Archive for September, 2013

The Next Step?


Note the question mark.

The reason for the question mark is to make you hesitate.

By our efforts, and God knows our efforts alone, confidence in their main and often most used weapon, “anti-racism,” has been badly shaken.

We have won a major engagement.

It is time for me to begin to think in terms of a next step, after twenty years on this one.Image Hosted by

But first, you have to read over the last article again, hammering on the difference between newbies and vets.

Our tiny force is, like all grassroot guerrilla forces after a while, divided into the vets and the newbies.   When you mention “Next Step” to such a group, it is the newbies who adopt it as the Law of Moses.

They want to destroy the enemy tomorrow and have their Torchlight Parade the next day.

The vets will not willingly change tactics that work and with which they have been learned to work successfully over years in thousands of direct battles with the enemy.

If we are to try a next step, it is strictly for the vets.

Newbies must stick with the Mantra until they begin to learn what winning is — like it is NOT winning an argument — and eventually constructing minis enough times to SEE which ones REALLY work  versus the ones that give them a satisfactory shock and awe.



Recruits Look for Medals, Vets Fight the War

In becoming a  veteran in any kind of combat two stages are a part of the process:

1) You adapt to actual fighting conditions; then

2) AFTER 1)

You adapt the conditions to you.

In the first shock you realize that you are alone.   The guys beside you are moving, and you may lose them.   Then you’re dead.

It is nothing like the textbooks, which see that the Third Regiment is moving in so and so direction.

You don’t see any Third Regiment.   You see soldiers to your right and left who are on your side and you hear the deadly stuff coming from the other side.    All the training in the world, at least back in my lifetime, doesn’t make you a member of the Third Regiment in that first real engagement.

“In my day.”Image Hosted by

Young guys tell me modern Regular Army Training has performed wonders in this direction, but what you and I are engaged in here is more like the old stuff.   When SPLC hit, I was totally discombobulated at first because I didn’t know how far they would go and many of us are still adjusting to the shock of that first engagement.

And, of course, we have the total difference in the mentality of those who theorize about the struggle and the outlook of those who get out there and RAID! regularly.

Since we have such a combination of experience and theory, newbies and old hands, it is hard for me to make a general recommendation about varying the Mantra.  Newbies need to stick monomaniacally to it until they REALLY know how to gage RESULTS.

And to REALLY learn that RESULTS are not “winning arguments.”

That “Anti-Racist is a Code Word for Anti-White” sign led to newsworthy gathering where anti-whites won all the arguments, because only they were allowed to argue.

But the sign started to put an end to the free and easy use of the word “anti-racist,” one of their major weapons.   It did not “win an argument” or make one of us look like a Respectable Hero, it was a major step in pulling the anti-whites’ very false teeth.

Newbies look for medals.  Veterans look to their part in winning the war.



The Descent Into Hell As Anti-White Strategy

White Genocide moved to a higher level early today at the Washington Navy Yard. The identified murderer, Aaron Alexis, likely did not have a clue about the role the anti-Whites have enabled him to play. Earlier this year a similar atrocity revolved around Christopher Jordan Dorner who killed innocents after nursing a grudge about being fired from the LAPD. The 2010 Hartford Distributors massacre followed the same racial trajectory with Omar Sheriff Thornton angered for being terminated because he stole beer by the case. The pattern is obvious. Image Hosted by

What these Blacks have in common is a sense of entitlement to the jobs that they have lost. Affirmative Action raises people above their level of competence. When they cannot be carried any more they have been taught to blame White Privilege. Using this crutch some small number of the emotionally weak can be relied upon to spread terrorism on the basis of Race.

The disruption of society lowers the cohesion of a people. Fear spreads. Uncertainty preys on the spirit. Birth rates plummet. The Convention against Genocide outlaws: “(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group.” Disrupting the good order of society is a conscious tactic of anti-Whites.

Things have not reached what South African Whites are subjected to, but America is inching closer with each horrific incident. The long term goal is the elimination of the White race. But the steps towards it are small and taken on many paths. You can launch a counter attack by posting the Mantra today.

To defeat anti-Whites the public will have to understand the purpose behind the changes forced upon Americans and Europeans by a hostile elite. Only the Mantra boils the facts down to a palatable tonic that works in technology of today. We are fighting a long term battle, Daily we see the results of the long term strategy of anti-Whites. The Mantra is the battle plan of the counterrevolution.


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The Renaissance Myth

I have said at length, in our age nothing changes faster than history.

After recent advances and discoveries the only reason people aren’t laughing and pointing at historians is because The Silence covers the total idiocy that they preached just a generation back.

So, as I sort of predicted the Twin Towers and Obama and such things, let me tell you something else that will be the Zowie of writers at some future date.Image Hosted by

We are taught that our forefathers never bathed and lingered in caves all through the Middle Ages, and then came The Renaissance.

We are taught that during this glorious Renaissance scholars discovered Classical Writers and, reading Aristotle and Galen and so forth, we began to emerge from the Caves of Darkness into the glorious New World that existed in the Middle East.

The above paragraph is an exact description of what my generation was taught. The only thing that shocks one is that I repeat it so baldly. It is such utter crap that the only way The Silence can ignore it is by never saying it.

The above is what Marxism and Modern Thought were all based on. It is what the New Black History is based on. All the Egyptians were “African,” black-skinned, and everything came from Egypt.

But at the very moment they are recoloring the Egyptians, the whole history they are reciting, all came from Egypt, has been so discredited that The Silence cowers even mentioning it.

The historical WOW that will come is when the full implications of the Renaissance Myth are put together.

Not only did Western Civilization NOT come from discovering Classical Writings, but every single advance in our thought, from medicine to math to engineering, has had to beat down a solid wall of Galen’s Medicine and Aristotle’s bullshit.



The Death of the Old AA

Bill W, founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, took his terminal alcoholism to the world top psychiatrist in Switzerland.   That man, at enormous expense, told him that alcoholism was quite simply a terminal disease.   As with cancer, he had seen a few seemingly miraculous recoveries, but, as in the case of cancer still today, no one can explain those and they are vanishingly rare.
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Then the world’s top psychiatrist, whose name I cannot remember, told Bill W flatly he would have to take his wallet and go elsewhere.

Freud would probably have taken his money until he died drunk and talked about sex.

So Bill W and Doctor Bob established AA before WWII and the drunks saved each other, or at least they had a place to go to die.

AA established a heroic record. What a recovering AA alkie would do for his fellow drunk to keep him from relapsing was heroic.

Routinely heroic, unheralded, and anonymous. A lot of what they did was more dangerous than those in WWII, who bored us all sick with what heroes they were at age 20, did.

But then came the professionals. Psychiatrists, who had opted out of dealing with alkies and junkies before it started to pay, returned.

Then the fight against drug addiction became fashionable.

Clinics became fashionable and profitable. The Recovery Industry charged three hundred bucks a day for AA meetings AND “therapy.”   Therapy, talk sessions by “credentialed experts,” was suddenly in.

I watched the old Bill W business, where unpaid alkies helped new alkies, die. I ended up being the only person who would give a ride to someone who called in asking for one.

But in a way, the old AA worked because it was like us: they didn’t theorize, they went out and TRIED things. If it didn’t work, you would find your sponsorees dying as a result. The old AA worked because it dealt with their realest of realities and adjusted every day.

The industry that has replaced the old AA lives by who gets published in the latest article. Whether anything works means nothing to these paycheck “recovery” pros. It reminds me of many of our membership organizations.
