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Correction, Please

Posted by Bob on March 18th, 2010 under Coaching Session

I just wrote a piece about how one cannot plan for the new age of information if one does not REMEMBER how things were before it.

We at BUGS have discussed at some length how my sentence structure here is so different from the one officially demanded by texts on writing. I have adjusted to short sentences and ending one thought at a time because direct mailers have found that is the way to reach people in competition with others who have learned to do the same thing.

Oddly enough, Internet studies are finding the same thing. In a mass of information, internet readers will not give you much time to bore them or to sound smart. Like those selected for direct mail, the competition is FIERCE.

No one was more indoctrinated in the old paragraph structure than I was. I had to write for editors.

I also had to write for speeches, and the staccato I write now would not do for reading out in public by a congressman at a formal function.

BoardAd did a study of my old writing in Whitaker On Line and its evolution. How did he do this analysis? He looked in Google, of course. He found a means of MEASURING sentence structure. Try to find THAT in the old World Almanac or in less than several hours in the public library!

BoardAd found my sentence structure has evolved, and he can MEASURE it!

My life has been spent in communication, but a lot of people have far better credentials in their communications careers than I do. But we now have two special pieces of wisdom I can offer you that they can’t.

First, I REMEMBER. I do not selectively FORGET every time the other side was embarrassingly wrong. To get mainline credentials, you have to pass the acid tests of those who have a VETO on things that would embarrass them. They can’t tell you everything you CAN say, but they can certainly ruin you if you cross their line.

No one is allowed to REPEAT how all the talk about gun permits fifteen years ago was about how a BLOODBATH would happened if permits were handed out to people who didn’t wear police costumes. I have heard those screams mentioned a decade later, but never REPEATED.

Secondly, I remember how direct mail worked, and how direct mail, and ONLY direct mail, could statistically analyze the results of every change of wording and sentence length and hundreds of other variables. They wrote for “flyover country” in a competitive market, the way blogs must today.

Now for a third factor. I began the last discussion by talking about how hard it was to come by facts not so long ago, and how impossible it was to correct silly statements Edward R. Murrow or Walter Cronkite declared to be Gospel.

That was pre-Google. We have taken a GIANT step toward overcoming what I REMEMBER being the problem by the simple fact that your Google is as good as that of CBS. It is no longer Opinion versus what you looked up, It is CBS versus Google.

But all this brings up a fourth factor, which I call The Art of Being Wrong. My writings use a lot of factual information, but information is not my primary focus here. I am trying to change PERSPECTIVE. So if I am talking about the Alamo, and the best information is that there were three thousand Mexicans there instead of the five thousand I give, I consider it a waste of time to have a long discussion of it.

If I make a mistake that really alters the PERSPECTIVE, I will correct it. But most of my general points are simply so obvious once stated that the exact facts I cite are irrelevant.

The fact that immigration and assimilation are directed at ALL white countries and ONLY at white countries might be debatable if you looked at the lack of pressure on Andorra or Liechtenstein or Mount Athos or SMOM. But the desperation of someone doing that makes the point.

Or should I spend a lot of time talking about Mount Athos or SMOM being an exception?

So I SAY what I think. No one has to say “with all due respect” or “I hate to disagree.” That’s what sycophants told Cronkite and Company. I say it here, and you correct it HERE. I consider that a favor.

The Cronkites could never LEARN. Their days are gone. We have here a seminar, and a real seminar puts the professor and his grad students on an even keel. Which is why you won’t find a real seminar at any University today.

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch4 on 03/18/2010 - 8:51 am

    “Our admin found my sentence structure has evolved, and he can MEASURE it!” Truly fascinating. Old dog, new tricks. Hope for me?

    The hierarchal structure of youtube searches is equally a matter of curiosity and concern. It too is fiercely competitive, as is all of the exploding information technology. It is important that the details be mastered but there is no textbook. Imagination, innovation, industry. That puts our race at an advantage.

  2. #2 by Dave on 03/18/2010 - 11:21 am

    The Internet is a godsend for the kind of minds where access to accurate information leads to sound conclusions.

