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The Next Step

Posted by Bob on September 18th, 2013 under Coaching Session

Hoping you have read the two articles below, you should be ready to consider my next steps.

We know by now that the real war is precisely the opposite of what TOO and others think it is.  They re marshalling their arguments for a time  when race will be reasonably discussed.

A time that will never come.

Meanwhile on Planet Earth fifty of them can’t even gather on a mountain top to talk to each other.

BUGS has made a real impact on the term “anti-racist.”

The real war is a series of words like that, “racism,” “diversity,” and series of phrases they scream because genocide has no justification.

That is their series of fortifications.Image Hosted by

They have absolutely nothing else.

One Race Diversity is Genocide.  Using that would cause them to wonder what one race diversity is.   The secret won’t last long, their pretended puzzlement will become as uncomfortable as we are making “anti-racism.”

Keeping up our covering Mantra fire, we can try other means of taking out this “diversity” crap they hide behind.   One that was invented by BUGSERS is “Diversity just means less white people.”

That sounds simply, but I would bet that One Race Diversity will work better in the next few years.

You’ll keep up or covering fire and try both.

We have not destroyed “anti-racism,” but it has suffered such a beating that even the NAACP spokesman had to use “anti-racial.”

Which, as one of you pointed out, is hilarious given the name of his organization.

And out there people are beginning to THINK, which is what all anti-white effort is aimed at preventing.   People are beginning to resent what they had given up on opposing.

Their only weapon is their screams.

It is past time that we disarmed them.

  1. #1 by Asgardian117 on 09/18/2013 - 5:00 pm

    The term anti racist according to bob has taken a massive bad as a matter of fact that a man who works foe NAACP said he is ANTI RACIAL. By us beating the term anti racist from pillar to post it has FORCED them to use other words that DO NOT fit their agenda. That retard from the naacp contradicted himself in front of EVERYONE…because he COULDNT use the term ANTI RACIST. We are now the ones FORCING people to use certain words. Only difference with us is that we speak the truth and that is such a RARE and PRECIOUS thing, we speak facts.

    Odin didnt want to know the secrets of life he just wanted FACTS.

  2. #2 by Jason on 09/18/2013 - 6:54 pm

    Bob came up with the term “Racist is a Hate word”, and when I am called that name, I will say:

    “Racist” is just a Hate word used to attack Whites.

    I get a LOT of response on that. They don’t want the power of that word to be questioned. They respond by saying, oh no, anyone can be racist. Yet, they have spent decades telling us ONLY Whites can be racist because only Whites have the power to be so. And we all know ONLY one group gets routinely called that name.

    They create terms like Diversity and Multiculturalism that theoretically apply to everyone, but in reality are ONLY used against Whites. Same trick over and over. They come up with something that could superficially apply to all of society, but in reality ONLY attacks Whites.

    Respectable Conservatives ALWAYS fall for it. So do a lot of AMPWs.

    Pointing out this obvious attack on Whites is powerful. Getting Normal Whites to accept it takes a while, but it does sink in.

  3. #3 by Harumphty Dumpty on 09/18/2013 - 6:58 pm

    “We have not destroyed ‘anti-racism,’ but it has suffered such a beating that even the NAACP spokesman had to use ‘anti-racial.'”

    Well, it did surprise me that he made that change, so maybe I’m wrong, but I’ll continue on the bent I just posted on to the preceding blog: I don’t think “anti-racism” is taking much of a beating yet. I think the NAACP guy was just reacting to the specific beating it took right there in Eugene from that banner. What we need most right now is 50 more Jimmy Marr’s all over the place. And I think that worth mentioning, because I know at least two of you…no, three…who are in contact with a fair number of people who would be that active, but aren’t fully mantrified yet. If we could create just a little more activity of Jimmy’s type, and it might be catching.

