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Mommy Professor’s Gender

Posted by Bob on May 6th, 2006 under Musings about Life

For the person who has not outgrown his college education, the professor is a surrogate Mommy, telling him what he should believe. In fact this person is a perfect example of the Victorian prude Mommy Professor is supposed to reject, banning all reference to any Forbidden Subject.

But when I am talking about Mommy Professor should I say “he” or “she,” or should I use the generic term “it.” to indicate Mommy Professor is a phenomenon, not a human being?

Most professors are thught of as male. But Mommy is female.

The most accurate and descriptive pronoun for Mommy Professor is one I cannot use here.

It is a contraction of “she” and “it.”

  1. #1 by PeterGene Budarick on 05/06/2006 - 8:38 pm

    She it that was a great Blog Bob.

    I got a belly wobble up.

  2. #2 by Mark on 05/06/2006 - 10:39 pm

    The most accurate and descriptive pronoun for Mommy Professor is one I cannot use here.

    It is a contraction of “she” and “it.”

    Why not use the word “dung”? It is not so vulgar as the word you give hint to but old-word enough to send our near-illiterate college grad friends racing for their 99cents pocket dictionaries.

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