One thing everybody even remotely familiar with BUGS knows about is the long, long, long, still running campaign to get even the best people to recognize the potential of the Mantra and how hard it is to make the minis and how that can only be done in action.
The difference between kindness and loyalty is the same kind of revelation as the Mantra was! And, tragically, the BUGS Seminar treated it the same way Stormfront did.
So what did I get for it in comments. One person noticed it was a good distinction, the rest just gave me some Stormfront speeches about Racial Loyalty.
I am keeping you after class for this one.
Kindness versus Loyalty means that we will no longer spend our time denying Nazism. Instead we will jam this question down their throats, a question a million miles from any form of totalitarianism or violence: Being kind and loyalty to others is a virtue, but loyalty to All Mankind is an oxymoron or there is no such thing as loyalty.
But is kindness exactly the same thing as loyalty?
The Dante example here puts it on a higher plane.
Not one of the people I thought were actually awake in class got ANYTHING out of this!
More of the same kind of sloppy thinking:
One person in the “work thread” reported a reply, which he laughed at:
“Just when I thought this (Mantra) crap was over, I see this.”
Our worker inserted that as a joke.
It is nothing of the sort to me.
Your reaction to Kindness versus Loyalty and that endless thing about compost when I once again pointed to the end of starvation shows you are getting really SLOW. A giggling report that someone thought we were dying out is the kind of thing sub-amateurs do. it is not a joke.
If you are off the subject, I can go over and amuse myself talking about any subject, I can go over to “Bob’s Meanderings.”
#1 by shari on 09/04/2013 - 12:19 pm
I saw a headline about a man in Texas, who caught a hispanic molesting his little daughter in a shed. He beat the man to death. At one time NOBODY would have questioned or faulted him for doing so. The difference between kindness and loyalty is like that.
#2 by jo3w on 09/04/2013 - 1:10 pm
Only a wordist has the opportunity to be loyal to all mankind. The wordist must first get everyone to believe in his/her universalism. The attempts to make everyone subscribe to a universalism have historically been very unkind.
We don’t do this; we prefer to follow nature.
Is it even possible to be kind to all mankind?
#3 by Linux Lewis on 09/04/2013 - 3:38 pm
I know that Bob just spoke of racial loyalty drivel from stormfronters, but I guess i’m taking that route?
I’m kind to all races of people, but I’m only loyal to mine.
That’s the flawed psychology of the white anti-whites, they think loyalty to whites means HATRED (not just unkindness) to non-whites.
#4 by Linux Lewis on 09/04/2013 - 3:57 pm
btw – the kindness vs loyalty thing is at the CORE of the white anti-white psychology (in my estimation), and it can’t be discussed enough
#5 by tyrfing on 09/06/2013 - 3:49 pm
I hope this doesn’t come across as picking nits, and I hope I didn’t misunderstand, but they don’t “have an anti-white psychology”.
They ARE anti-white.
#6 by Linux Lewis on 09/07/2013 - 11:16 pm
i said white anti-white psychology… and i stand behind it.
#7 by Linux Lewis on 09/07/2013 - 11:30 pm
in fact, from what i get of this post, he is talking about white anti-whites and their lack of understanding loyalty vs kindness, this is due to their psychological conditioning.
If you believe that most white anti-whites are intentionally anti-white, then you would also have to believe the mantra is useless.
Now if your point is that anti-whites are anti-white and should be treated the same, i agree… however, pinpointing the conditioning can help us address it. Which obviously you undersand, because you took the time to write a mini to address it.
#8 by tyrfing on 09/08/2013 - 12:20 am
Yes, anti-whites are intentional.
No, this does not make mantra useless.
We’re not headshrinkers making a diagnosis. A diagnosis is always at least partially exonerating. That is the OPPOSITE of mantra.
Nobody talks of a “mugging psychology.” Muggers are always intentional.
So are anti-whites. The ultimate CONSEQUENCE — white genocide — might not be. Not among Respectables anyway.
What would make the mantra useless is if they had no CONSCIENCE.
#9 by Linux Lewis on 09/08/2013 - 12:59 pm
Assuming you are correct, please explain the following phrase that every bugser has heard:
“How can I be anti-white when I’m white?”.
There is no court that i know which accepts a plea of brainwashed, so this is not partially exonerating anyone
#10 by Linux Lewis on 09/07/2013 - 11:41 pm
in fact – whotf are you? You pretty much took the basis of what i said , turned it into a mini mantra – then stated i was wrong LMAO
#11 by Bob on 09/04/2013 - 4:19 pm
Has anybody asked an antiwhite or anybody outside of BUGS what the difference between loyalty and kindness is?