    I think “One Race Diversity” is a great idea. My ear and brain stumbled over it when Laura said it in her video reply to the Eugene TV station, but after I thought about it, I realized what you were up to! It’s a core issue, and people’s initial bafflement will just serve to make a bigger deal of the phrase and its meaning. I really, really like it!

    “If this is a workers’ paradise, why are there guards with guns to keep us from leaving?”

    “If diversity is so wonderful, why does only one race have to practice it?”

  4. #4 by Harumphty Dumpty on 09/18/2013 - 7:03 pm

    My main point is that I think “One Race Diversity” is a great idea!

    I want to bring this petition to everyone’s attention:

  5. #5 by The Old Man of the Mountain on 09/18/2013 - 9:36 pm

    Coach, I immediately thought of you.

    There is another Trucker’s Strike in Washington DC planned, and this time they are demanding a political revolution, besides reducing the cost of fuel (which is killing commerce in the USA).

    You might feel like getting involved in one again.

    Read their list of demands at this location:

    You can get them to add on that we want to STOP WHITE GENOCIDE!

    STOP WHITE GENOCIDE in Washington DC!

  6. #6 by OldBlighty on 09/19/2013 - 7:30 am

    Oppose EU planned white genocide – Lobby MEP’s tonight!

    • #7 by Kanintass on 09/19/2013 - 7:46 am

      @OB I love their little mini in the end of the article:
      War is NOT Peace. Slavery is NOT Freedom. And Genocide is NOT Tolerance!

  7. #8 by Bob on 09/19/2013 - 9:50 am

    HD, re: Comment 3, yes, you’re wrong.
    Was this just a crocthety reaction or did you have a reason for it?

  8. #9 by Bob on 09/19/2013 - 9:51 am

    “Genocide is NOT Tolerance!”

  9. #10 by Kanintass on 09/19/2013 - 10:06 am

    Bob: Unfortunately I can’t take credit for that, thats from the BNP article that OB linked to.
    quoting is NOT Inventing! 😉

  10. #11 by Harumphty Dumpty on 09/19/2013 - 2:45 pm

    Part of my reasoning is in the comment I made to your preceding blog:

    I don’t agree with the following though, as it’s worded:

    “…confidence in their main and often most used weapon, ‘anti-racism,’ has been badly shaken.”

    Jimmy’s action wasn’t one of many of its kind. It was the FIRST placing of our signature phrase where it would get major media attention to the extent of getting the FIRST-ever televised response from mainstream anti-white groups like the NAACP, so far as I know.

    So it’s just a beginning, a first step.

    It shows the POTENTIAL of the weapons you’ve given us to “badly shake” anti-whites’ confidence in their main weapon, “anti-racism.” It doesn’t show that we’ve already shaken it, except in that one event in that one locale.

    Here’s what I think: “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white” is so powerful in identifying “anti-racism” as “anti-whitism,” especially in a setting so powerful as a banner on a freeway overpass, that that NAACP negro’s need to use some other term than “anti-racist” in order to distance himself as far as possible from “anti-whitism” was an effect of the banner ALONE. Or at least principally, by a long shot.

    I think that NAACP leaders in the rest of the country, not having been exposed to an action like the banner, would still happily say today that they are “anti-racist.”

    Bob, do you think they wouldn’t?

    Also, what do others here think? I don’t even have a TV or read newspapers very much.

    • #12 by Harumphty Dumpty on 09/19/2013 - 2:46 pm

      Bob, this comment was meant to be a reply to your comment to me just above.

  11. #13 by Harumphty Dumpty on 09/19/2013 - 4:33 pm

    I think the charge of “racist” is weakening, and I think we’ve contributed to that, but the impressions that penetrate my fairly hermit-like existence are that that is happening even among Whites who’ve never been exposed even very indirectly to our own efforts.

    In the two years I’ve been here I’ve always seen us as just beginning, and I still see us that way. If I’m wrong, then good-oh! If I’m right, then it’s dangerous to have an overblown opinion of what we’ve achieved and then suddenly awaken to reality and be overwhelmed with discouragement.

