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Irony is not for the Superficial

Posted by Bob on March 20th, 2011 under General

Irony is not allowed in respectable conservatives.

To be respectable conservative your discussion must be long, verbose, preferably with a few big words thrown in and lots of references to some Critociticologenous in the fourteenth century, whose real name was probably Smith.

When you can’t impress people with your thinking, you can cow ‘em with your Greek.

I was looking at the White Genocide project and I noticed one of this type there, declaring that the really important thing was to use a term like Euro instead of white people. He said that anything else would have a “Made in America” look. As a comment, it would been OK, but he went on and on about it, how he knew how to influence European thought and this was the wrong way.

I can’t see any sign of him influencing European thought. I also note that the reason every European country has adopted the term “multicultural” is because it was Made in America.

Every country in Europe thought it had a culture of its own, but the minute New York and San Francisco took over they all, every single one of them, set up whole multicultural programs.

There is a piece somewhere on the net called “debunking Bob Whitaker.” The words flow, but there is no meaning in them.

This is another example of one of my favorite expressions of irony:

“It sounds obscure but it is actually meaningless..”

It’s the old bit that terrifies respectable conservatives when one of the liberals they worship threatens to say it: “You just don’t agree with me because you don’t Understand.”

Buckley was the ideal conservative because he trailed along behind Galbraith who was a REAL WASP professor at Harvard, with no stain of Catholicism or Southernness about him, and he was willing to be seen in public with Bill.

When a lot of people pointed out that Buckley’s New Love, the neoconservatives, were just rats deserting a sinking ship, the replied, “Well, why shouldn’t rats desert a sinking ship?”

It is not surprising that those rats took over National review at the end of Buckley’s career.

One of my best friends at National Review, Bill Rusher, wrote a history of the conservative movement right after Reagan’s election. He showed it was by getting the Wallace vote that the Reagan majority was formed.

But he spent half the book praising and thanking and doing kow-tows to neoconservatives for the Ivy Leaguers and New Yorkers who had left the sinking liberal ship and condescended to switch to be against liberals. He admitted they had nothing to do with the Reagan victory, “But…” he said, and went on and on about how glorious and wonderful they are to speak with such as he the way a peasant would go on if the King visited his village.

People on that level of superficiality would never understand irony.

People on that level of superficiality are AFRAID of irony.

  1. #1 by Epiphany on 03/20/2011 - 6:25 am

    What we need is our own Zine!

  2. #2 by Gavin on 03/20/2011 - 7:46 am

    I hate that kind of butt kissing. I run into anti-whites all the time with this strange attitude. They will announce proudly, “I am an educated person” which disgusts me, they are bragging about being an intellectual slave.

    Buckley felt inferior to the REAL WASP so he would try and please them. I see the same sort of thing happening with the anti-whites. I get the impression that a lot of anti-whites are just people who developed an inferiority complex about being unintelligent. They see Mommy Professor as smart and think that if they blindly repeat what Mommy Professor says then people will think that they are smart too.

    I am revolted whenever I see some cowardly respectable conservative act as if the stupid liberal is actually making any sense. The liberals try to convince people that common sense is wrong and the respectables help them do it by not laughing them out of town.

  3. #3 by Dave on 03/20/2011 - 11:13 am

    There is always a comeuppance waiting in the wings for superficial people. Actually, this is a big part of the story of America.

    It is like John McCain, whose life is a good metaphor for this. Leave aside his Vietnam adventures. That was just the consequences of his youthful macho recklessness, which turned out to be very costly to a lot people besides himself. Be he survived it, so it became an adventure and a story.

    He then spent the rest of his life absolutely giddy (drunk really) we his undeserved affluence and personal comfort.

    This is the story of America, and much of Europe also.

    These fantasies, held so dearly by white liberals and respectables, are there solely because of their affordability.

    It is all about undeserved affluence and comfort. The nonwhite world has nothing to do with it. The nonwhite world is a separate matter entirely.

    God shall put paid to all of this. It is in the nature of the way things truly work. But whether our hordes of white fools learn anything from it is an unanswerable question.

    I am too full of resentment to care.

  4. #4 by Peter Whiterabbit on 03/20/2011 - 12:48 pm

    On a thread about the nuclear reactor leaks in Japan, I wrote that I would feel better about the situation if white men were in charge because creative solutions may be required. A respectable pro-white (?) responded by saying how high the Japanese IQ was and how much better they are at handling such complex issues while we are bumbling fools incapable of unclogging a toilet.

    A mantra-type response followed by another person who said whites have “farmer smart type common sense ingenuity”. I thought that was a perfect description of our race and BUGSters.

    Getting a high score on an IQ test and a piece of paper from a professor shows how “smart” you are. But you can’t eat a piece of paper or an IQ test. Farmer smart feeds people. Farmer smart gets results.

  5. #5 by Christian M on 03/20/2011 - 2:44 pm

    Very pleased to see Ole Bob Whitaker is reading about the White Genocide Evidence Project!

    The White Genocide Evidence Project will be the business card we slip in the anti-White’s pocket (and hand out to all innocent bystanders) after he is knocked out cold from the Mantra Hammer!

    Please folks, keep up the submissions!

  6. #6 by Frank on 03/20/2011 - 7:04 pm

    Simmons, I’ve heard you and Bob remonstrating against the N & J thing for some time now. I understood it “intellectually”, but it’s finally really hitting me at a level where I can see how DUMB it is when “our people” think they’re going to tell history stories, name philosophers, and explain religion and theory for god knows how long.

    It’s like these people are “getting off” on displaying their “erudition”, and can’t see that this stuff is a waste of time, and convinces NOBODY.

    I see Simmons attacking this all the time, but don’t see people “getting” his point. They just keep hauling out the ancient history to “prove” how white folks are good. Arrrrrghh.

    Like old Bob’s story about some people being dumber than insects, just continuing to do the same thing that doesn’t work instead of GOING AROUND it and hitting the problem from an angle that does work.

    THE MANTRA focuses on ripping holes in the “anti-racism” thing the enemy uses to keep us pent up in our own personal “Pale of the Settlement”. That’s been effective wherever I’ve used it.

    I think it’s time to spread the same attack to other words, other enemy silliness. Why stop at “anti-racism”? Why not attack and take down enemy memes like “xenophobia”, “inclusion”, “tolerance”, “Universal Rights”, “Pluralism”, “Multiculturalism”, and many more?

    Each and every one of these words is essentially anti-White, in the way it’s normally used. We need to broaden out from knocking the crap out of “anti-racism” into knocking the crap out of ALL these things.

    Maybe we need some special language, a sort of “re-tuning” of the Mantra, to handle the different words. Same excellent mantra technique, but retuned to address each and every one of these anti-white labels.

    I’m listing them, and listing how to to “translate” each one into something the Mantra can smash, with a few slight changes. Would love to hear if anyone thinks this “broadening” of the “front” is good, or perhaps might water down the original attack on the “Race Problem”.


  7. #7 by Simmons on 03/21/2011 - 10:16 am

    Frank IMO the phrase “anti-white” is a catchall for all that you mention, because frankly like the Mantra states all that junk is aimed at whites only.

    As for “erudition” it is a way for people to act smart, and which I am fully guilty of as well. I have opinions on everything, but I gotta stay focused, and from the GCs section that is plenty of motivation.

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