Archive for May 9th, 2006

Great Quote on Immigration

“the do-gooders may be doing their last service to humanity for the humanity they’re
helping will most certainly eat their flesh.”


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What It AIN’T

Believe it or not, there was a time when immigrants were often grateful for America.

Forty years ago, The Reader’s Digest quoted an Italian immigrant who was listening to an American criticize America. His response was, “You just don’t know what America AIN’T!”

You will never hear a Mexican, as he whines about how he came here to make his family better off, complain about MEXICO doing anything wrong.

The article below reminded me of many, many things that AIN’T.

We have pretty well won the impossile battle to prove that blacks and whites have widely different IQs. You can tell it because when Rushton and Jensen had a lead article in a flagship publication in psychology, no one even bothered to say it was heresy anymore.

When we win, the response of the establishemnt is to forget the debate ever took place.

Half of the science fiction movies used to feature the proven fact that atomic weapons caused genetic mutations.

As I announced here recently, theyhave completely given up on trying to say that the Japanese A-Bombs actually caused a single genetic mutation.

In the 1960s every single thing people laugh at today was not just a theory, but absolutelyly required orthodoxy.

Each and every brown country’s plight WAS the white man’s fault. Every single non-white country was backward BECAUSE it had had a special bad time. If you disuputed that, you were a Nazi.

This sounds silly today, but it was SERIOUS then.

We were dealing with people who were completely convinced that all non-whites were white people with tans. They BELIEVED it. They REQUIRED it.

Awful as rap and other manifestations of Multiculturalism are, you are no longer SILENCED in talking about race.

Back then only Southerners had ever MET non-whites outside of a university, and there was no affirmative action, so the non-whites they did know, if they knew any, were like them.

For me today’s discourse is breath of FREEDOM, incredible as that may seem to you.

The Death of the white man, aka, The Death of the West, is up front and center. You really can’t imagine how frustrating it was to think about htis but be completely unable to make anybdoy believe it.

CONDITIONS have gotten worse, but DISCOURSE is far, far easier.

Those of us who fought those battles will never be able to make it clear how many victories we won. People hear only silence about the gods we overthrew in those days. And the people on our side are so obsessed with the worse CONDITIONS we warned about that they cannot see how anything could have gotten better.

And, of course, no one today can see that we predicted the present situation. We lived for the time when this racial crisis would get to the present point. Back then everybody laughed at you if you predicted today.

It is impossible for many today to see hte potential we have newly won, precisely becasue things are now reaching crisis stage.

Believe me, if it hadn’t been for us Aragorns out there swinging our broken swords in those times, there would be as little hope today as the whiners say there is.

From my point of view, it is easy to see how weak our enemies have bcome, because we saw them at their height.


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You are a real relic!

Back in 50s and 60s the Soviets would blame the failure of their insane collective fam system on “bad weather,” and antis would explain how yet another poor brown country had “problems,” or it would be just as well off as the West.

This crap became a joke forty years ago, and it it’s kind of pathetic to see you are still back there.

Mexico has just had all that bad luck. Ghana has just had all that bad luck.

Brazil just has awful luck.

Every brown country, like every year of Soviet agriculture, just had bad luck.

You ought to get back on the “It’s all the white man’s fault” line. A lot of people just eat up guilt, and that line still sells in a diminshing number of cases.


Using Latin America as an example is fine, except that it has a shared history, and this confounds the value of the comparison. It is difficult to argue that these countries have not had more than their share of problems in the last 200 years. On the other hand, so have several predominantly white countries at various times in their history. Clearly, there are factors other than interracial breeding that can cause problems, and any attempt to link the problems of Latin America to race must account for these factors as well.[/QUOTE]