    Bob, honestly this statement makes me nervous because I’m afraid of how newcomers will interpret it:

    “Keeping up our covering Mantra fire, we can try other means of taking out this ‘diversity’ crap they hide behind.”

    If it had been worded this way, I wouldn’t be nervous:

    “Spreading the Mantra will remain our principal task, and it will also provide covering fire as we try other means of taking out this ‘diversity’ crap they hide behind.”

    As I’ve said a couple of places before, I think introducing the phrase “one race diversity” is a great idea. But I know and I’ve seen how eager pro-whites are to replace something with something else. I think keeping the Mantra intact for as long as it still describes shifting reality is going to be a challenge.

    • #14 by Harumphty Dumpty on 09/19/2013 - 4:39 pm

      “then it’s dangerous…”

      More importantly, bad decisions get made in that circumstance.

  12. #15 by Jason on 09/19/2013 - 6:18 pm

    As always, the graphics are Gold!

  13. #16 by Frank on 09/19/2013 - 11:55 pm

    Wow! Had to re-register and get a new password, and it’s impossible to remember.

    Just wanted to say that yesterday I used “One Race Diversity is Genocide” as the clincher-line in a few minis, and it caught quite a crowd of anti-Whites. One even noted that “See how he ends all his comments with One Race Diversity is Genocide?” So, it was obviously memorable enough to “stick” to anti-White minds.

    Didn’t post to Swarm since only now have I had access here. Nice to be back.

  14. #17 by Frank on 09/20/2013 - 12:08 am

    HD, you might like to know that the “two-liner” that really stirred things up, and got lots of attention was a combo of your and Bob’s lines above. It was:

    “If diversity is so wonderful, why does only one race have to practice it?

    One Race Diversity is Genocide”.

    Just those two lines drove the anti-Whites up a wall and into attack mode. They attacked, but never got the upper hand. It just kept going out, over and over again.

    But in the end, even an Indian Guy (it was that thread about Miss America) responded, “Hey, this guy has a point. Why don’t you put aside your preconceived ideas and think about it!”.

    Just wanted to report that to both Bob and HD. Needless to say, I think this “next step” line works.

    • #18 by Henry Davenport on 09/20/2013 - 1:22 am

      It sounds like you had a fun day yesterday! 🙂

      That combo reads well to me, and I love it that my part just sprang from Bob’s,

      “If this is a workers’ paradise, why are there guards with guns to keep us from leaving?”

      Often times we should probably just baffle them though by using just the phrase “one race diversity” alone, so

    • #19 by Henry Davenport on 09/20/2013 - 3:28 am

      I bet “One Race Diversity” is going to be huge for us. Three memorable words that express the whole contradiction of the Mantra vividly (now that the initial weirdness has worn off for me) and are a synonym for White Genocide.

      I begin to see it now, and it’s very beautiful. Thanks, Bob.

    • #20 by Simmons on 09/20/2013 - 11:51 am

      The question form works. We are the interrogators, even our statements of fact are meant to prep the field for interrogation.

      But as I have long said our side’s intellectuals are the key stumbling point. First is they actually refuse to grow up beyond being some undergrad class president, second they actually start collecting followers who think the old failed ways of the past “heroes” of the movement just have to be shouted louder.

      Look at the North Dakota fiasco, utter fail, probably a bunch who read “White Power” and that was that, just another bunch of followers of a membership org doomed to fail.

      These “leaders” are the block, imagine thousands of BUGsters.

  15. #21 by Bob on 09/20/2013 - 12:24 pm

    As to shaking the term “anti-racist,” HD is making a standard mistake: He thinks I am referring to the latest news item.
    I used the NAACP saying “anti-racisl” as a later demonstration, but I noticed a drastic decline in the use of “anti-racist” because I have been looking at it carefully for a couple of years.
    This is my profession. I would NEVER declare something a fact from one piece of news or Jews!
    No, HD, on this we are NOT on hte same wavelength.
    At all.

