Archive for February, 2010

Why is Economics Produced?

Dave keeps pointing out that race determines economics. True. I will discuss that more later. But right-on it is a good point of departure to show another example of the fact that, like futurology and history, economics is an institution, and just as futurology has nothing to do with the future and history has only a nodding acquaintance with what actually happened, economics is not produced to reflect reality.

When I was a professional economist I saw studies that studied correlations between economic growth and everything. You would think that economic growth and investment would be perfectly linked. Like all correlations this one was not perfect either.

Why was this information produced? Why did economists try to find these correlations? Obviously for prescriptive purposes. If investment corresponds to growth, one could begin to say that in order to get growth one only needed to increase investment.

What was not discussed was the single clear correlation: wealth and skin color. I brought this up in the big weekly seminar at the University of Virginia to which all professors and grad students went once a week. Even in 1964 they refused to discuss it, not because it wasn’t obvious, but because it WAS obvious.

Back then, economic GROWTH was everything in economics. Liberals insisted that the “centrally planned economies, the Reds, were growing at astronomic rates. This demonstrated that socialism was the way the third world, the “developing economies,” would catch up with the West.

A quarter of a century later, both the developing economies and the centrally planned economies were at least as far behind as they had been in 1964.

In fact, the only well-known writer who predicted the economics of the coming forty years was George Orwell in his novel 1984, which came out in the late 1940s. In the society he described, everyone was destitute, but every year it was announced that the Plan had been fulfilled, growth was phenomenal, and “spontaneous” demonstrations broke out in the streets.

And every year even the Party members got poorer and poorer, the “proles” got even more abject. That was what happened in the “centrally planned” economies for the forty years after the book was published. On paper Outer Mongolia and Bulgaria double their output every few years..

If you don’t have a market economy your economy can double monthly on paper. Why would that information be produced in such countries? Because if you DIDN’T overfill every Plan on paper, you lost your job.

Or more.

In the “developing” world, anybody handling paper who didn’t show huge growth could simply disappear. So the necessary information was produced.

You cannot understand economics by looking for The Truth or some kind of Conspiracy or some kind of Bias. People look at economics as reality with a bias. In fact, the “bias” you are talking about is the real reason the field is studied in the first place.

If they had started with that, forty years of complete nonsense data produced by two-thirds of the world would have been seen for what it was and we could have had an “economics” that was useful.



Analyzing the Mantra

Backbaygrouch points out the many hits he got on Google for BUGS when He put in “anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.” Most rewrites of the Mantra leave this out.

That is because they are based on theory rather than practice. That is term that gets noticed. That is where you get a chuckle from even the most unwilling people. That is where you get a break from the seriousness.

It also shows why I am so careful about the wording. I developed this by USING this, not by THEORIZING about it. You can get the points in faster, but in the real world, can you GET them in? What, IN PRACTICE, do you need to get them in?

The only improvement so far has been Genocide by Assimilation and Shari’s emphasis on


If you left out anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews, it turns out, you have far less chance of being Googled. That never occurred to me before BBG tried it, but it is the only unique word in the thing.

There is probably no way to get why I wrote the Mantra as I did if you don’t PRACTICE the Mantra. It looks cumbersome, but believe me I have tried to cut out stuff.

On the good side, I made an error I am glad was dumbass. Gator61 put the Mantra in Yahoo Talks a second time. I went there and found that his second reply was the usual, whites are horrible bit. I Immediately wrote he should follow up with “You are advocating genocide.” Turns out he already had, with quotes from the genocide convention.

It occurs to me now that he might not have aimed that at the commenter I was talking about. My point is that “white people are awful” is the regular knee-jerk reaction. If you THINK about hat, they can only be saying that genocide is all right against whites. What other purpose could that statement possibly have?

Hit them on that! They get a busted-nose introduction to our new way of thinking by way of getting hit for knee-jerk reply.

I assumed that Gator61 had not used this because I have a hell of a time getting anybody to use the Mantra, much less the next step.

I will never know. Yahoo pulled the plug on the whole thing at last.

Go on to the next. Protest Yahoo’s cutting us off, but it also means we are definitely taking prisoners.

If you are working in a dictatorship, you have to expect your phone to hang itself up a lot.



History and Futurology

I keep pointing out that futurology has nothing to do with the future and history has little to do with what actually happened in the past. This is VERY important to BUGS because history and the future it leads to are critical to us.

As usual, this all goes back to basic BUGS thinking. Futurology and history are now INSTITUTIONS. They have no more to do with real history or futurology than the Puritans’ offspring have to do with Christ.

I don’t think you can use any information without knowing this basic reality.

The question is NOT “Are they biased?” EVERY piece of information is PRODUCED. It is not produced “except for biases.” It is not produced to be objective, it is produced for grants and for sale. You have to start there.

Think about it: If you had written a perfectly accurate prediction of the future in the 1950’s no one would have published it.

The Soviet Empire would simply collapse because socialist economics is SILLY? No respectable conservative cold get hold of THAT one. Socialism was wrong or oppressive, but just plain SILLY?

Civil rights would lead to a campaign for intermarriage and the complete collapse of America’s borders?

The same is true in technology futurology. You cannot imagine how ridiculous a prediction that the MACH 2.2 Supersonic Transport would just go away would have been half a century ago. All history showed that each generation traveled FASTER. That was a fundamental GIVEN.