#12 by Asgardian117 on 09/04/2013 - 5:27 pm
No but ill be sure to asap coach.
#13 by Laura aka minervia on 09/05/2013 - 7:36 am
Loyalty to ALL races is Treason to your Own.
Kindness/Wordism Vs Loyalty/Kinship
There are only two ways you can create a Nation either on a set of words or Kinship.
#14 by Vale on 09/05/2013 - 9:42 am
Being kind is easy: It requires no sacrifice or honesty, and it always makes you look good in public.
#15 by Simmons on 09/05/2013 - 11:05 am
Now I know these are not the words Bob wants to read, but “kindness” as we are speaking of is religious boobery, and it cannot be handled with intellectual debate.
None of what we deal with can be handled by the usual right wing facts and honest debate method.
“Anti-racism” is religious ecstasy, its like going to a vibrant church and starting to clap your hands because of the tempo of the sermons and choir.
“Kindness” is part of this ecstasy religious experience, its the joy of hand clapping and singing. Grown men such as Jared Taylor, RamZPaul, and the clowns at American Conservative are all starting to clap, all their intellectual foo foo is falling away because they never accounted for the ultimate price and responsibility of “anti-racism.”
And that is GENOCIDE.
#16 by Scythian on 09/06/2013 - 11:52 pm
I agree, charity to non-whites is GENOCIDE, it’s treason. It’s true that whites circumnavigated the earth well before starvation in white countries was solved? And that we fed our own (even across oceans), people who looked like us (as Obama says) before we fed non-whites? Otherwise, Mother Theresa would have just stayed in Albania and gotten just as much attention?
I got this outline/script for a green race (w/i the 99% threshold) invasion/immigration story whereby they use third world women as human incubators for green race babies – it’s more cost affective than out of womb womb replicas. They claim equality and supremacy from environmental luck at the same time – classic anti-white double think.
Non-whites would no sooner give up their intermarriage with whites if the baby was ALL white then whites would let go of intermarriage with non-whites if it meant living in a country black and brown guys created.
In a world where Indians and Japanese want blonde babies, non-whites who want to preserve their own kind, people who look like them (as Obama says) might want to bargain with us BUGS.
#17 by Jason on 09/05/2013 - 10:22 pm
“Just when I thought this (Mantra) crap was over, I see this.”
This is an aside, bu to be clear, I am getting more complaints than ever that they are TIRED of seeing the Mantra so much.
Bob, you might want to monitor the following thread to get a feel for how Anti-Whites are responding. We update it with our most outlandish responses from Anti-Whites. It’s a way for us to share some of the outlandish things we get.
Here is the link:
On Kindness vs Loyalty, my brain is too fried right now, but that looks like something we need to wrap our head around. Right now, gotta wrap a pillow around head.
#18 by Jason on 09/05/2013 - 10:26 pm
Just to be clear, I am getting more complaints than ever about the Mantra. They are SO tired of it.
Bob, you might want to monitor the following thread to see how Anti-Whites are responding. We update it with our worst responses from Anti-Whites. It’s a way to update each other and sometimes be amused at their rage.
Here is the link:
#19 by tyrfing on 09/05/2013 - 10:30 pm
Anybody can be kind to anybody. Even strangers. Kindness is easy.
The loyalty of strangers is an oxymoron.
Loyalty can only come from and be given to your own.
A man who says he’s loyal to everybody is loyal to nobody.
A man who urges you to elevate kindness above loyalty is inciting treason.
Nobody says a black man is being unkind when he expresses loyalty to black people.
Nobody says a Chinese man is being unkind when he expresses loyalty to Chinese people.
Only whites are told that being loyal to their own kind is unkind.
They say that kindness demands whites lose their homes and their countries to non-whites.
What they really are is anti-white.
#20 by OldBlighty on 09/05/2013 - 11:01 pm
#21 by tyrfing on 09/06/2013 - 10:49 pm
The end is still muddled. It needs work.
#22 by tyrfing on 09/05/2013 - 10:48 pm
Slight modification:
They say that their kindness demands whites surrender their homes and their countries to non-whites.
What they really are is anti-white.
(Gotta personalize.)
#23 by Asgardian117 on 09/05/2013 - 11:29 pm
Very well said..great example.
