Archive for August, 2011

Short One

EG — Liberal Freedom of Speech = Fredom of Speech for Liberals



The Swarm and the Alamo

Our new Swarm format allows me us to count the number of Swarm, and separately the number of separate people making them.

What is critical here is the demonstration of a point I keep ,making: In our seminar you learn the difference between real political struggle and what most people see it as. Most people see politics as torch light parades or the thousands at a rally when The Candidate shows up at a news clip rally.

Compared to their effect, our numbers are miniscule.

If you read the Swarm you will see more than one commenter saying that he noted a link and they SWARMED it.

On the other side, they are bitching about the repetition of the Mantra and swearing they are going to explode when it is repeated AGAIN.

Yet the total number of people reporting in is far less than a hundred in the time since the new format took over.

That’s no torchlight parade. That’s no cheering TV rally clip.

But it IS a Swarm.

This is a simple and critical point.

It is the Alamo and the three hundred Spartans, hopefully in reverse.

How did a hundred and twenty men with muzzle loaders hold off five thousand Mexicans coming in wave after wave? A single real assault weapon today could put out more fire than all those men combined.

I have a strong suspicion one reason was that about every time one of those muzzle loaders fired, a Mexican fell.

Yes, it was a small front, but still, how were tens of thousands of Persians not be able to bear down three hundred men?

Because the three hundred men were Spartiates. They spent their entire lives learning nothing but battle.

Our numbers in Swarm are greatly inferior to either the Alamo or the Thermopylae.

This is a total contradiction to all the Stormfronters who think in terms of a Torchlight parade of millions or a March on Rome. They are puffing and blowing while our Spartiates, our Texans, are a handful in there doing the job.

If the Torchlighters had been at the Alamo or Thermopylae they would have run.

That is why BUGS has more effect, by far, in a month than all the Stormfront chest-beaters have in years.

Every time we shoot we hit one of Santa Anna’s invaders.



Inertia in Action

Everything here is connected.

One commenter made a point of saying “DUHH!” — “If all is mantra why does Bob discuss all these other stuffs?”

Because the Mantra will need years to sink in, and I won’t be here when it does.

Inertia is a major factor in all large, stable societies just as it is factor in large table physical bodies.

And of course I mean relatively stable societies. Even the universe is only relatively stable.

But I have seen things move in power politics and they are very much like the same rules of motion in large planets. A natural satellite may be in a stable orbit for a billion years and then begin to fall out of it. Compared to the agonizingly slow process by which it became unstable in a billion years, the next step is fast.

In a million years it will be wildly unstable. Then a thousand years will see as much change as all that before.

Any pro in power politics will tell you that when you have repeated a telling phrase until you are sure everybody has heard it a hundred times, 99% of the population will have no inkling of it.

Then, after you have given up, like Mussolini’s March on Rome, it will suddenly burst forth.

So I am trying to tie things together for you, and to have you set to think out a program when the change hits.

I don’t want anyone to say “DUHH!” when the time comes.

Right now all public whites claim to represent everybody. They are clinging to the old colonial white supremacy inertia, so it is naturally exactly that that they denounce.

When the day comes that discussing the survival of our own race becomes permissible, the colonial age will at last be over. As usual, this actuality is a complete contradiction to everything that we take for granted today.

The anti-white whites have a feeling that they are the total moral superiors of every other group. If you want to appeal to blacks or Hispanics or Orientals, you have to appeal to the INTERESTS of blacks or Hispanics or Orientals.

It never occurs to the anti-white whites that their fixed idea that only whites naturally sacrifice their existence without thinking of it is an assumption of moral superiority that would make a slave holder look democratic by comparison.

This will take a LONG time to sink in. But it is part of what the Mantra carries with it. And when the implications hit, we are going to have to start thinking ahead.



Jews and Dungeons and Dragons

If you actually read what I said in “A Simplistic View of History” you see that it would be termed anti-Semitic and banned outside the US. But its outstanding trait is that it makes Jews into human beings.

European law requires the assumption that Jews, unlike any other race on earth at any time, are incapable of normal human actions and reactions. So in my historical view they are in the same category as original settlers, the Americans those original settlers turned into, not the New England Brahmins who took over the country from the other white native Americans.

But Jews are, according to everybody’s law outside the US and the US laws if liberals and respectable conservatives had their way, incapable of any human act which might be taken as normal for anyone else. My history would be perfectly legal if it had stopped with the New Englanders. Even liberals would not have objected.

Only respectable conservatives would have denounced the idea because the ruling group that was closest to them was the old New-England based Robber Barony.

The complication required of someone to write in Europe and stay out of jail is truly childish.

In fact, adulthood is measured by how far you get away from the idea of a knight errant and a fair princess versus the evil ogre. European law requires you to live in that world, the Jews are perfect and the white goyim are evil. If you gave that sort of analysis in any other area of life your family would receive solicitations from retarded homes.

That is why I keep telling you that you avoid specific policy suggestions. Instead, you use any such demand as a springboard to demand, once again, that we first be allowed to DISCUSS the issue before we make policy proposals.

Presently the situation is exactly like one in which someone says to you, “We live in a world of Dungeons and Dragons. If you deny that you will be arrested or lose your job or both. What is your proposal for this world of Dungeons and Dragons?”

You aren’t really needed. Respectable conservatives get paid big money to do THAT proposing.



A Simplistic View of American History

The general outline of American history goes thusly:

Northern Europeans took it from the Indians under the English flag.

Americans took it from the British.

New England then took it from the Americans.

Then the Jews took it from the New Englanders.

Now the minorities the Jews used to take it from New England hate Jews, openly and with a passion.

What we call conservatives want the country back in New England hands. Those we call liberals want it back in Jewish hands.

Here is the Whitakerism: You can get more out of analyzing the few sentences above than by reading a hundred tomes.

But reading tomes isn’t WORK. You can just sit there with your mouth open and go through words. Every second of taking a few short sentences like this apart and fitting or contrasting them with reality is WORK.

WORK for which Mommy Professor has crippled us.

History talks about the Virginia Dynasty. For its first 36 years of our existence a man from Virginia was president. John Adams, the only exception, was appointed by Washington and he was the first single termer.

That is a whole generation of Virginia presidents. But Mommy Professor never points out that Virginia had one fifth of the United States, a bigger proportion than California and New York combined.

Political Correctness goes back to the Revolution and indicates it was fought entirely in Massachusetts.