And the end of the manned space program? Asimov did think it possible that we would use robots instead of men in many cases, but he didn’t THINK about it. No one would have read anything that said we could send a machine to find things out.

One of the funnier things that tell you about the fifties was Dick Tracey’s two-way wrist radio. I remember debates about whether such a thing would ever be possible. Now it would sell for five bucks.

The point is that it didn’t matter in the least whether futurology was ACCURATE. No one would publish your accurate articles THEN.

No Sovietologist ever missed a meal because not one of them had any idea that the USSR was about to collapse. They got published THEN and they are experts NOW. They get paid to tell us the future of Russia, and they would have been ruined if they had been accurate.

“The USSR is just going to go POOF because it’s SILLY.” You would have ruined saying that in 1980 and nobody in the institution of Futurology would rehabilitate you when it turned out you were right.

We know that, but we never THINK about it.

You might try it sometime. When someone cites research, you might want to ask them WHY that was produced. I don’t mean PC stuff, I mean stuff no one would THINK about. Why did they do research on that instead of something else? I don’t know what you will get back.

Do the Mantra first, but I am just curious about what would happen.

It’s called “the literature.” Someone researches something because someone else researched something. There is nothing wrong with that, but it gives you a view of reality that people simply do not THINK about.



Lesson Two of Puritanism

The Plymouth church that traces itself back to 1620 has been Unitarian for a century or two. Most of the Puritans’ children also became Unitarian. Now they are largely atheists.

The history of the Pilgrims and the Puritan is completely different from age to age, so everything I say here has a question mark after it. Whether they came here for religious freedom or to impose their religion, the point is they ended up with a doctrine the original immigrants would not have stood for.

No one notices this, but I do. I think about it a lot.

As I understand it, the 1620 Pilgrims were a different lot from the Puritans who came later in vast numbers. Backbaygrouch will be able to fill us in on this. The Pilgrims’ Massachusetts Bay Colony fought long and hard to keep our of the Puritan’s control, but they lost.

I have READ that the Pilgrims were far more genuinely in favor of religious freedom than the Puritans. The Puritans make a bad joke of that “America was founded by people who came here for religious freedom” stuff. Again I defer to backbaygrouch on the actual facts. Why have an expert around if you aren’t going to use his expertise?

Actually I have nothing against the Puritans for imposing their own religion on a place they went to to have their own population on which to impose their own doctrine. We all wish we could do the same sort of thing for an all-white area. It is the HISTORY, the LESSON that needs correcting.

The Puritans came her to impose their own religion in an area four thousand miles away from England. There are TWO lessons here. Most literate people are aware of the first, that they did NOT come here for Religious Freedom. I want to emphasize the SECOND lesson, which is almost unknown.

The second lesson is that the Puritans FAILED to impose their religion. Why?

Naturally I look at this from a BUGS point of view. One of our points here s that when an institution takes over, the PURPOSE of the institution is lost.

Jesus had no lessons about how a group of theologues should justify their absolute rule. “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” would have gotten someone hanged as a heretic. So they naturally went to the Old Testament to organize their society under theocratic rule.

As time passed, even before they came to America, Puritanism became more and more about how to impose their will on THIS world. The institution talked more and more about its right to rule. The same thing happened to the Catholic Church as it put whole countries under the Interdict to collect money for the Pope.

They were both institutions USING the name of Christ. I wonder how different history might have been if we had lost at Tours and the ruling institutions called themselves Moslem. It may be that we would have had much the same history and the West would have been just as different and independent, but in the name of schism between the Moslem Branch in Northern Europe and the Moslem Branch that was based in the Middle East.

The Catholic Church was every bit as separate from and hostile to Constantinople. The name Christianity certainly did not unite them. Today Iranian Islam has the same attitude to the Sunnites. My point is that no matter what the NAME institutions appeal to, history itself goes its way and institutions are part of history, not of theology.

China’s version of Marxism versus the old Russian version has little to do with Marx. Marx considered cities to be the natural development of a proletarian society rather than peasants. Pol Pot used Marxism to DESTROY his country’s cities. Before long neither version had anything to do with Marx.

The same thing would have happened if they had all called themselves True Snake Worshippers.



Mantra Thinking

Backbaygrouch sardonically said that one thing I was saying was that politicians are only interested in the next election. That is a smartass remark, meant humorously, but it is also Mantra Thinking.

Unlike any other forum that calls itself intellectual, we encourage simplification. Porch Talk does not use big words.

Yes, that is one thing I said. I repeated a simple reality. But Mantra Thinking sees the simple thought and then THINKS about it, rather than just saying it in a complicated way to be impressive.

It took me many years to realize that most of what I say is simply THINKING about what people already know. Nothing is more commonly known than that the Puritans did not come here for religious tolerance. But once they have made that statement, they give it no more thought. I THOUGHT about it, the way the old man on the porch does.

If you think beyond that simple statement, you get some profound results. Yes, the Puritans came here to impose their own religion. But they FAILED. New England became Unitarian. No one ever THINKS about this.

Newton did not DISCOVER gravity, he THOUGHT about gravity.

I did not DISCOVER Genocide by Assimilation, I THOUGHT about it and produced the Mantra.

I have a lot of information, but I am not happy until I fit those facts into a common sense lesson. I make it obvious.

THAT is Mantra Thinking.