#24 by seapea on 09/06/2013 - 12:52 am
KINDness / MEANness vs. Loyalty / Treason
Playing with the KINDness / MEANness vs. Loyalty / Treason angles should be fruitful when dealing with our people, even some of those sno-balls!
– If White people are loyal to other White people does that equate to White people being MEAN to non-White people?
– Does KINDness to ALL people require I betray my OWN people, White people?
– Why should a White person be expected to be loyal to words, ideas, institutions but not other White people — Isn’t that MEAN?
For those interested in seeing Dante’s Inferno recreated in Legos, enjoy…
#25 by Herdad on 09/06/2013 - 4:51 pm
Loyalty to ALL Mankind is TREASON to your Own Race. Period
#26 by tyrfing on 09/06/2013 - 11:23 pm
Loyalty to ALL Mankind is an oxymoron, not treason.
A man who CLAIMS loyalty to ALL mankind is either a psychopath or lying to somebody.
#27 by jo3w on 09/06/2013 - 11:21 pm
This is such a squirmy topic. I try to put my finger in it, but right as im about to nail it down, it squirms away from me.
This propisition of kindness vs loyalty makes me feel like I need to choose loyalty or universal kindness…the two cant seem to coexist. The problem is that I dont want to choose, I want to find a way to do both.
Kindness is not the same thing as loyalty. Loyalty has a trust componet built in where as kindness is independent of trust.
Maybe it is “taking advantage of trust” within your own group that gets you that special spot in hell.
Unfortunatly, by the time I get around to asking non bugsters about trust vs loyalty, this tread will be dead.
#28 by tyrfing on 09/08/2013 - 1:13 am
Sometimes loyalty to your own and kindness to your own — let alone everybody — can’t coexist.
A drill sergeant is not very kind to his recruits. He makes their life very difficult indeed in boot camp.
If he did NOT do so, that in fact would be betrayal, because it is his responsibility to try to make them effective fighters who might survive.
#29 by Herdad on 09/07/2013 - 12:29 am
Loyalty to ALL mankind IS treason to your own Race.
Loyalty to ALL mankind is Treason to your own Race.
#30 by dungeoneer on 09/07/2013 - 5:32 pm
The anti-white slogan in reverse order.
Where`s the beef?
#31 by Hexadecimator777 on 09/07/2013 - 6:51 pm
I know this is going to sound like a stormfront reply, but in my opinion, nobody can truly be good without being loyal to their race. Without loyalty, what is kindness? And particularly when you get into these people who are products of the school system, who have this randian mindset where everything has a price on it. In the words of one Anti-White, they care about green. This is indicative of just how sad and empty the average American really is. In my opinion, this makes the White Majority not very nice people. Who would want friends like that?
A little off-topic again, but I recall reading something where evil was defined as the absence of good. In spite of all the empty platitudes about “fairness, equality, and compassion” that these charity types utter, I don’t really see any goodness motivating their actions. I see pride, greed, and lust. Also envy on the part of the non-Whites.
To quote someone else on the subject, an establishment which serves everyone, serves no one at all. Or in our case, a system that serves everyone except the people who are essential for its existence.
I’m sorry if my post wandered a little bit.
#32 by Hexadecimator777 on 09/07/2013 - 6:55 pm
@ Seapea, those are excellent points.
#33 by Bob on 09/08/2013 - 6:52 am
Seapea, dead on target, expect for the modesty crap.
#34 by Sunlit Iceberg on 09/08/2013 - 4:11 pm
In my opinion loyalty is exceptional in its nature. It is based on choice and is opposite to something all inclusive. Kindness can be aimed towards everyone and everything. For a man it’s possible to be kind to all the girls in the world, but it is a kind of difficult to be loyal to all of them when they start to ask the question that is often asked in the movies: “Why don’t you tell her that you love ME?”
One cannot have everything, at least not at once. One usually has to choose what goes first and stick to one’s choice.
As an example: if one chooses to learn a foreign language, it is because one likes that language, not because one hates all the other languages.
But I don’t know if it can be used in practical politics…
#35 by Undercover Lover on 09/08/2013 - 6:21 pm
Well… I asked one of my room mates which was more important. He leans toward the anti-white side of things. At first he said he didn’t know but eventually said loyalty was more important.
#36 by tyrfing on 09/10/2013 - 3:56 pm
Thinking some more about drill sergeants, the difference is this:
Kindness is about surviving together nicely and pleasantly.
Loyalty is about surviving AT ALL.