Archive for September, 2013

An Inquisition Tactic Ended Open Resistance to Integration


Apparently Dr. Duke said that resistance to integration ended with that church bombing.

That is not true and Dave knows it isn’t, so why was this information produced?    It nice and emotional, which might have fit his bill at the moment he said it, or more likely it was a warning against violence to his audience.

Back in the real world the real reason Southern “leaders” switched sides on integration was the provision in the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 that Federal money would be denied to any school district which was not “doing its best” in my wording, to proceed with integration.Image Hosted by

With passage of that bill, any statement against integration by any public official could and would be used in evidence against every school district in their area of representation.

Under the Inquisition, in Soviet Russia and under today’s Hate Speech Laws in Germany,  if the defendant lost the case, any of his lawyers who object to the verdict or declared doubtful any of the facts used in the case is subject to arrest and a prescribed minimum prison term.

Once a subject has been determined, in the Inquisition and in any totalitarian society, all argument is a crime.

Before you say this is theoretical, let me point out, and try to remember, that a number of witnesses in modern democratic Germany have been given prison sentences for testimony they gave in good faith in court.

I remember a case in which a Frenchman was crying and screaming on the stand because the prosecution was threatening to send him to prison then and there if he did not testify the way he had to.

David, whatever his intentions, is helping the Silence cover outright realities that ought to shame even anti-whites.   Nothing will shame a respectable conservative.

Learn to ignore misinformation, no matter how benignly offered.



Fifteen Years! Whew!

On this date in 1998 WhitakerOnline got started.

On this date in 1861 a lesser event got started at Fort Sumter.

We are not really prepared for any kind of celebration because, as White Rabbit just reminded me, we are each an army of one.

To give the first example that occurs to me, when a BUGSER calls for a Swarm, your job is not to comment on it or moan at how few do.   It is simply:  a) you hit that site, a minute’s work or, 2) You DON’T.Image Hosted by

Good BUGSERS make lousy Celebrators.

We don’t spend endless time planning for The Days, be it a celebration or a Torchlight Parade.

We don’t listen for plaudits.   You will feel that “Well done” from your insides that no Rally can provide.

We also don’t make a fetish out of “I don’t need praise.”

All humans need recognition.  But you had better treasure it when I give you a good word, because it is a rare thing.

But for us Aryans, with our natural self-criticism and overactive consciences:   If I think you did it wrong, I will spare no words, and I fully expect that when my criticism is unfair, you will tell me in plain language where I can put it.

The next question is do I face another fifteen years dealing with you turkeys or do I jump off the top of this high-rise?




Stupidity Has Always Been A Capital Crime

That is a quote from Larry Niven, who has used it in many of his science fiction books.

I will now proceed to alienate some of our most fervent supporters, who can go over and give money to some membership outfit, by saying this:

“The Boers deserve everything that happens to them, and more.”

When I tried to talk to them about what would happen if they abandoned their pro-white stand, the big point they made was that their soccer teams could go international.

I ask commenters, what few there are left, not to tell me that proves how right I was.Image Hosted by

Why I keep repeating it for is in the hope that some commenter will cut the Stormfront crap and realize that the Boere were stupid, and stupidity has always, since the days of the dinosaur and before, been a capital offense.

They trusted their old Afrikaaner leaders.  Their old Afrikaaner leaders were betraying them, but even the ones who voted against the fatal change refused to rebel against treason.

I was talking to someone about our victory in the other side’s no longer using the term “anti-racist.”   He said he had seen it used.   I asked him if he had called for a Swarm against it.  He replied that he was one of those who just didn’t get around to the Swarm a lot.

I didn’t say it, but my reaction was, “Then go f… yourself!”

Back here on Planet Earth, you do it or you don’t do it.


Your explanations mean absolutely nothing to reality, and they mean absolutely nothing in reality.

The only difference is no one expects reality to listen to them.  I would appreciate the same courtesy.

Stupidity has always been a capital offense.




My Profs Died!

One of the two Nobel Prize winners who taught me graduate economics just died at the age of 102.

The good die young, so I sort of expect anyone associated with me to live forever.

Dr. Coase left the University of Virginia just a year before he would have been fired.  The new Dean had said repeatedly over the years that when he became Dean he would “clean out that nest of right-wingers in the Economics Department.”

You know all that crap you hear about Academic Freedom?  It never even occurred to anybody that a tenured professor with heretical  Politically Incorrect views could not be gotten rid of ASAP.

My other prof who later won a Nobel Prize got booted by that Dean.  He was James M. Buchanan.

He died this year at the tender age of 93.

The good die young, but these good men’s association with me probably bought them a lot of extra time.

This is the only place you will read about this violation of so-called Academic Freedom, so I thought I’d let you know.




The Nine Commandments

Someone gave a link to a site about Dante’s Inferno, and the first and only thing I read in it was “the nine circles of Hell.”    If you went to a link defining the Commandments and it referred to the Nine Commandments I doubt you would read any further either.

“Why is this disinformation produced?”   I didn’t bother to find.  Have they repealed the Tenth Circle for traitors, or the First Circle, where Virtuous Pagans are not actually tortured?Image Hosted by

That would make the title of Solzhenitsyn’s book, the First Circle, a bit off.

I don’t care.  There is plenty of internet crap where they simply repeal inconvenient facts.  In the Wikipedia version of Zoroaster, it declares his a false religion, that ancient Persia had no effect whatever on Jewish and Christian doctrine, and Z was absolutely sixth century BC, which Christians declare because the first record of Jewish monotheism is seventh century BC.

The BBC version of Zoroaster dates him from 1200 BC or up to a thousand years before.   This would mean that Cyrus, “who did the Lord’s work” for the Jews is likely to have introduced them to monotheism in the form of Zoroastrianism.

My essential point is that one simply cannot use the internet without having “Why is this information produced?” firmly and constantly in mind.

The days of just quoting some source are over.