    It’s like in medicine. There is a growing plethora of diagnostic studies available to physicians that did not exist before, but only small minorities of physicians are able to leverage this into better diagnosis.

    It has to do with the capacity of the physician, not the data.

    But that doesn’t really matter. The Internet has made life much more difficult for charlatans and that is the most seminal impact of the Internet

    Politicians are swimming along in blissful ignorance of how the world has shifted beneath their feet.

    The Internet empowers the very people who should be empowered. It is an accountability mechanism.

    This is a huge headwind for Marxism and Political Correctness. Our future is brighter than most of us think.

  3. #3 by warweaver on 03/18/2010 - 9:40 pm

    He’s asking for disagreement. Fine, I dont think BUGS should go around talking about the genocide of whites. Thus, the mantra is flawed.

    I think it’s fine to talk about people ‘just not liking white people’ and I believe that is subconsciously behind the desire for whites demotion even in their own countries.

    However, talking about genocide presupposes the idea of there being a perpetrator. What do you call it when there perpetrator is also the victim?

  4. #4 by Wandrin on 03/19/2010 - 1:48 am

    “What do you call it when there perpetrator is also the victim?”

    If a hypnotist puts someone in a trance, gives them a gun, and then says “shoot yourself in the head”, who is the perpetrator?

  5. #5 by backbaygrouch4 on 03/19/2010 - 6:25 am

    “What do you call it when there[sic] perpetrator is also the victim?” Answer: Suicide.

    But that is not the case. There are identifiable groups, singularly and in alliance, targeting the White race for extinction. They are aided and abetted by White traitors.

  6. #6 by BGLass on 03/19/2010 - 7:49 am

    That’s why the meme of the shabbos goy is so interesting. Only Judaism has it. Imagine: if you don’t actually pull the trigger, you are off the hook. The god says, on my sabbath, you can pay somebody to do the dirty work, to go against every commandment, and it does not reflect on you at all. When Sandra Berndthard says, “i’m going to get my big black brothers to rape Sarah Palin,” she may believe OTHERS do not see this as reflecting on HER, and her alone. Others will see her as merely a user of blacks. She does not understand the saying in other cultures: “Consider the Source.” In this way, some Jewish folks really do not understand why people would “blame them,” and hold them accountable for setting up situations in which others are harmed. Their god says sins are ok if a goy commits them on their behalf on sabbath. No one believes this but them, and some of them –as narcissistic as most humans are– don’t realize they are totally alone in this idea, (those and others socialized into such a way of thinking). The rest of the thinking is releasing responsibility on grounds of “historical racism,” etc.

  7. #7 by warweaver on 03/19/2010 - 12:57 pm

    Wandrin: In that case, it would be the person who pulled the trigger – hypnosis is a charade.

    babybackgrouch: That doesn’t matter. Nobody is ultimately responsible for immigration other than the voters.

    BGLass: The person that convinces an imbecile to invest in penny stocks is not guilty of conspiracy because investing in penny stocks isn’t illegal – it’s just dumb. A fool and his money are soon parted. I suppose it is regrettable that one can say the same about a fool and his genes. And if he’s a fool, how good were his genes to begin with?

    So there we have it. For all the writing Bob has done calling out Stormfront over its jew obsession, some here have assumed that he either isn’t right or isn’t serious.

    In the end, it’s all the jews then – and that is what BUGS proposes to arm me with as I venture into the world in opposition to perils of our day?

    That’s wholly inadequate, as has been shown time and time again, by the failure, utter and complete, of every white nationalist movement since the KKK.

    This isn’t Stormfront. This is BUGS.

  8. #8 by shari on 03/19/2010 - 1:48 pm Some very public information on the ongoing program of GENOCIDE against whites

  9. #9 by Wandrin on 03/19/2010 - 9:05 pm


    I don’t like writing a lot usually but i’ll go back to (my) basics on this.

    If you try to persuade somebody of a position too far away from where they currently are they will automatically reject it. A communist trying to persuade a mainstream person to be a communist has zero chance of success. That’s why they always use front groups. You have to radicalize people in stages. The failure to use the same tactics is, i believe, at least partly why WN groups have been so unsuccessful up till now.