    • #22 by Henry Davenport on 09/20/2013 - 1:37 pm

      Okay, Bob, since you’ve been following it, I accept your evaluation. I haven’t been following it, and some comments you’ve made gave me the mistaken impression that you follow the pulse of the country now as little as I do. I wondered about that at the time, and I’m sorry that I misunderstood your comments.

      I wish I knew where to see such changes without exposing myself to the unbearable crap that’s on TV, movies, in newspapers, and in private conversation as well.

      I haven’t been conscious of anti-whites or anyone except ourselves ever using the term “anti-racist” at all, except for the group that has the term in their name, “Anti-Racist Action.”

      Googling it, I see that maybe I just haven’t noticed, although it does seem to appear mainly in titles.

      I HAVE noticed, as I said, that more mainstream whites are pushing back against charges of being “racist” than did a few years ago.

      • #23 by Henry Davenport on 09/20/2013 - 1:39 pm

        redaction: “…more mainstream whites are dismissing charges of being “racist” than did a few years ago.”

  16. #24 by Bob on 09/20/2013 - 1:44 pm

    HD, it is hard to explain, but I think you understand, that one of the reasons I was able to predict elections with what was described as an “uncanny” accuracy was because I DIDN’T keep up with the news.

    • #25 by Henry Davenport on 09/20/2013 - 2:01 pm

      Lol! So many things I could say. I know you’re an intuitive genius, as well as a genius who works things out. I didn’t gush as much as I felt like gushing last night when the full power of “One Race Diversity” finally sank into me, but I really just sat and enjoyed the beauty of it for a long time, much as when a tangled math idea used to suddenly appear whole to me, in all its simple beauty.

      I often notice that people who aren’t as smart as me forget they aren’t as smart as me. You must often notice the same thing in people like myself. It seems to be human nature that at whatever capacity for understanding each of us have, we try to feel like we have a grip on things.


  17. #26 by Bob on 09/20/2013 - 2:22 pm

    HD, your praise gave me another inspiration.
    I have been trying to decide BETWEEN “”Diversity just means less white people” and “One Race Genocide.”
    What about a one-two combo:
    “Diversity just means less white people —
    One Race Diversity is Genocide.”

    • #27 by Henry Davenport on 09/20/2013 - 2:58 pm

      My first take is that neither of the first two phrases is very good on their lonesome.

      It took me about 10 minutes, but I like the combo you suggest. It seems to me initially less clear than the combo that Frank had success with,

      “If diversity is so wonderful, why does only one race have to practice it?

      One Race Diversity is Genocide”.

      …but in the long run it may be stronger. It seems more decisive. I guess by virtue of being both a declarative statement and a shorter statement.

      I’m off to lunch! 😀

  18. #28 by --Asgardian117 on 09/20/2013 - 3:51 pm


  19. #29 by Jason on 09/20/2013 - 8:27 pm

    One Race Diversity has great potential. Here are some suggestions, which are NOT final suggestions, but just a way to stimulate brainstorming. I need new Minis!

    Diversity is for White only.

    Only Whites need “diversification”

    Some things are still White Only. No Black, Asian or Muslim area needs diversity.

    Anti-Whites say ONLY Whites need diversity and the method is genocide.

    Diversity is the codeword, genocide the method, extinction the goal.

    Anti-Whites use the codeword “diversity” because it sounds better than GENOCIDE.

    Only Whites need this ongoing program of genocide called “diversity”.

    • #30 by Henry Davenport on 09/20/2013 - 10:21 pm

      This one:

      Anti-Whites use the codeword “diversity” because it sounds better than GENOCIDE.

  20. #31 by Jay on 09/21/2013 - 10:20 am

    “Diversity means fewer White People.

  21. #32 by Bob on 09/21/2013 - 11:14 am

    I had not READ Frank’s statement that he had TRIED his combo and it WORKED!
    I defer to one has TRIED it, and if you had done this, I wold give you hell.

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