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Posted by Bob on May 6th, 2006 under Comment Responses

I have no comment when someone is right.

In reference to John Quicy Adams’ words as Secretary of State, “America is the friend of Liberty everywhere, but the guadian onlyof our own,” Tim says:

John Quincy Adams stated this principle as Secretary of State when he wrote, “Americans are the friend of Liberty everywhere, but the guardians only of our own.”

Well now we know. John Quincy Adams was not a NeoCon. Cheney just got done threatening Russia over the ‘lack of freedom’. Hell, the Russians are more free than us. I like the above John Quincy’s quote. It works. But my how times have changed. These so-called Conservatives!!—I would not conserve any of them. That goes for Pat Buchanan as well. He writes the death of the West in the year 2000 and he was in the White House selling me out before I was even born! The nerve of him. What a joke of a White man.

Now we all get the privileged of Cheney hacking on Russia. It is easy for a self hating white animal like Cheney to do. Russia is all White and Christian. So of course the NeoCons hiss they are Naziswhoaregoingtokillsixmillionjews. These so-called conservatives have in last week called Putin Hitler AND Stalin!! Well which is it?? Or is he both. Meanwhile, we have the anti-racist’s turning up the heat on little attacks on little black folk in Russia (of course they never mention black on white crime anywhere else like in SOUTH AFRICA were farmers are getting ethnically cleansed and of course they never mention that blacks should not be in Russia). The larges Human Rights group is now on Russia’s back about “racism”. And Wolfowitz is calling for more ‘immigration’ into Russia.

Of course, this makes me a little hot on a Saturday morning. When is anyone going to stand up a be a man in Washington?? There has to be someone there that has not sold out? Probably behind the scenes things are happening. I cannot believe Harvard releases a study on Jewish Power by accident.

Of course, there is good news in this. Dogs don’t bark at ghosts. Dogs bark at real threats. Russia is now going to be the Bronze country. That is the title given to the country with the third most Dollar Reserves (gold is Japan and silver is China). They have the largest reserves of Gold and gobs of Oil. They are also practically debt free. Neocons don’t all that. (I had to end this on good news).

The Asians may be Silver and Gold in Reserve terms. But they got off easy. All White countries are handicapped. We have Neocons trying to murder us in our sleep.

Comment by Tim

  1. #1 by kane on 05/06/2006 - 3:03 pm

    Muhhh, if I had to vote between Buchanan and Hitler, I would choose Buchanan. I bet that p*sses you off, lol.

  2. #2 by Tim on 05/06/2006 - 6:04 pm


    If you are going to get all hypothetical, lets do it right. I mentioned Stalin as well. Of course, he makes Adolf Hitler look like a light weight–even in regards to how he handled the Jews. When a Jew jumped on the wrong side of Uncle Joe –he did NOT give any train rides. Of course, little Adolf becomes a big bad bogey man.

    Little Adolf saw a million of his country men and women starve to death under a Jewish boycott. We know it was a Jewish boycott of Germany. They announced it as such in the New York Times and every other paper. So really it did not matter who came to power in Germany. Joe Smith, Gerhard Sulzberger, Adolf Hitler etc.,..whoever came to power was NOT going to be nice and lovable. They certainly would not be good for the Jews. Such is life. You never know what someone is going to be like until they get into office. No one knew Adolf Hitler would be ADOLF HITLER until he became ADOLF HITLER.

    Many politicos write books and then get into office and run the other direction. Adolf Hitler was not a Politico. He was a revolutionary. He actually did what he said he was going to do! You can say he was the originalNaziwhowasgoingtokillsixmillionjews BUT you cannot say he wasn’t honest. Just read his book.

    Patrick Buchanan represents all I loath. He is the type of conservative that would show up in my neighborhood and shove me on a bus he would never put his kids on. All the while preaching civil rights or some nonsense. Then immediately jump into his Mercedes and get back out to the suburbs so him and John McCain can have a BBQ.

    My point is simply this. If I were to find out that Adolf Hitler was going to rise from the grave tomorrow. And he was going to GAS Cheney, Buchanan,McCain and all the other Neocons (as well as all their allies). My only response would be a question:”Can I watch?”

    The most ironic thing about Adolf Hitler right now is that IF he did rise from the grave. He would find himself a hero to the BROWN world and NOT the White world. If he were to announce his intentions to NUKE Israel—–he would have to take a number and get in line. That’s Irony.

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