    Say there are four positions A, B, C, D where A is mainstream, D is fully radicalized and B and C are midway between. People at A or B will not listen to Dr Duke or anyone remotely like him. However people at position C will listen.

    A small number of people self-radicalize but for WN to succeed i believe the majority need to be taken from position A to position D in stages. What this means is i think WN must take the form of multiple layers where an individual WN picks the niche that suits them and doesn’t worry about the rest.

    So one collection of groups and individuals, although they may be fully radicalized themselves, set up at position B and spend all their time trying to get people from A to B and that’s all.

    Another layer of groups and individuals set up at position C and work to take people from B to C.

    The groups and individuals already working at position D carry on as before.

    So, point one is i don’t think BUGS, Stormfront or anything else is “it”. There is no single “it”. There needs to be multiple layers.

    My offline niche is B. I never talk about jews or race or anything like that. I talk about marxists, liberals and cheap labour capitalists instead, get them to feel that mass immigration is an attack on them and their families coming both from nominal right and nominal left thereby pushing them towards a vague, unspecified 3rd position. I don’t even try to do any more than that.

    I think the mantra and the genocide theme in general will prove to be incredibly useful for initially chiselling people out of the mainstream and creating A to B momentum. It may not take immediate effect with any individual but it will put a pebble in their shoe.

    Eventually, if the idea takes hold in someone then yes, they’ll start to wonder who is the “them” that is doing this. However it’s not my niche to provide the answer to who is “them”. My niche is to try and get people to ask the question.

    So, the only point of relevance to me is, do i think the mantra and mantra-related talking points are likely to help me move people from position A to position B. Yes. I know it does.

    After that, we’ll see.

  10. #10 by AFKANNow on 03/19/2010 - 11:56 pm

    Bob hit the largest issue – the importance of changing the PERSPECTIVE of the people we are trying to reach.

    I advocated the use of, and use as often as I can, the term “genocide” to describe what is happening to the White Race. In fairness, as the term “White Race” forces people to glitch out, I use the term “White FAMILIES.” As families are the foundation of the Race – the organic Nation – the seed is planted for future growth of an Idea, today, and a shift in PERSPECTIVE, in time.

    warweaver missed Bob’s clear intent, but he also missed several other issues, and, as his misunderstanding reflects common misunderstandings of White Nationalism, I’d like to address some of warweaver’s errors, and omissions.

    warweaver wrote:

    He’s asking for disagreement. Fine, I dont think BUGS should go around talking about the genocide of whites. Thus, the mantra is flawed.

    in reply:

    The Mantra is ACCURATE; the larger issue IS the genocide of the White Race.

    you wrote:

    I think it’s fine to talk about people ‘just not liking white people’ and I believe that is subconsciously behind the desire for whites demotion even in their own countries.

    in reply:
    There is a tremendous gap between ‘just not liking white people,’ and the activities of the genocide of the White Race.

    Surely you see this?

    you wrote:

    However, talking about genocide presupposes the idea of there being a perpetrator. What do you call it when there perpetrator is also the victim?

    in reply:

    When the perpetrator is also the victim, it is called ‘suicide.’ Wandrin’s analysis of this is most cogent. Wandrin’s analysis acknowledges that there IS an external perpetrator, a “hypnotist,” if you will, consciously forming what Horus The Avenger called the “consensus trance” state of Mind.

    While that is consistent with genocide, it is merely a minor derivative of the organized, Institutional attempt to destroy the White Race.

    You do understand this, don’t you?

    You DO understand there are those who actively seek the destruction of the White Race, don’t you?

    How do you propose to defeat them, within the law and using the law, but never going outside the law?

    And, incidentally, your response to BGLass is totally irrelevant.

    warweaver wrote:

    So there we have it. For all the writing Bob has done calling out Stormfront over its jew obsession, some here have assumed that he either isn’t right or isn’t serious.

    in reply:
    Ah – NOW your hidden agenda is all too clear, and your irrational statements are seen in a more accurate light.

    you wrote:

    In the end, it’s all the jews then – and that is what BUGS proposes to arm me with as I venture into the world in opposition to perils of our day?

    in reply:
    We are dealing with the issue of changing PERSPECTIVE here, of offering the red pill and breaking the “consensus trance,” replacing it with “The Real.”

