get, the more “young people” constitute a group which, unlike the complex views of your peers, can be explained in a few words.