    And, for me, there is NOTHING more “Real” than the future of the White Race as manifested by my Posterity.

    BUGS offers much, much more than “it’s the Jews.”

    After all, while the Jews stand in diametric opposition to the White Race, Civilization in general, and Western Civilization in particular, in practice they are the Parasite.

    We, the Host, have lost the focus we needed to create an inhospitable environment to them, and a Positive Theory of Race helps form and sustain that focus.

    Breaking the “consensus trance” with the Mantra of racial genocide, and then, the Mantra, are necessary First things in building the world our Posterity deserves.

    you wrote:

    That’s wholly inadequate, as has been shown time and time again, by the failure, utter and complete, of every white nationalist movement since the KKK.

    This isn’t Stormfront. This is BUGS.

    in reply:
    I agree that every “white nationalist ‘movement’ since the (First) KKK” has been neutralized pretty much from their onset.

    Why do you think that is, and what would you propose we do about it?

    Breaking the Consensus Trance with the tools we have seems like an excellent place to start.

  11. #11 by warweaver on 03/20/2010 - 9:45 am

    I appreciate the responses. I’m not going to come back in detail and I wasn’t really intending to throw bombs at the Mantra – it certainly has changed my view of things and crystallized my thinking about race, which is why I’ve been here, lurking and posting (at times) for 4 years.

    I don’t like Jews and I’m not defending them.

  12. #12 by AFKANNow on 03/21/2010 - 1:02 am

    in reply to warweaver:

    Two quick thoughts:

    One, no one here like Jews, either; we particularly do not like what Jews DO, and they are masters of forming the Consensus Trance.

    Yet, breaking it can be as easy as shifitng your thoughts into a deeper position, and from there, to a new, stronger, Perspective.

    Think on WHY we are constantly bombarded with messages.

    After all, if the messages were true, we would not have to be repeatedly told, over and over again, that the Faithful Colored Companions are necessary to the functioning of Civilization.

    It is useful to study the tools and techniques the Jews use to control their Racial Enemies, and it is of greater value to study the Mindset they use to control us.

    They START with RACE as the foremost organizing principle; it is so effective they MUST do all in their power to even accept Race as a Positive Value.

    Their philosophy for themselves – Race over Tribe, Tribe over Extended Family, Extended Family over Family, Family over the Individual – is the EXACT opposite of what they promulgate for us.

    For us, it is somewhere between libertarians, intellectually, and liberteines, emotionally. The latter, as Dr. E. Michael Jones demonstrated in Libido Dominandi, will never pose any threat whatsoever to the political Elite. You have probably noticed a strong relationship between Jews and the control of the production of pornography. This is not by accident.

    A good part of The Answer is not so much the White Nationalist “Movement” of which you speak, so much as it is defining The Cause from which it will develop.

    The Mantra – and a focus on the genocide of the White Race – will help to develop the shift in Perspective – Mindset, if you will – that will lead to the flowering of whatever particular Form White Nationalism will take in the future.

    Remember the words of Terrible Tommy Metzger, who does not blame the Jews any more – at least, not to the substantial degree so many others do.

    Metzger blames us, for letting it happen to us.

    And that Perspective leads to responsibility, and the foundation of true, stable personal and political power.

    We can Do Something with THAT!

  13. #13 by Wandrin on 03/21/2010 - 2:07 am

    I’m glad you asked now as typing it all out helps clarify the thoughts.

    The problem with White Nationalism in my view is since the 60s it’s mainly been fuelled by people gradually self-radicalizing and then gradually drifting to a WN position. However once there they’re stuck in a political ghetto because trying to convert people direct from mainstream to WN in one step is never going to work.

    The average person will always reject out of hand anything that is too far from their current view. It’s not that they listen and reject. They won’t listen at all.

    So what’s needed is for some radicalized WNs to go backwards and act as a bridge between the mainstream and the radical.

    That’s the way to look at the mantra stuff (in my view at least).

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